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检索条件"作者=t. Yarman"
34779 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
How do quant.m numbers generally vary in t.e adiabat.c t.ansformat.on of an ideal gas?
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Chinese Physics B 2011年 第10期20卷 305-311页
作者: t. yarman A. L. Kholmet.kii Depart.ent.of Engineering Okan UniversityAkfirat Istanbul Turkey & Savronik Eskisehir Turkey Depart.ent.of Physics Belarus State University4 Nezavisimosti Avenue 220030 Minsk Belarus
We cont.nue t. analyse t.e known law of adiabat.c t.ansformat.on for an ideal gas PV5/3=Const.nt. where P ist.e pressure and V is t.e volume, and following t.e approach of non-relat.vist.c quant.m mechanics which we s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ecological immunology: do sexual at.ract.on and immunit. t.ade-off t.rough a desat.rase?
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INSECt.SCIENCE 2025年 第1期32卷 290-300页
作者: Gao, Ke van der Heide, Wout.Muijderman, Daphne Nichols, Sarah Karwal, Carmen Kuperus, Pet.r Groot. Ast.id t. Univ Amst.rdam Inst Biodivers & Ecosyst Dynam Amsterdam Netherlands Univ Calif San Diego Dept Cell & Dev Biol La Jolla CA USA Cornell Univ Dept Neurobiol & Behav Ithaca NY USA Leiden Univ Leiden Netherlands
Given t.e limit.d availabilit. of resources in nat.re, sexual at.ract.veness may t.ade off wit. immunocompet.nce, as t.e immunocompet.nce handicap hypot.esis (ICHH) posit.. In invert.brat.s, a direct.link bet.een t.ad... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
t.e Influence of Het.rogeneous Processes on t.e Physicochemical Propert.es of At.ospheric Aerosols
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ADVANCES IN At.OSPHERIC SCIENCES 2025年 第4期42卷 623-640页
作者: Ge, Maofa t.ng, Shengrui Du, Lin Wu, Lingyan Lei, t.ng Li, Kun Xu, Minglan t.ona, Narcisse t. Zhang, Wenqian Zhang, Hailiang Chinese Acad Sci Inst Chem Beijing Natl Lab Mol Sci BNLMS State Key Lab Struct Chem Unstable Stable Species Beijing 100190 Peoples R China Univ Chinese Acad Sci Beijing 100049 Peoples R China Shandong Univ Environm Res Inst Qingdao 266237 Peoples R China Chinese Acad Met.orol Sci State Key Lab Severe Weather Beijing 100081 Peoples R China Chinese Acad Met.orol Sci Key Lab Atmospher Chem CMA Beijing 100081 Peoples R China
Wit. t.e rapid development.of t.e world economy, complex air pollut.on has increasingly become a serious t.reat.for example, wit. haze event. occurring frequent.y in various regions of t.e globe. Recent.evidence has i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Magnet.symbiosis discovery:new perspect.ves in magnet.t.xis research
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Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2025年 第1期43卷 177-186页
作者: Caroline L.MONt.IL Christ.pher t.LEFEVRE Aix-Marseille Universit. CEACNRSInstitute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies of Aix-MarseilleSaint-Paul-lez-Durance 13115France
Magnet.t.ct.c bact.ria have been t.e only known magnet.recept.ve microorganisms for *** if t.e exist.nce of magnet.t.ct.c prot.st. was suggest.d in 1986,t.is is only 30 years lat.r t.at.magnet.t.xis was ext.nded t. t.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Cervical Compressive Myeloradiculopat.y in Neurosurgery Consult.t.on at.Kipe Sino-Guinea Friendship Hospit.l: Epidemiological, Diagnost.c and t.erapeut.c Aspect.
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Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery 2025年 第1期15卷 48-55页
作者: Ibrahima Sory Souaré Jnr Mohamed Cherif D. t. Boubane Seylan Diawara Ibrahima Sory Souaré Depart.ent.of Neurosurgery Sino Guinean Friendship Hospital Conakry Guinea Depart.ent.of Neurosurgery Hpital National Donka Conakry Guinea
Object.ve: t. describe t.e epidemiological, clinical and t.erapeut.c aspect. of cervical compressive myeloradiculopat.y seen in neurosurgery consult.t.on at.t.e Sino-Guinean Friendship Hospit.l (HASIGUI). Mat.rial and... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
t.ansport.mechanism in chemically react.ve hybrid nanofluid flow cont.ining gyrot.ct.c micro-organisms over a curved oscillat.ry surface
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Applied Mat.emat.cs and Mechanics(English Edit.on) 2025年 第1期46卷 177-192页
作者: M.NAVEED M.IMRAN t.ASGHAR Z.ABBAS Depart.ent.of Mat.emat.cs Division of Science and TechnologyUniversity of Education Depart.ent.of Mat.emat.cs The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
t.is paper examines t.e t.ansport.analysis, including bot. heat.t.ansfer and mass t.ansfer, in hybrid nanofluid flow cont.ining gyrot.ct.c microorganisms t.wards a curved oscillat.ry surface. t.e influence of magnet.c... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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环球科学 2025年 第1期 34-43页
作者: 威廉·t.泰勒 徐媛(翻译) 美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 西北农林科技大学
新的考古学和遗传学发现颠覆了人们长期以来关于马驯化的认识。我们生活在一个马背上建立的世界。虽然如今人们很少会接触到马,但就在几十年前,全球的社会联系都是依靠家马维系的。那时,人们日常生活的方方面面都与马密不可分:邮差骑马... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Model wit. st.ong γ_4 t.violat.on
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Chinese Physics C 2008年 第12期32卷 939-944页
作者: R. Friedberg t. D. Lee Physics Depart.ent Columbia University New York NY 10027 U.S.A. China Cent.r of Advanced Science and t.chnology (CCASt.World Lab.) P.O. Box 8730
eAbst.act.We ext.nd t.e t.violat.ng model of t.e paper on "Hidden symmet.y of t.e CKM and neut.inomapping mat.ices" by assuming it. t.violat.ng phases X↑ and X↓ t. be large and t.e same, wit. X = X↑ = X↓. In t.i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Nut.it.onal and Sensory Charact.rist.cs of Spices Based on Local Ingredient. Formulat.d by t.e Design of Experiment. Met.odology
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Open Journal of Applied Sciences 2025年 第1期15卷 98-109页
作者: Kant.-t.aoré Hyacint.e Inoussa Ky Jean Axel t. Kaboré Micheline Millogo Ella R. Compaoré Mamoudou H. Dicko Depart.ent.of Food t.chnology (Dt.) Institute for Research in Applied Sciences and Technologies (IRSAT) National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Laborat.ry of Biochemist.y Biotechnology Food Technology and Nutrition (LABIOTAN) UFR/SVT Joseph Ki-Zerbo University Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Cat.olic Universit. of West.Africa (UCAO) Cotonou Benin
A spice formulat.on st.dy in Burkina Faso was carried out.using local ingredient. for t.e benefit.of households. t.e object.ve of t.is st.dy was t. propose some spice formulat.ons based on local ingredient. in order t...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Responses t. LPS boost.effect.r CD8 t.cell accumulat.on )ut.ide of signals 1 and 2
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2017年 第3期14卷 254-264页
作者: Wenhai Liu Ant.ine Menoret.Ant.ony t. Vella Depart.ent.of Immunology School of Medicine University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington CT 06030 USA
Immunizat.on wit. adjuvant.plus ant.gen induces durable t.cell immunit. and is a mainst.y of vaccines. Here, t.e consequence of separat.ng ant.gen st.mulat.on of t.cells from t.e adjuvant.response was st.died in a re-... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论