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Passive eye movements induced by electromagnetic force(EMF) in rats

Passive eye movements induced by electromagnetic force(EMF) in rats

作     者:Yue Yu Jun Huang Chun-Ming Zhang Tian-Wen Chen David S.Sandlin Shao-Xun Wang Alberto A.Arteaga Jerome Allison Yang Ou Susan Warren Paul May Hong Zhu Wu Zhou 

作者机构:Departments of Otolaryngology and Communicative SciencesUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterJackson MS 39216USA Department of OtolaryngologyFirst Affiliated HospitalShanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan Shanxi 030001China MD/PhD ProgramUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterJackson MS 39216USA Pharmacology and ToxicologyUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterJackson MS 39216.USA Neurobiology and Anatomical SciencesUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterJackson MS 39216USA NeurologyUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterJackson MS 39216USA 

出 版 物:《Zoological Research》 (动物学研究(英文))

年 卷 期:2019年第40卷第3期

页      面:211-218页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 07[理学] 

基  金:supported by NIH grants to WZ(R21EY025550 R01DC014930)and HZ(R01DC012060) 

主  题:Eye movement Proprioception Extraocular muscles Stretch reflex 

摘      要:Accurate information on eye position in the orbit is available from visual feedback,efference copy of the oculomotor commands and proprioceptive signals from the extraocular muscles (EOM).Whereas visual feedback and oculomotor commands have been extensively studied,central processing of EOM proprioceptive signals remains to be elucidated.A challenge to the field is to develop an approach to induce passive eye movements without physically contacting the eyes.A novel method was developed to generate passive eye movements in rats.A small rare-earth magnet disk (0.7 mm diameter,0.5 mm thickness) was attached to the surface of a rat s eyeball.A metal rod (5 mm diameter) wrapped with an electromagnetic (EM) coil was placed near the magnet (8-15 mm).By passing currents to the EM coil,electromagnetic force (EMF) was generated and acted upon the magnet and induced passive eye movements.The EMF induced well-defined passive eye movements,whose directions were dependent on current polarity and amplitudes and peak velocities were dependent on current intensity and duration.Peak velocities of the EMF-induced eye movements were linearly related to amplitudes,exhibiting main sequence relationships similar to that of saccades in awake rats and eye movements induced by electrical microstimulation of the abducens nucleus in anesthetized rats.Histological examination showed that repetitive EMF stimulations did not appear to result in damages in the EOM fibers.These results validated the EMF approach as a novel tool to investigate EOM proprioceptive signals and their roles in visual localization and gaze control.

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