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10 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Nutritional Study Using an Insoluble Yeast beta-glucan to Improve the Immune Defense System
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012年 第6期3卷 738-746页
作者: Hans-Joachim Graubaum Regina Busch Heike Stier Joerg Gruenwald Analyze & Realize AG Berlin Germany.
Purpose: In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trial, the effect of an insoluble yeast beta-glucan preparation on the incidences of common colds and its effect on common cold symptoms were compare... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Giving Food a Fiber Boost: Adding High beta-glucan Ingredient from Barley to Everyday Foods
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2024年 第4期15卷 277-289页
作者: Gongshe Hu Sherry Ellberg Kathy Satterfield Chris Evans USDA ARS Pacific West Area 1691 S. 2700 W Aberdeen Idaho USA
Lack of dietary fiber contributes to many health issues, particularly chronic vascular diseases. Mixed linkage β-1.3 - 1.4 beta-glucan (beta-glucan, in this paper) is a confirmed beneficial ingredient for the human d... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Serum 1,3-beta-D-glucan as a noninvasive test to predict histologic activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2021年 第9期27卷 866-885页
作者: Katia Farias e Silva Hayandra F Nanini Cynthia Machado Cascabulho Siane L B Rosas Patricia T Santana Antonio Joséde V Carneiro Elias Anaissie Marcio Nucci Heitor Siffert Pereira de Souza Department of Clinical Medicine School of MedicineFederal University of Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 21941-913Brazil Laboratory of Innovations in Therapies Education and BioproductsInstituto Oswaldo CruzRio de Janeiro 21040-360Brazil Clinical Trial and Consulting Services CincinnatiOH 45267United States Internal Medicine D'Or Institute for Research and Education(IDOR)Rio de Janeiro 22281-100Brazil
BACKGROUND 1,3-beta-D-glucan(BG)is a ubiquitous cell wall component of gut *** hypothesized that the serum levels of BG could reflect active intestinal inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel *** To determine... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Diet medication and beta-glucanase affect ileal digesta soluble betaglucan molecular weight,carbohydrate fermentation,and performance of coccidiosis vaccinated broiler chickens given wheatbased diets
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Animal Nutrition 2023年 第4期15卷 288-296页
作者: Namalika D.Karunaratne Henry L.Classen Andrew Gvan Kessel Michael R.Bedford Nancy P.Ames Rex W.Newkirk Department of Animal and Poultry Science University of SaskatchewanSaskatoonSK S7N5A8Canada AB Vista MarlboroughWiltshireSN84ANUnited Kingdom Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada WinnipegR3T 2E1ManitobaCanada
Exogenous enzymes as alternatives to feed antibiotics in poultry has become an emerging research area with the emergence of antibiotic *** objective was to evaluate the effects of diet medication(antibiotics)andβ-glu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ehanced GITRL on DCs by beta-glucans Improves Anti-tumor Immunity in Murine Lewis Lung Carcinoma
Ehanced GITRL on DCs by beta-Glucans Improves Anti-tumor Imm...
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作者: Tian Jie,Wang Shengjun Department of Laboratory Medicine,the Affiliated People’s Hospital,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,212002,China
Background β-glucans have been shown to function as a potent immunomodulator to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses,which contributes to their anti-tumor ***,their mechanisms of action are still ***-induce... 详细信息
来源: cnki会议 评论
A water-soluble β-glucan improves growth performance by altering gut microbiome and health in weaned pigs
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Animal Nutrition 2021年 第4期7卷 1345-1351页
作者: Yuliang Wu Xue Li Hongnan Liu Yanjun Du Jian Zhou Lijun Zou Xia Xiong Huilin Huang Zhiliang Tan Yulong Yin Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Animal Nutritional Physiology and Metabolic Process Key Laboratory of Agro-Ecological Processes in Subtropical RegionInstitute of Subtropical AgricultureNational Engineering Laboratory for Pollution Control and Waste Utilization in Livestock and Poultry ProductionScientific Observing and Experimental Station of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science in South-CentralInstitute of Subtropical AgricultureChinese Academy of SciencesChangsha410125HunanChina Sichuan Synlight Biotech Ltd. Chengdu610041China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences BeijingChina Laboratory of Basic Biology Hunan First Normal UniversityChangsha410205China Hunan Co-Innovation Center for Utilization of Botanical Functional Ingredients Changsha410128China
beta-glucan has been shown to have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal *** experiment was conducted to investigate the effects ofβ-glucan isolated from Agrobacterium ***09 on growth performance and intestinal hea... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Efficacy of multigrain supplementation in type 2 diabetes mellitus:A pilot study protocol for a randomized intervention trial
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World Journal of Diabetes 2023年 第5期14卷 606-616页
作者: Nur Anis Mohd Ariffin Mastura Mohd Sopian Lai Kuan Lee Food Technology Division School of Industrial TechnologyUniversiti Sains MalaysiaGelugor 11800Pulau PinangMalaysia Oncology and Radiological Sciences Cluster Advanced Medical and Dental InstituteUniversiti Sains MalaysiaBertam 13200Pulau PinangMalaysia
BACKGROUND Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)may lead to microvascular complications(nephropathy,retinopathy,and neuropathy)and cardiovascular *** beta-glucan content in grains has the potential to improve in... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Sperm quality improvement after natural anti-oxidant treatment of asthenoteratospermic men with leukocytospermia
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Asian Journal of Andrology 2008年 第2期10卷 201-206页
作者: Paola Piomboni Laura Gambera Francesca Serafini Giovanna Campanella Giuseppe Morgante Vincenzo De Leo Department of Surgery Biology SectionObstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics Section University of Siena Siena 53100 Italy Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Couple Sterility Siena Hospital Siena 53100 Italy Department of Pediatrics Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics Section University of Siena Siena 53100 Italy
Aim: To study the immune-modulating and anti-oxidant effects of beta-glucan, papaya, lactoferrin, and vitamins C and E on sperm characteristics of patients with asthenoteratozoospermia associated with leucocytosis. M... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effect of β-glucan (Angel Yeast) Compared to a Placebo on Cold and Flu Incidence and Symptoms in an Adult Population—A Double Blind, Randomised Controlled Trial
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2024年 第6期15卷 484-497页
作者: David Briskey Haibo Zhang Zhixian Chen Amanda Rao RDC Clinical Brisbane Australia School of Health Science and Engineering Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Food Microbiology University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai China The Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Yeast Function Angel Yeast Co. Ltd. Yichang China
Background: 1-3, 1-6 β-glucan derived from Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been widely studied for its immune stimulatory capabilities and safety. Previous studies found β-glucan to have efficacy at re... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Comparison of the Effect of Oat and Shiitake Mushroom Powder to Prevent Body Weight Gain in Rats Fed High Fat Diet
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012年 第7期3卷 1009-1019页
作者: Dian Handayani Barbara J. Meyer Jiezhong Chen Patricia Tang Philip Chi Lip Kwok Hak-Kim Chan Xu-Feng Huang Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Faculty of Pharmacy The University of Sydney Australia Faculty of Pharmacy The University of Sydney Sydney Australia Metabolic Research Centre School of Health Sciences and Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI) University of Wollongong Wollongong Australia Metabolic Research Centre School of Health Sciences and Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI) University of Wollongong Wollongong Australia
Preventing obesity could be done by lowering plasma TAG that inhibits adipogenesis. Oat and mushroom beta-glucans in the diet has been reported to lower plasma lipid;however the data focusing on their effects on TAG a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论