Business survey,which starts from the microeconomic level,is a widely used short-term forecasting tool in *** this study,the authors examine whether foreign trade survey data collected by China’s Ministry of Commerce...
Business survey,which starts from the microeconomic level,is a widely used short-term forecasting tool in *** this study,the authors examine whether foreign trade survey data collected by China’s Ministry of Commerce would provide reliable forecasts of China’s foreign *** research procedure is designed from three perspectives including forecast information test,turning point forecast,and out-of-sample value ***,Granger causality test detects whether survey data lead exports and ***,business cycle analysis,a non-model based method,is *** authors construct composite indexes with business survey data to forecast turning points of foreign ***,model-based numerical forecasting methods,including the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model with Exogenous Variables(ARIMAX)and the artificial neural networks(ANNs)models are *** results show that survey data granger cause imports and exports,the leading composite index provides signal for changes of trade cycles,and quantitative models including survey data generate more accurate forecasts than benchmark *** is concluded that trade survey data has excellent predictive capabilities for imports and exports,which can offer some priorities for government policy-making and enterprise decision making.
Based on engineering practices of four typical traffic immersed tunnels built in China,this paper details the features of the four dominant foundation treatment methods for immersed tunnel construction:pile foundation...
Based on engineering practices of four typical traffic immersed tunnels built in China,this paper details the features of the four dominant foundation treatment methods for immersed tunnel construction:pile foundation,sand flow foundation,grouting foundation,and gravel bedding *** stress time-history of different method are specified first,plus a summary of settlement assessment method for foundation quality ***,a comprehensive comparison of settlement and cost of these four foundation treatment methods is conducted to highlights the specific merits,disadvantages and conditions encountered in each foundation treatment method,based on real projects *** findings of this article could henceforth be applied to foundation treatment work in immersed tube tunnel construction.
With the shield tunnel going deeper and deeper, the circumferential axial force becomes the governing factor rather than the bending moment. The hand hole acts as a weak point and initial damage in the segment joint e...
With the shield tunnel going deeper and deeper, the circumferential axial force becomes the governing factor rather than the bending moment. The hand hole acts as a weak point and initial damage in the segment joint especially when the circumferential axial force is extremely high. Despite the wide application of steel fiber or synthetic fiber in t|ie tunneling, limited researches focus on the structural responses of segment joint with macro structural synthetic fiber (MSSF). In this paper, a 1:2 reduced-scale experiment was conducted to study the structural perfonnance of the segment joint with different types of hand holes under ultra-high axial force. Special attention is paid to failure mode and structural performance (bearing capacity, deformation, cracking, and toughness). Moreover, segment joints with MSSF are also tested to evaluate the effects of MSSF on the failure mode and structural performance of the segment joints. The experiment results show that the hand hole becomes the weakest point of the segment joint under ultra-high axial force. A\/-type crack pattern is always observed before the final failure of the segment joints. Different types and sizes of the hand hole have different degree of influences on the structural behavior of segment joints. The segment joint with MSSF shows higher ultimate bearing capacity and toughness compared to segment joint with common concrete. Besides, the MSSF improves the initial cracking load and anti-spallling resistance of the segment joint.
In this paper, with the help of spectral integral, we show a quantitative version of the Bishop-Phelps theorem for operators in complex Hilbert spaces. Precisely, let H be a complex Hilbert space and 0 〈 s 〈 1/2. Th...
In this paper, with the help of spectral integral, we show a quantitative version of the Bishop-Phelps theorem for operators in complex Hilbert spaces. Precisely, let H be a complex Hilbert space and 0 〈 s 〈 1/2. Then for every bounded linear operator T : H → H and x0 ∈ H with ||T|| = 1 = ||xo|| such that ||Txo|| 〉 1-6, there exist xε ∈ H and a bounded linear operator S : H → H with ||S|| = 1 = ||xε|| such that ||Sxε||=1, ||x-ε0||≤√2ε+4√2ε, ||S-T||≤√2ε.
There are many results on the maximum genus, among which most are written for the existence of values of such embeddings, and few attention has been paid to the estimation of such embeddings and their applications. In...
There are many results on the maximum genus, among which most are written for the existence of values of such embeddings, and few attention has been paid to the estimation of such embeddings and their applications. In this paper we study the number of maximum genus embeddings for a graph and find an exponential lower bound for such numbers. Our results show that in general case, a simple connected graph has exponentially many distinct maximum genus embeddings. In particular, a connected cubic graph G of order n always has at least $ (\sqrt 2 )^{m + n + \tfrac{\alpha } {2}} $ distinct maximum genus embeddings, where α and m denote, respectively, the number of inner vertices and odd components of an optimal tree T. What surprise us most is that such two extremal embeddings (i.e., the maximum genus embeddings and the genus embeddings) are sometimes closely related with each other. In fact, as applications, we show that for a sufficient large natural number n, there are at least $ C2^{\tfrac{n} {4}} $ many genus embeddings for complete graph K n with n ≡ 4, 7, 10 (mod12), where C is a constance depending on the value of n of residue 12. These results improve the bounds obtained by Korzhik and Voss and the methods used here are much simpler and straight.
Modified suction caissons(MSCs)acting as offshore wind turbine foundations will generate the accumulated rotation under cyclic loading resulted from *** accumulated rotation and the range of soil deformation around th...
Modified suction caissons(MSCs)acting as offshore wind turbine foundations will generate the accumulated rotation under cyclic loading resulted from *** accumulated rotation and the range of soil deformation around the MSC under long-term cyclic wave loading were studied using 3-D numerical *** Morison equation was adopted to calculate the wave *** was found that the MSC accumulated rotation increases linearly with the increase of the logarithm of cyclic *** normalized expression was proposed to reflect the relationship between the accumulated rotation and cyclic *** soil deformation range around the MSC increases when increasing the cyclic number and loading *** can also be concluded that the accumulated rotation increases rapidly with this change of excess pore pressure in the first 4000 *** responses of the MSC to wave and wind loads were also *** show that the accumulated rotation of the MSC under both wave and wind loadings is larger than that under the wave loading only.
Assume that the unit spheres of Banach spaces X and Y are uniformly *** we prove that all unit spheres of the Lebesgue–Bochner function spaces Lp(μ, X) and Lq(μ, Y)are mutually uniformly homeomorphic where 1 ≤ p, ...
Assume that the unit spheres of Banach spaces X and Y are uniformly *** we prove that all unit spheres of the Lebesgue–Bochner function spaces Lp(μ, X) and Lq(μ, Y)are mutually uniformly homeomorphic where 1 ≤ p, q < ∞. As its application, we show that if a Banach space X has Property H introduced by Kasparov and Yu, then the space Lp(μ, X), 1 ≤ p < ∞,also has Property H.
We study the dynamics of geometric quantum discord(GQD) between two qubits,each qubit interacting at the same time with K independent multiple bosonic reservoirs at zero *** both weak and strong qubit-reservoirs coupl...
We study the dynamics of geometric quantum discord(GQD) between two qubits,each qubit interacting at the same time with K independent multiple bosonic reservoirs at zero *** both weak and strong qubit-reservoirs coupling regimes,we find that the increase of the number K of reservoirs can induce the damped oscillation of GQD,and enhance the memory effects of the overall *** the Hilbert-Schmidt norm GQD(two-norm GQD) is always smaller than the trace norm geometric quantum discord(one-norm GQD).Therefore,the one-norm GQD is a better way to measure the quantum ***,we propose an effective strategy to improve GQD by using partially collapsing measurements,and we find that the protection effect is better with the increase of the weak measurement strength.
In order to realize the fact that operational tasks can be decomposed flexibly with new tasks random adding, role-based approaches for operational tasks model and the flexibility decomposition are proposed. Firstly, a...