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Development of a Model Driven ACSI Conformance Testing for IEC 61850-Based IED

Development of a Model Driven ACSI Conformance Testing for IEC 61850-Based IED

作     者:Byungtae Jang Alidu Abubakari Namdae Kim 

作者机构:Power System Technology Group Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) Daejeon South Korea 

出 版 物:《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》 (智能电网与可再生能源(英文))

年 卷 期:2018年第9卷第10期

页      面:215-236页

学科分类:08[工学] 081203[工学-计算机应用技术] 0812[工学-计算机科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 

主  题:IEC 61850 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Conformance Testing Model-Based Tool Client-Server Communication Digital Substation Network 

摘      要:Globally, traditional power systems are rapidly transforming towards the adoption of smart grid platforms. Substations which are at the center of the electric power transformation from the power plant are changing to IEC 61850 based digital substations. Therefore, within substation, there is a growing demand for the IEC 61850 based Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). The operation of multiple manufacturers of IEDs in a single digital substation network increases the need for IEC 61850 communications specification conformance diagnosis to ensure interoperability for efficient data exchange between IEDs. The IEC 61850-10 presents test items for diagnosing communication specification conformance. There are many test tools available in the market today to test the compliance of the IEC 61850 communications specifications to the IED. In this paper, we propose a model-based diagnostic method for IED communication conformance testing. The proposed model-based software therefore uses the “drag and drop technique to select the various IEC 61850 communication services (objects) required to design the test case in a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). This makes the service conformance testing more flexible for test engineers and system integrators especially in situations that require test case modifications. Also, the proposed software tool makes it easy to understand the various IEC 61850 services using the friendly GUI.

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