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Enhanced mechanical stability and corrosion resistance ofsuperhydrophobic coating reinforced with inorganic binder


作     者:ZHAO Li-xia LI Hong-yan ZHOU Kun LIU Hai-xing WANG Jian ZHANG Bin-bin 赵丽霞;李红燕;周坤;刘海星;王建;张斌斌

作者机构:College of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringQingdao University of Science and TechnologyQingdao 266042China Key Laboratory of Advanced Marine MaterialsKey Laboratory of Marine Environmental Corrosion and Bio-foulingInstitute of OceanologyChinese Academy of SciencesQingdao 266071China College of Marine Science and Biological EngineeringQingdao University of Science and TechnologyQingdao 266042China Pipe China Tianjin LNG Co.Ltd.Tianjin 300452China Department of Materials Science and EngineeringSchool of Materials and Chemical TechnologyTokyo Institute of TechnologyTokyo 152-8552Japan 

出 版 物:《Journal of Central South University》 (中南大学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第31卷第10期

页      面:3502-3516页


学科分类:08[工学] 080502[工学-材料学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:Projects(ZR2022YQ35,ZR2021LFG004)supported by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation,China Project(2021207)supported by the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

主  题:superhydrophobicity anti-corrosion stability self-cleaning 

摘      要:The development of superhydrophobic materials has demonstrated significant potential in the realm ofcorrosion protection for aluminum alloy(Al alloy)***,the limited mechanical stability ofsuperhydrophobic surfaces has impeded the rapid advancement in this *** this research,we synthesized analuminum phosphate(AP)inorganic binder and combined it with hydrophobic fumed SiO_(2)(HF-SiO_(2))nanoparticles andpolydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)to develop a HF-SiO_(2)@PDMS@AP superhydrophobic composite coating with improvedmechanical stability on Al alloy substrates using a simple spray-coating *** findings indicate that the additionof the AP inorganic binder significantly enhanced the coating’s resistance to abrasion,maintaining its superhydrophobicproperties and micro-nano hierarchical structure even after being subjected to a sandpaper abrasion distance of 2000 *** impedance spectroscopy(EIS)testing showed that the low-frequency modulus(|Z|0.01Hz)of theHF-SiO_(2)@PDMS@AP superhydrophobic coating increased by four orders of magnitude compared to the initial Al alloysubstrate,resulting in a substantial improvement in corrosion protection *** impressive corrosion resistanceand mechanical stability exhibited by this coating have the potential to greatly expand the practical applications of suchmaterials for surface functional protection in marine and industrial environments.

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