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检索条件"作者=Patrick C. Y. WOO"
96 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Leptotric.ia hongkongensis ***.,a novel Leptotric.ia spec.es with the oral c.vity.as its natural reservoir
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Journal of Zhejiang University.Sc.enc. B(Biomedic.ne & Biotec.nology. 2010年 第6期11卷 391-401页
作者: patrick c. y. woo Samson S. y. WONG Jade L. L. TENG Kit-Wah LEUNG Antonio H. y. NGAN Dong-qing ZHAO Herman TSE Susanna K. P. LAU Kwok-y.ng y.EN State Key.Laboratory.of Emerging Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China Researc. c.ntre of Infec.ion and Immunology The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China c.rol y. c.ntre for Infec.ion The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
A straight, non-sporulating, Gram-variable bac.llus (HKU24T) was rec.vered from the blood c.lture of a patient with metastatic.breast c.rc.noma. After repeated subc.lturing in BAc.Ec.Plus Anaerobic.F blood c.lture bro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Romanc. of the three domains:how c.adistic. transformed the c.assifi c.tion of c.llular organisms
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Protein & c.ll 2013年 第9期4卷 664-676页
作者: c.i-c.un Ho Susanna K.P.Lau patrick c.y.woo Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong KongHong KongChina State Key.Laboratory.of Emerging Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong KongHong KongChina Researc. c.ntre of Infec.ion and Immunology The University of Hong KongHong KongChina c.rol y. c.ntre of Infec.ion The University of Hong KongHong KongChina
c.adistic. is a biologic.l philosophy.that uses genealogi-c.l relationship among spec.es and an inferred sequenc. of divergenc. as the basis of c.assifi *** review c.itic.lly.survey. the c.ronologic.l development of b... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Journal of Sy.tems Sc.enc. and Sy.tems Engineering 2007年 第2期16卷 166-180页
作者: Daniel S. y.UNG Wing W. y. NG Aki P. F. c.AN patrick P. K. c.AN Mic.ael FIRTH Eric.c. c. TSANG Media and Life Sc.enc. c.mputing Laboratory Shenzhen Graduate School Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen 518055 China Department of c.mputing Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong China Department of Financ. and Insuranc. Lingnan University Hong Kong
c.mpany.bankruptc.es c.st billions of dollars in losses to banks eac. y.ar. Thus c.edit risk predic.ion is a c.itic.l part of a bank's loan approval dec.sion proc.ss. Traditional financ.al models for c.edit risk pred... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Two-dimensional gel elec.rophoresis in bac.erial proteomic.
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Protein & c.ll 2012年 第5期3卷 346-363页
作者: Shirly.O.T.c.rreem Rory.M.Watt Susanna K.P.Lau patrick c.y.woo Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong KongQueen Mary HospitalHong KongChina Oral Biosc.enc.s Faculty of DentistryThe University of Hong KongQueen Mary HospitalHong KongChina State Key.Laboratory.of Emerging Infec.ious Diseases Department of MicrobiologyThe University of Hong KongQueen Mary HospitalHong KongChina Researc. c.ntre of Infec.ion and Immunology The University of Hong KongQueen Mary HospitalHong KongChina c.rol y. c.ntre of Infec.ion The University of Hong KongHong KongChina
Two-dimensional gel elec.rophoresis(2-DE)is a gel-based tec.nique widely.used for analy.ing the pro-tein c.mposition of biologic.l *** is c.pable of resolving c.mplex mixtures c.ntaining more than a thousand protein c...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Severe Sepsis c.used by.Listeria monoc.togenes in A Patient Given Monoc.onal Antibodies Against c.38 and Proteosome Inhibitor
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Infec.ious Mic.obes & Diseases 2019年 第1期1卷 30-31页
作者: Derek L.L.Hung Susanna K.P.Lau patrick c.y.woo Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong KongHong KongChina State Key.Laboratory.of Emerging Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong KongHong KongChina c.llaborative Innovation c.nter for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong KongHong KongChina
Introduc.ion Target therapies are widely.used for treatment of various kinds of hematologic.l *** the c.nc.r c.lls that are targeted,share the same markers with the non-c.nc.rous c.lls of the immunologic.l sy.tem,thes... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Lemierre’s Sy.drome Assoc.ated With c.mpy.obac.er rec.us Bac.eremia
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Infec.ious Mic.obes & Diseases 2019年 第1期1卷 27-29页
作者: Derek L.L.Hung Jade L.L.Teng Susanna K.P.Lau patrick c.y.woo Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong KongHong KongChina State Key.Laboratory.of Emerging Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong KongHong KongChina c.rol y. c.ntre for Infec.ion The University of Hong KongHong KongChina c.llaborative Innovation c.nter for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infec.ious Diseases The University of Hong KongHong KongChina
Introduc.ion c.mpy.obac.er rec.us is a Gram-negative,anaerobic.rod,first desc.ibed in 1981 as Wolinella rec.a,subsequently.re-c.assified to c.mpy.obac.er based on phy.ogenetic.analy.is in 1991.1 It is found in the ora... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Mimotope-based allergen-spec.fic.immunotherapy. ready.for prime time?
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c.llular & Molec.lar Immunology 2019年 第11期16卷 890-891页
作者: Nic.i y.H.Leung c.ristine y.y.Wai Ka Hou c.u patrick S.c.Leung Department of Paediatric. The Chinese University of Hong KongShatinHong KongChina Sc.ool of Life Sc.enc.s The Chinese University of Hong KongShatinHong KongChina Division of Rheumatology.Allergy School of MedicineUniversity of CaliforniaDavisCA 95616USA
INTRODUc.ION Allergen-spec.fic.immunotherapy.AIT)is a therapeutic.strategy.to restore the normal immune response by.suppressing inflammatory.effec.or c.lls and induc.ng regulatory.c.lls spec.fic.to the c.lprit ***,AIT... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Valveless pumping using a two-stage impedanc. pump
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Frontiers of Mec.anic.l Engineering 2013年 第3期8卷 311-318页
作者: V.c.-c.LEE y.A.ABAKR K.-c.woo Sc.ool of Engineering and Sc.enc. Curtin University Sarawak MalaysiaCDT 25098009 MiriSarawakMalaysia Department of Mec.anic.l Materials and ManufacturingUniversity of Nottingham Malaysia CampusJalan Broga43500 SemenyihSelangor Darul EhsanMalaysia
Impedanc. pump is defned as a ty.e of valveless pumping mec.anism,where an elastic.tube is joined with a tube of different impedanc.,a periodic.asy.metric.l c.mpression on part of the elastic.tube will produc. a unidi... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Biliary.Muc.nous c.stadenoma: A Review of the Literature
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Journal of c.inic.l and Translational Hepatology 2019年 第2期7卷 149-153页
作者: Leon D.Averbukh David c.Wu woo c.eal c.o George y.Wu Department of Medic.ne Division of Gastroenterology-HepatologyUniversity of Connecticut Health CenterFarmingtonCTUSA Department of Pathology Hartford HospitalHartfordCTUSA
Biliary.muc.nous c.stadenomas are c.stic.neoplasms c.mmonly.mistaken for simple *** are rare and generally.benign tumors,often inc.dentally.found on imaging and during unrelated surgic.l *** tend to be slow growing th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Next-Generation Sequenc.ng-Based Diagnosis of Bac.eremic.Listeria monoc.togenes Meningitis in a Patient with Anti-Interferon Gamma Autoantibodies:A c.se Report
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Infec.ious Mic.obes & Diseases 2022年 第1期4卷 44-46页
作者: Fanfan Xing Derek L.L.Hung Simon K.F.Lo Shuang c.en Susanna K.P.Lau patrick c.y.woo Department of c.inic.l Mic.obiology.and Infec.ion c.ntrol The University of Hong Kong–Shenzhen HospitalShenzhenGuangdongChina Department of Mic.obiology The University of Hong KongHong KongChina Department of Pathology The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen HospitalShenzhenGuangdongChina
Although various opportunistic.infec.ions have been desc.ibed in patients with anti-interferon gamma autoantibodies,so far there is no Listeria monoc.togenes infec.ion reported to be assoc.ated with this primary.***,w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论