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University International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation

作     者:Peng Du 

作者机构:Dalian Ocean UniversityDalianLiaoning116023China 

出 版 物:《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 (商业经济研究(百图))

年 卷 期:2019年第2卷第6期

页      面:52-56页

学科分类:0502[文学-外国语言文学] 050201[文学-英语语言文学] 05[文学] 

基  金:Liaoning Education Science Planning Project:Research on the development strategy of innovation and entrepreneurship talents in colleges and universities(JG18DB061) Research Project of Liaoning International Education Association:Research on the Development Strategy of International Innovation and Entrepreneur Talents Cultivation Ecology in Colleges and Universities(18LNGJ041). 

主  题:Schools Universities Innovation and entrepreneurship education Talent training model School-enterprise cooperation 

摘      要:Under the background of the implementationof innovative construction in the country, the wholesociety is eager to have a large number of innovativeand entrepreneurial talents. Therefore, as a newera of higher education schools, students must payattention to students’ innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation in the practice of education. At present, manyuniversities in China have adopted the model of schoolenterprisecooperation in the practice of innovationand entrepreneurship education. The following is adiscussion of the feasibility and implementation of theimplementation of the school-enterprise cooperationtalent training model.

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