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Study on Cultural Connotation of Tattoo Custom in Women of Yi Ethnic Group in Liangshan

作     者:Gaga Mao 

作者机构:The Office of Academic AffairsSouthwest Minzu UniversityChengduSichuanChina 

出 版 物:《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 (当代教育研究(百图))

年 卷 期:2019年第3卷第6期

页      面:27-30页

学科分类:05[文学] 0503[文学-新闻传播学] 

基  金:special funded project of basic scientific research grant for Southwest Minzu University(2019NQN30) general project of research and reform of school-level education and teaching of Southwest Minzu University 2019(1231119022) output of construction project of‘ethnicity language and character information processing laboratory’of key laboratory of Southwest Minzu University. 

主  题:Women of Yi ethnic group Tattoo Cultural connotation 

摘      要:Tattoo custom in women of Yi ethnic group is a human cultural phenomenon with very rich connotation.Its social and psychological motive is complex.It is a comprehensive expression of religion,culture and custom of Yi ethnic group under specific historical and regional conditions.

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