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  • 80 篇 s.blusk
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12998 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Influence of ship emissions on NOx, SO2, O3 and PM concentrations in a North-Sea harbor in france
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Journal of Environmental Sciences 2018年 第9期30卷 56-66页
作者: Frederic Ledoux Cloe Rochet Fabrice Cazier Charles Beaugard Dominique Courcot Unit of Environmental Chemistry and Interactions with Life UCEIV EA4492 SFR Condorcet FR CNRS 3417 University of the Littoral OpalCoast F-59140 Dunlterque France Centre Commun de Mesures University of the Littoral Opal Coast F-59140 Dunkerque France Atmo Hauts-de-france F-59800 Lille France
The influence of in-port ship emissions on gases and PM10 concentrations has been estimated in the port city of Calais, northern france, one of the busiest harbor in Europe, with numerous rotations of ferries or roll-... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Soil chemical fertility change over four decades in the Morvan Mountains and influence of tree species (Burgundy, france)
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Forest Ecosystems 2022年 第4期9卷 460-474页
作者: Margaux Clesse Arnaud Legout Jacques Ranger Bernd Zeller Gregory van der Heijden INRAE BEFF-54000NancyFrance
Background: Intensive silvicultural practices and the planting of monospecific forests of coniferous, that are more productive compared to hardwoods may threaten over the mid to long-term the sustainability of soil ch... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Audit pricing and nature of controlling shareholders:Evidence from france
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China Journal of Accounting Research 2013年 第1期6卷 21-34页
作者: Chiraz Ben Ali Cdric Lesage IPAG Business School France HEC Paris France
This study examines whether auditors are employed as a monitoring mechanism to mitigate agency problems arising from different types of controlling shareholders. In a context of concentrated ownership and poor investo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Generalisation,symbol specification and map evaluation:feedback from research done at COGIT laboratory,IGN france
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International Journal of Digital Earth 2011年 第S1期4卷 25-41页
作者: C.Duchenea S.Christophe A.Ruas COGIT Laboratory Institut Geographique NationalSaint-MandeFrance Laboratory of Informatics Grenoble(LIG) J.Fourier UniversityGrenobleFrance
This paper presents an overview of research studies made at the COGIT laboratory of IGN france in the fields of generalisation and symbol specification,particularly considering evaluation *** then discusses how genera... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Rôles et vécus des pharmaciens d’officine dans les soins palliatifsàdomicile en france Role and Experience ofCommunity Pharmacists in Home Palliative Care in france
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Psycho-Oncologie 2024年 第3期18卷 181-190页
作者: Isabelle Cuchet Michael Dambrun Axelle Van Lander ACCePPT LAPSCOUniversitéClermont AuvergneClermont-Ferrand63001France LAPSCO UniversitéClermont AuvergneClermont-Ferrand63001France ACCePPT UniversitéClermont AuvergneClermont-Ferrand63001France
The need for home palliative care is increasing in allWestern *** pharmacists are local professionals whose role in end-of-life care at home remains poorly *** aim of this study is to understand how community pharmaci... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Decline of semen quality among 10 932 males consulting for couple infertility over a 20-year period in Marseille, france
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Asian Journal of Andrology 2012年 第4期14卷 584-590页
作者: Cendrine Geoffroy-Siraudin Anderson Dieudone Loundou Fanny Romain Vincent Achard Blandine Courbibre Marie-He1ene Perrard Philippe Durand Marie-Roberte Guichaoua Reproduction Biology Laboratory Conception Hospital AP-HM Marseille 13005 France Aix-Marseille University UMR CNRS IMBE 7263 Faculty of medicine of Marseille Marseille 13005 France Department of medical information Conception Hospital AP-HM Marseille 147 Bd Baille Marseille 13005 France Health Laboratory Faculty of Medicine of Marseille Marseille 13005 France Centre of Assisted Reproductive Technique (CPMA) Conception Hospital AP-HM Marseille 13005 France Functional Genomic Institute of Lyon CNRS INRA ENS of Lyon Lyon 69007 France
Semen from 10 932 male partners of infertile couples was analysed and sperm parameter trends were evaluated at the Reproduction Biology Laboratory of the University Hospital of Marseille (france) between 1988 and 20... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in france:a national assessment of at-risk populations
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General Psychiatry 2020年 第6期33卷 400-405页
作者: Benjamin Chaix Guillaume Delamon Arthur Guillemasse Benoit Brouard Jean-Emmanuel Bibault ENT Department Hopital Gui de ChauliacMontpellierFrance University Montpellier 1 MontpellierFrance Hopital Pite-Salpetriere WefightBrain&Spine InstituteParisFrance Department of Radiation Oncology Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou CancerologieParisFrance
Background Lockdowns were implemented to limit the spread of *** distress(PD)and post-traumatic stress disorder have been reported after traumatic events,but the specific effect of the pandemic is not well *** The aim... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Application of systems engineering for development of multifunctional metro systems:Case study on the fifth metro line of the Lyon metro,france
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Underground Space 2021年 第1期6卷 24-34页
作者: Nicolas Ziv Andrea Kindinis Jeremie Simon Christophe Gobin Universite Paris-Est Institut de Recherche en ConstructibiliteESTPF-94230 CachanFrance Egis Rail 170 Avenue ThiersF-69006 LyonFrance
Several studies,from both the private sector(McKinsey,Engie,and EY)and international organizations(OECD,World Bank,and IMF),have shown that urban population in cities will grow in the coming *** growth implies an incr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Characterizing historical(1992–2010) transitions between grassland and cropland in mainland france through mining land-cover survey data
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Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015年 第8期14卷 1511-1523页
作者: Ying Xiao Catherine Mignolet Jean-Fran?ois Mari Marc Beno?t INRA SAD UPR 055 ASTER 662 Avenue Louis BuffetMirecourt 88500 France Université de Lorraine LORIA UMR 7503Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy 54506 France
Grassland, as one of the largest ecosystems on the earth, supports various goods and services to ***, humans have increased agricultural output primarily by cropland expansion and agricultural *** cropland area was pr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Review of the development and uses of hard grade asphalts in france
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Journal of Road Engineering 2021年 第1期1卷 73-79页
作者: Jean-Francois Corte Directorate of Transport Infrastructures Ministry of TransportLa Defense 92055France
Hard grade paving asphalts,i.e.,having a penetration at 25C lower than 25 mm/10,have experienced,in france,a significant development over the last forty years,linked to the development of high modulus asphalt concret... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论