By using the geometrical method, the higher order Melnikov vector and the associatedcriteria for the persistence, transversality and tangency of homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits are established. Examples of applicat...
By using the geometrical method, the higher order Melnikov vector and the associatedcriteria for the persistence, transversality and tangency of homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits are established. Examples of application are also given.
Comments on 'Non-existence of Shilnikov chaos in continuous-time systems' are *** error has been found in the proof of Theorem 1 in the paper by Elhadj and Sprott(Elhadj,*** Sprott,***-existence of Shilnikov chaos in ...
Comments on 'Non-existence of Shilnikov chaos in continuous-time systems' are *** error has been found in the proof of Theorem 1 in the paper by Elhadj and Sprott(Elhadj,*** Sprott,***-existence of Shilnikov chaos in continuous-time *** Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition),33(3),1-4(2012)).It makes the main conclusion of the paper incorrect,that is to say,the non-existence of Shilnikov chaos in the continuous-time systems considered cannot be ***,a counter-example shows that Theorem 1 in the paper is incorrect.
<正>The stability and chaotic motions of a 3-D quadratic autonomous system with a four-wing chaotic attractor are investigated in this *** on the linearization analysis,the stability of the equilibrium points is ***...
<正>The stability and chaotic motions of a 3-D quadratic autonomous system with a four-wing chaotic attractor are investigated in this *** on the linearization analysis,the stability of the equilibrium points is *** using the undetermined coefficient method,the homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits are found and the series expansions of these two types of orbits is *** analytically demonstrates that there exist homoclinic orbits of Silnikov type that join the equilibrium points to themselves and heteroclinic orbits of Silnikov type connecting the equilibrium ***,Smale horseshoes and the horseshoe chaos occur for this system via the Silnikov criterion.