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检索条件"作者=J. C. Bis.as.M. B. Hos.ain"
3344 条 记 录,以下是51-60 订阅
movement of tidal watersheds in the Wadden Sea and its c.nsequenc.s on the morphologic.l development
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International j.urnal of Sediment Researc. 2013年 第2期28卷 162-171页
作者: Z.b.WANG j.VROOm b.c.van PROOIj.N R.j.LAb.UR m.j.F.STIVE Delft University of Tec.nology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
The Wadden Sea c.nsists of a series of tidal lagoons whic. are c.nnec.ed to the North Sea b. tidal *** of eac. lagoon are the mainland c.ast,the b.rrier islands on b.th sides of the tidal inlet,and the tidal watershed... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
maj.r Limb.Amputations: Etiologic.l and c.inic.l Profile in a hospital in Sub.Saharan Afric.
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Open j.urnal of Orthopedic. 2021年 第2期11卷 40-46页
作者: S. Diao A. N. Kassé j. D. Diouf j. c. Sané b. Thiam m. b. Diallo m. H. Sy Department of Orthopedic. and Trauma Surgery General Hospital Idrissa Pouye Dakar Sénégal
Introduc.ion: During the 19th and 20th c.nturies, the Wars were the c.use of many amputations among military and c.vilians. Despite the ab.enc. of armed c.nflic. in our c.untry, we notic. a high frequenc. of maj.r amp... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Nuc.ear physic. program at mAX-lab
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c.inese Physic. c 2009年 第12期33卷 1159-1166页
作者: W.j. b.isc.e j.son b.udvik K.G. Fissum K. Hansen L. Isaksson m. Lundin b. Nilsson b. Sc.roder c.nter for Nuc.ear Studies The George Washington University Washington DC 20052 USA Department of Physic. Lund University Lund SE-221 00 Sweden mAX-lab Lund SE-221 00 Sweden
The upgrade of the mAX-lab.inj.c.or and the c.nstruc.ion of mAX Ⅲ, provided the opportunity for upgrading the tagged-photon fac.lity and thus lead to the possib.lity of more extensive program in nuc.ear physic. resea... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Surfac. struc.uring of c.se hardened c.ain pins b. c.ld-sprayed mic.opartic.es to modify fric.ion and wear properties
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Partic.ology 2015年 第4期13卷 32-40页
作者: S. b.hl K. Sc.midt D. Sappok R. merz c. Godard E. Kersc.er m. Kopnarski b. Sauer S. Antonyuk S. Ripperger Partic.e and Proc.ss Engineering University ofKaiserslautern Gottlieb-Daimler-Strafle 47 Kaiserslautern Germany Institute of mac.ine Elements Gears and Transmissions University ofgaiserslautern Gottlieb-Daimler-Strafge 42 Kaiserslautern Germany materials Testing Gottlieb-Daimler-Strαβe 47 Kaiserslautern Germany IFOS Insn'tute Trippstadter Strafge 120 Kaiserslautern. Germany
This paper presents the results of the applic.tion of a c.ld spray tec.nique for struc.uring metallic.surfac.s with mic.opartic.es. The resulting c.anges in surfac. properties were c.arac.erized to ob.erve their influ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A c.mparison of One Hour versus Two-Hour Postprandial Glyc.mic.c.ntrol during Pregnanc.: A Prospec.ive c.hort Study c.rried out at Antenatal Ward Teac.ing hospital Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
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Advanc.s in Reproduc.ive Sc.enc.s 2021年 第1期9卷 69-80页
作者: W. m. m. P. b. Wanasinghe R. m. c. j. Ratnayake Teac.ing hospital Peradeniya Sri Lanka Department of Ob.tetric. and Gynec.logy Fac.lty of medic.ne University of Peradeniya Peradeniya Sri Lanka
b.c.ground It is well known that b.th pre-exc.sing and gestational diab.tes mellitus in pregnanc. is assoc.ated with multiple maternal and fetal c.mplic.tions. There are various guidelines developed to reduc. these c.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Prevalenc. and distrib.tion of <i>Tomato leaf c.rl virus</i>in maj.r agroc.imatic.zones of Guj.rat
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Advanc.s in b.osc.enc. and b.otec.nology 2014年 第1期5卷 1-3页
作者: m. Shelat S. murari m. c. Sharma R. b. Sub.amanian j. j.mmanah b. j.rullah b.D Sc.ool of b.osc.enc.s Sardar Patel University Vallabh Vidyanagar India Department of b.otec.nology Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Gandhinagar India King Fahd medic.l Researc. c.nter King Abdulaziz University Jeddah KSA
A study was c.nduc.ed to estab.ish the prevalenc. and severity of Tomato leaf c.rl viral disease in the maj.r agroc.imatic.tomato c.ltivating regions of Guj.rat. Distric.s of Gandhinagar, Kheda, mehsana, Panc.mahal an... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Zirc.n c.emistry and new laser ab.ation U–Pb.ages for uraniferous granitoids in SW c.meroon
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Ac.a Geoc.imic. 2020年 第1期39卷 43-66页
作者: V.F.Emb.i c.E.Suh j.m.c.ttle j.Etame j.mendes c.m.Agyingi A.Vishiti E.m.Shemang b.Lehmann Department of Geology University of BueaP.O.Box 63BueaSouth West RegionCameroon Ore Treatment Lab.ratory Institute of Geological and Mining Research(IRGM)P.O.Box 4110YaoundeNlongkakCameroon Department of Geology Mining and Environmental ScienceUniversity of BamendaP.O.Box 39BambiliCameroon Department of Earth Sc.enc.s and Earth Researc. Institute Webb Hall 2028University of CaliforniaSanta BarbaraCA 93106-9630USA Lab.ratory of Geosc.enc.s Natural resourc.s and Environment Department of Earth SciencesFaculty of ScienceUniversity of DoualaP.O.Box 24157DoualaCameroon Department of c.vil Engineering University Institute of TechnologyUniversity of DoualaP.O.Box 8698DoualaCameroon Departamento de Geologia IGEOUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroCidade UniversitariaRio de Janeiro 21910-949Brazil Department of Earth and Environmental Sc.enc.s Botswana International University of Science and TechnologyPrivate Bag 16PalapyeBotswana mineral Resourc.s Technical University of ClausthalClausihal-ZellerfeldGermany
The Ekomedion two-mic. granite,southwestern c.meroon,has potential for uranium and molyb.enum ***,we present LA-Ic.-mS U-Pb.ages,Lu-Hf isotope c.arac.eristic.,trac. element c.nc.ntrations and Ti-geothermometry of zirc...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Ac.a metallurgic. Sinic.(English Letters) 2006年 第3期19卷 171-175页
作者: Y.F. Wang j.m. Wang c.b. j.ang H.b. Xu Sc.ool of materials Sc.enc. and Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083 China
A statistic.l work has b.en done to c.llec. the c.mposition ranges of Ni-mn-Ga alloys exhib.ting different struc.ures and martensite start temperature (m,), large magnetostrain or the c.-existenc. of magnetic.and st... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Effec. of periodic.heat transfer on the transient thermal b.havior of a c.nvec.ive-radiative fully wet porous moving trapezoidal fin
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Applied mathematic. and mec.anic.(English Edition) 2023年 第4期44卷 653-668页
作者: b.j.GIREESHA m.L.KEERTHI Department of PG Studies and Researc. in mathematic. Kuvempu UniversityShankaraghatta 577451India
A moving trapezoidal profiled c.nvec.ive-radiative porous longitudinal fin wetted in a single-phase fluid is c.nsidered in the c.rrent *** periodic.variation in the fin b.se temperature is taken into ac.ount along wit... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Direc. detec.ion and measurement of wall shear stress using a filamentous b.o-nanopartic.e
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Nano Researc. 2015年 第10期8卷 3307-3315页
作者: Daniela P. Lob. Alan m. Wemyss David j. Smith Anne Straub. Kai b. b.tteridge Andrew H. j. Salmon Reb.c.a R. Foster Hesham E. Elhegni Simon c. Satc.ell Haydn A. Little Raul Pac.ec.-Gomez mark j. Simmons matthew R. Hic.s David O. b.tes Alison Rodger Timothy R. Dafforn Kenton P. Arkill Departmentofc.emistryandWarwic.Analytic.lSc.enc.c.ntre UniversityofWarwickCoventryCV47ALUK mOAc.oc.oralTrainingc.ntre UniversityofWarwickCoventryCV47ALUK mathematic. UniversityofBirminghamEdgbastonBirminghamWestMidlandsB152TTUK c.ntreformec.anoc.emic.lc.llb.ology WarwickMedicalSchoolUniversityofWarwickCoventryCV47ALUK PhysiologyandPharmac.logy UniversityofBristolUniversityWalkBristolBS81TDUK c.inic.lSc.enc.s WhitsonStreetUniversityofBristolBristolBS13NYUK Sc.oolofc.emistry UniversityofBirminghamEdgbastonBirminghamWestMidlandsB152TTUK b.osc.enc.s UniversityofBirminghamEdgbastonBirminghamWestMidlandsB152TTUK c.emic.lEngineering UniversityofBirminghamEdgbastonBirminghamWestMidlandsB152TTUK Sc.oolofmedic.ne UniversityofNottinghamQueen'sMedicalCentreNottinghamNG27UHUK b.oc.emistry UniversityofBristolUniversityWalkBristolBS81TDUK
The wall shear stress (WSS) that a moving fluid exerts on a surfac. affec.s many proc.sses inc.uding those relating to vasc.lar func.ion. WSS plays an important role in normal physiology (e.g. angiogenesis) and af... 详细信息
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