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Model Versions and Fast Algorithms for Network Epidemiology

Model Versions and Fast Algorithms for Network Epidemiology

作     者:Petter Holme 

作者机构:Dept.of Energy ScienceSungkyunkwan University Dept.of Physics IceLabUme University Dept.of SociologyStockholm University 

出 版 物:《后勤工程学院学报》 (Journal of Logistical Engineering University)

年 卷 期:2014年第30卷第3期

页      面:1-7页

学科分类:1004[医学-公共卫生与预防医学(可授医学、理学学位)] 100401[医学-流行病与卫生统计学] 10[医学] 

基  金:Basic science research program through the national research foundation of Korea(NRF)funded by the ministry of education(2013R1A1A2011947) 

主  题:network theory algorithm stochastic simulation infectious disease 

摘      要:Network epidemiology has become a core framework for investigating the role of human contact patterns in the spreadingof infectious diseases.In network epidemiology,one represents the contact structure as a network of nodes(individuals)connected bylinks(sometimes as a temporal network where the links are not continuously active)and the disease as a compartmental model(whereindividuals are assigned states with respect to the disease and follow certain transition rules between the states).In this paper,we discussfast algorithms for such simulations and also compare two commonly used versions,one where there is a constant recovery rate(the numberof individuals that stop being infectious per time is proportional to the number of such people);the other where the duration of the diseaseis constant.The results show that,for most practical purposes,these versions are qualitatively the same.

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