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A kinetic model for the effects of vanadate on human erythrocyte membrane

A kinetic model for the effects of vanadate on human erythrocyte membrane

作     者:张天蓝 王夔 

作者机构:Department of Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry Beijing Medical University Beijing China National Research Laboratories of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs Beijing Medical University Beijing China 

出 版 物:《Science China Chemistry》 (中国科学(化学英文版))

年 卷 期:1999年第42卷第5期

页      面:543-551页


学科分类:1006[医学-中西医结合] 0703[理学-化学] 10[医学] 100602[医学-中西医结合临床] 

基  金:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 29471007). 

主  题:vanadate human erythrocyte membrane membrane protein lipid bilayer stopped-flow. 

摘      要:The effects of vanadate on human erythrocyte membrane have been investigated with stopped-flow and equilibrium fluorescence quenching techniques. The equilibrium study showed a half-quenching concentration (K1/2) of 0.27 mmol·L-1. The stopped-flow experiment exhibited a fast rise (t1、2f~1s) and a slow drop (t1/2s 1~2 min) in fluorescence. Based on the results and that from the across membrane transport of vanadate, a kinetic model is proposed which suggests that the membrane proteins experience a series of conformational changes before and during the quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence. These changes are induced mainly by three kinds of interactions: (i) the long-distance, non-specific interaction between the vanadate and the erythrocyte membrane surface, (ⅱ) the charge interaction between the vanadate and parts of the membrane proteins, and(ⅲ) the binding of the vanadate to some membrane proteins.

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