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A new species of Mountain Dragon(Reptilia:Agamidae:Diploderma) from the D. dymondi complex in southern Sichuan Province, China

A new species of Mountain Dragon(Reptilia:Agamidae:Diploderma) from the D. dymondi complex in southern Sichuan Province, China

作     者:Kai Wang Jia-Wei Wu Ke Jiang Jin-Min Chen Ben-Fu Miao Cameron D. Siler Jing Che 

作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution Kunming Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences Kunming Yunnan 650223 China Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History and Department of Biology University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma 73072 USA Chengdu Museum of Nature Exploration Chengdu Sichuan 610017 China 

出 版 物:《Zoological Research》 (动物学研究(英文))

年 卷 期:2019年第40卷第5期

页      面:456-465页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 

基  金:supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA20050201) National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0505202) the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP) program(2019QZKK0501) the Animal Branch of the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species CAS(Large Research Infrastructure Funding) to J.Che NSF GRFP(2017216966) to K.Wang the cooperative program of the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution,KIZ(GREKF16-12) to C.Siler and J.Che 

主  题:A new species Mountain Dragon southern Sichuan Province 

摘      要:Despite continuous studies on the cryptic diversity of the Diploderma flaviceps complex in Southwest China for the pastdecade, little attention has been given to other widespreadcongeners in China. Combining both morphological and phylogenetic data, we describe a new species of Diplodermafrom populations identified previously as D. dymondi in thelower Yalong River Basin in southern Sichuan Province. Thenew species is morphologically most similar to D. dymondiand D. varcoae, but it can be differentiated by a considerablegenetic divergence and a suite of morphological characters,including having taller nuchal crest scales, smaller tympana,and a distinct oral coloration. Additionally, we discuss otherputative species complexes within the genus Diploderma inChina.

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