A vital component of fire detection from remote sensors is the accurateestimation of the background temperature of an area in fire’s absence,assisting in identification and attribution of fire activity. Newgeostation...
A vital component of fire detection from remote sensors is the accurateestimation of the background temperature of an area in fire’s absence,assisting in identification and attribution of fire activity. Newgeostationary sensors increase the data available to describebackground temperature in the temporal domain. Broad area methodsto extract the expected diurnal cycle of a pixel using this temporally richdata have shown potential for use in fire detection. This paper describesan application of a method for priming diurnal temperature fitting ofimagery from the Advanced Himawari Imager. The BAT method is usedto provide training data for temperature fitting of target pixels, to whichthresholds are applied to detect thermal anomalies in 4 μm imageryover part of Australia. Results show the method detects positive thermalanomalies with respect to the diurnal model in up to 99% of caseswhere fires are also detected by Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellite activefire products. In absence of LEO active fire detection, but where aburned area product recorded fire-induced change, this method alsodetected anomalous activity in up to 75% of cases. Potentialimprovements in detection time of up to 6 h over LEO products are alsodemonstrated.
The AHI-FSA(Advanced Himawari Imager-Fire Surveillance Algorithm)is a recently developed algorithm designed to support wildfire surveillance and mapping using the geostationary Himawari-8 *** present,the AHI-FSA algor...
The AHI-FSA(Advanced Himawari Imager-Fire Surveillance Algorithm)is a recently developed algorithm designed to support wildfire surveillance and mapping using the geostationary Himawari-8 *** present,the AHI-FSA algorithm has only been tested on a number of case study fires in Western *** results demonstrate potential as a wildfire surveillance algorithm providing high frequency(every 10 minutes),multi-resolution fire-line *** paper intercompares AHI-FSA across the Northern Territory of Australia(1.4 million km2)over a ten-day period with the well-established fire products from LEO(Low Earth Orbiting)satellites:MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)and VIIRS(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite).This paper also discusses the difficulties and solutions when comparing high temporal frequency fire products with existing low temporal resolution LEO satellite *** results indicate that the multi-resolution approach developed for AHI-FSA is successful in mapping fire activity at 500 *** compared to the MODIS,daily AHIFSA omission error was only 7%.High temporal frequency data also results in AHI-FSA observing fires,at times,three hours before the MODIS overpass with much-enhanced detail on fire movement.
Most stochastic modelling techniques neglect the correlations among the raw un-differenced observations when forming the variance-covariance matrix of the Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)*** methods were devel...
Most stochastic modelling techniques neglect the correlations among the raw un-differenced observations when forming the variance-covariance matrix of the Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)*** methods were developed to model these *** such method is the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator(MINQUE).Studies have shown that MINQUE improves ambiguity resolution,and ultimately,the positioning solution in short ***,its effect in cases of processing with longer baselines and on the estimation of zenith wet delay(ZWD)is somewhat *** this paper,a comparison between the impact of neglecting the correlations among the observations using an elevation-angle-dependent model(EADM)and modelling the correlations using MINQUE on height determination and ZWD for medium and long baselines is carried *** initial testing was carried out across two australian GNSS stations with a medium-length baseline throughout a three-week *** results showed that using MINQUE did not resolve the coordinate,height and wet delay components as accurately as the *** results were further verified with two long-baseline campaigns whereby EADM was also able to provide better wet delay *** coordinate results were,however,***,the study concluded that the inclusion of the correlations among the observations,in general,do not improve the resolution of the coordinate and wet delay estimates.