


  • 341 篇 期刊文献
  • 5 篇 学位论文
  • 2 册 图书
  • 1 篇 会议


  • 347 篇 电子文献
  • 2 种 纸本馆藏



  • 206 篇 医学
    • 175 篇 临床医学
    • 10 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 8 篇 药学(可授医学、理...
    • 7 篇 基础医学(可授医学...
    • 7 篇 医学技术(可授医学...
    • 6 篇 中西医结合
  • 69 篇 工学
    • 13 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 10 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 9 篇 建筑学
    • 8 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 7 篇 生物医学工程(可授...
    • 5 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 5 篇 生物工程
    • 4 篇 机械工程
  • 53 篇 理学
    • 23 篇 生物学
    • 11 篇 化学
    • 8 篇 生态学
    • 5 篇 数学
    • 4 篇 物理学
    • 3 篇 大气科学
  • 43 篇 农学
    • 10 篇 作物学
    • 10 篇 畜牧学
    • 7 篇 农业资源与环境
    • 7 篇 植物保护
    • 4 篇 林学
  • 10 篇 文学
    • 7 篇 外国语言文学
    • 5 篇 中国语言文学
  • 8 篇 管理学
    • 5 篇 公共管理
  • 6 篇 经济学
    • 3 篇 应用经济学
  • 5 篇 法学
    • 3 篇 社会学
  • 3 篇 教育学
  • 2 篇 历史学
  • 1 篇 艺术学


  • 9 篇 cancer
  • 8 篇 treatment
  • 7 篇 syndrome
  • 6 篇 therapy
  • 6 篇 disease
  • 6 篇 prognosis
  • 5 篇 diabetes
  • 5 篇 diagnosis
  • 5 篇 of
  • 5 篇 tomography
  • 5 篇 chemotherapy
  • 5 篇 hepatocellular c...
  • 4 篇 covid-19
  • 4 篇 imaging
  • 4 篇 depression
  • 4 篇 resistance
  • 4 篇 outcome
  • 4 篇 inflammation
  • 4 篇 artificial intel...
  • 4 篇 coronary


  • 6 篇 emergency surger...
  • 4 篇 department of su...
  • 3 篇 华中科技大学
  • 3 篇 john jay college...
  • 3 篇 o paulo
  • 3 篇 department of ed...
  • 3 篇 都灵理工大学
  • 3 篇 medical oncology...
  • 2 篇 faculty of integ...
  • 2 篇 laboratory of ne...
  • 2 篇 hta unit estav t...
  • 2 篇 department of hu...
  • 2 篇 department of ad...
  • 2 篇 unit of oncology...
  • 2 篇 department of op...
  • 2 篇 department of op...
  • 2 篇 department of me...
  • 2 篇 department of mi...
  • 2 篇 department of me...
  • 2 篇 department of in...


  • 9 篇 valeria fico
  • 8 篇 valeria tonini
  • 8 篇 giuseppe brisind...
  • 7 篇 maria michela ch...
  • 6 篇 andrea messori
  • 6 篇 valeria barresi
  • 6 篇 sabrina trippoli
  • 6 篇 valeria fadda
  • 5 篇 gilda pepe
  • 5 篇 giuseppe tropean...
  • 5 篇 daria valente
  • 5 篇 dario maratea
  • 5 篇 marco gamba
  • 4 篇 valeria torti
  • 4 篇 valeria romeo
  • 4 篇 mariagrazia gril...
  • 4 篇 valeria caso
  • 4 篇 valentina bianch...
  • 4 篇 chiara de gregor...
  • 4 篇 manuel zanni


  • 278 篇 英文
  • 71 篇 中文
检索条件"作者=valeria cocco"
349 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
Activation of β2 adrenergic receptors promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis
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Neural Regeneration Research 2020年 第12期15卷 2258-2259页
作者: valeria Bortolotto Mariagrazia Grilli Laboratory of Neuroplasticity Department of Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of Piemonte OrientaleNovaraItaly
The subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus is one of the few central nervous system regions where generation of adult born neurons occurs *** process,referred to as adult hippocampal neurogenesis (ahN... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Probiotics, prebiotics and their role in Alzheimer's disease
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Neural Regeneration Research 2021年 第9期16卷 1768-1769页
作者: valeria D’Argenio Daniela Sarnataro Department of Human Sciences and Quality of Life Promotion San Raffaele Open UniversityRomaItaly CEINGE-Biotecnologie Avanzate NaplesItaly Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnologies University of Naples Federico IINaplesItaly
Accumulation of amyloid and dysfunctional tau proteins in the brain, along with the development of dementia, characterizes Alzheimer 's disease(AD). Although the cause of AD is currently unknown, it has been shown tha... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Pancreatic cancer in 2021:What you need to know to win
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2021年 第35期27卷 5851-5889页
作者: valeria Tonini Manuel Zanni Department of Medical Sciences and Surgery University of Bologna-Emergency Surgery UnitIRCCS Sant’Orsola HospitalBologna 40121Italy University of Bologna Emergency Surgery UnitIRCCS Sant'Orsola HospitalBologna 40121Italy
Pancreatic cancer is one of the solid tumors with the worst ***-year survival rate is less than 10%.Surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment,but the tumor is often diagnosed at an advanced stage o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Behavioral flexibility and novel environments:integrating currentpers pectives for future directions
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Current Zoology 2024年 第3期70卷 304-309页
作者: valeria Mazza Vedrana Šlipogor Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences University of TusciaLargo dell'Università101100 ViterboItaly Ichthyogenic Experimental Marine Centre(CISMAR) LocalitàLe Saline snc01016 TarquiniaItaly Department of Zoology University of South BohemiaBranišovská176037005ČeskéBudějoviceCzech Republic Department of Ecology and Evolution University of LausanneQuartier UNIL-SorgeBâtiment BiophoreCH-1015 LausanneSwitzerland The Sense–Innovation and Research Center Lausanne&Sion Avenue de Provence 821007 LausanneSwitzerland
Individuals in the process of encountering a novel environment face several new selective pressures that can lead to changes in phenotypes,which provides an exciting opportunity to study microevolutionary *** novelty ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Why is early detection of colon cancer still not possible in 2023?
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2024年 第3期30卷 211-224页
作者: valeria Tonini Manuel Zanni Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences University of BolognaBologna 40138Italy
Colorectal cancer(CRC)screening is a fundamental tool in the prevention and early detection of one of the most prevalent and lethal *** the years,screening,particularly in those settings where it is well organized,has... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer:What strategies to avoid a foretold catastrophe
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2022年 第31期28卷 4235-4248页
作者: valeria Tonini Manuel Zanni Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences University of BolognaBologna 40138Italy
While great strides in improving survival rates have been made for most cancers in recent years,pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC)remains one of the solid tumors with the worst *** mortality often overlaps with **... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The effects of patch richness on con-specific interference in the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae)
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Insect Science 2010年 第4期17卷 379-385页
作者: valeria Fernandez-Arhex Juan Carlos Corley Lab. Ecologia de tnsectos INTA EEA-Bariloche Bariloche Rio Negro Argentina
We experimentally studied con-specific interference in Ibalia leucospoides, a parasitoid of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio, on pine logs containing variable numbers of woodwasp larvae. Competiton occurred when two differ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Targeting molecular pathways for the treatment of inherited retinal degeneration
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Neural Regeneration Research 2020年 第10期15卷 1784-1791页
作者: Meltem Kutluer Li Huang valeria Marigo Department of Life Sciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Inherited retinal degeneration is a major cause of incurable blindness characterized by loss of retinal photoreceptor *** retinal degeneration is characterized by high genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity with several... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
β_(2) and α_(2) adrenergic receptors mediate the proneurogenic in vitro effects of norquetiapine
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Neural Regeneration Research 2021年 第10期16卷 2041-2047页
作者: valeria Bortolotto Pier Luigi Canonico Mariagrazia Grilli Laboratory of Neuroplasticity University of Piemonte OrientaleNovaraItaly Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Piemonte OrientaleNovaraItaly
Positive modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis may contribute to the therapeutic effects of clinically relevant antidepressant drugs,including atypical ***,an antipsychotic which represents a therapeutic option... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Influence of Surface Finishing on High-Temperature Oxidation of AISI Type 444 Ferritic Stainless Steel Used in SOFC Stacks
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Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) 2017年 第8期30卷 697-711页
作者: valeria Bongiorno Paolo Piccardo Simone Anelli Roberto Spotorno Laboratorio di Metallurgia e Materiali - Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale (LMM-DCCI) Universita degli Studi di Genova Via Dodecaneso 31 16146 GenoaItaly
This research is focused on the study of the samples, approximatively 15 × 30 mm^2 sized, that were mechanically cut from two sheets (0.4 and 0.2 mm thick, respectively) of AIS1444 Type ferritic stainless steel (... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论