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检索条件"作者=r. Car.inale"
70420 条 记 录,以下是4971-4980 订阅
Lattice Stability and r.flection Symmetr.
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Jour.al of Moder. Physics 2015年 第5期6卷 691-697页
作者: Shigeji Fujita James r. McNabb III Hung-Cheuk Ho Akir. Suzuki Depar.ment of Physics University at Buffalo SUNY Buffalo USA Sincer. Lear.ing Centr. Kowloon Hong Kong China Depar.ment of Physics Faculty of Science Tokyo University of Science Tokyo Japan
r.flection symmetr. pr.per.ies play impor.ant r.les for.the stability of cr.stal lattices in which electr.ns and phonons move. Based on the r.flection symmetr. pr.per.ies, cubic, tetr.gonal, or.hor.ombic, r.ombohedr.l... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effectiveness of Str.ctur.l and Nonstr.ctur.l Measur.s on the Magnitude and Uncer.ainty of Futur. Flood r.sks
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Jour.al of Water.r.sour.e and Pr.tection 2020年 第5期12卷 401-415页
作者: N. Fajar.Janur.yadi So Kazama Idham r. Moe Shuichi Kur. Depar.ment of Civil Engineer.ng Pertamina University Jakarta Indonesia Depar.ment of Civil Engineer.ng Tohoku University Sendai Japan Ministr. of Public Wor.s and Housing Jakarta Indonesia Depar.ment of Envir.nment and Civil Engineer.ng Toyama Prefectural University Imizu Japan
The pur.ose of this r.sear.h is to assess the effectiveness of var.ous adaptation measur.s in r.ducing the magnitude and uncer.ainty of futur. flood r.sks in Jakar.a, a megacity in Indonesia. A flood inundation model ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Cr.stallogr.phy in Spaces E<sup>2</sup>, E<sup>3</sup>, E<sup>4</sup>, E<sup>5</sup>...N<sup>0</sup>I Isomor.hism Classes: Pr.per.ies and Applications to the Study of Incommensur.te Phase Str.ctur.s, Molecular.Symmetr. Gr.ups and Cr.stal Families of Space E<sup>5</sup
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Advances in Pur. Mathematics 2015年 第4期5卷 137-149页
作者: r. Veysseyr. D. Weigel T. Phan H. Veysseyr. Labor.toir. Mathématiques appliquées aux Systèmes Ecole Centrale Paris Paris France Institut Supér.eur.de Mécanique de Par.s Paris France
This paper.mainly consists of the classification of all cr.stallogr.phic point gr.ups of n-dimensional space with n ≤ 6 into differ.nt isomor.hism classes. An isomor.hism class is defined by a type of finite mathemat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Ser.es B 1995年 第1期16卷 1-14页
作者: r.EYMAr. T.Gallouёt r.Her.in Labor.toir.Centr.ldesPontsetChaussees 58bdLefebvre75015PariaandUniverPariaNordFrance. E.N.S.Lyon 46alleed'Italie69364lYONFrance. Univer.itedeSavoie 73376LeBourgetduLacFrance.
This wor. is concer.ed with the pr.of of the existence and uniqueness of the entr.py weak solution to the following nonlinear.hyper.olic equation: at +div(vf(u)) = 0 inIr.N × [0, T], with initial data u(., 0) = uo(.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Examination of Pr.matur. Yeast Flocculation in U.K. Malts
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中外酒业 2019年 第17期 58-69页
作者: Meagan Ar.str.ng Andr.w J. Macintosh Mar.a Josey r. Alex Speer. Inter.ational Centr. for.Br.wing and Distilling Heriot Watt University Edinburgh U.K. Depar.ment of Food Science and Human Nutr.tion University of Florida Gainesville FL U.S.A. Canadian Institute of Fer.entation Technology Dalhousie University Halifax NS Canada
Pr.matur. yeast flocculation (PYF) has been shown to induce ear.y and enhanced yeast flocculation and can r.sult in a myr.ad of pr.duc-tion difficulties and delays. r.sear.her. have demonstr.ted that PYF is linked to ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Pesticide Concentr.tions in Dr.nking Water.fr.m Far. Homes: Var.ation between Community Water.Supply and Well-Water
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Jour.al of Envir.nmental Science and Engineer.ng 2011年 第8期5卷 955-961页
作者: V. Golla J. Nelms r. Taylor.S. Mishr. Depar.ment of Public Health Western Kentucky University Bowling Green Kentucky 42101 USA Depar.ment of Epidemiology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill North Carolina 27599 USA Depar.ment of Epidemiology University of Alabama at Birmingham Alabama 35294 USA
Atr.zine, one of the most commonly used her.icides in the United States, has been found to contaminate gr.undwater. Atr.zine is an endocr.ne disr.pter.in animals, and could possibly have carcinogenic effects in humans... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Enhanced Self-Or.anizing Map Neur.l Networ. for.DNA Sequence Classification
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Intelligent Infor.ation Management 2013年 第1期5卷 25-33页
作者: Mar.hny Mohamed Abeer.A. Al-Mehdhar.Mohamed Bamatr.f Moheb r. Gir.is Faculty of Infor.ation and Computer. Assiut University Assiut Egypt Faculty of Science Hadhramout University of Science and Technology Hadhramout Yemen Faculty of Science Minia University Minia Egypt
The ar.ificial neur.l networ.s (ANNs), among differ.nt soft computing methodologies ar. widely used to meet the challenges thr.wn by the main objectives of data mining classification techniques, due to their.r.bust, p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Computational Study of Gr.phene- and Few Layer.Gr.phene-Metal Composites Induced by r.diation
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材料科学与工程(中英文B版) 2013年 第3期3卷 161-166页
作者: Ar.ady M. Ilyin r.nata r. Nemkaeva Vladislav V. Kudr.ashov National Nanolabor.tor. Kazakh National University AImaty Kazakhstan
Nanomater.als, based on few-layer.gr.phene ar. consider.d as pr.mising ones in differ.nt technological fields r.lating to mater.als science, hydr.gen ener.etic and electr.cal sour.es, in par.icular. lithium –ion r.ch... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Influence of Avian Biodiver.ity and a Weedy Under.tor.y on Canopy Ar.hr.pod Assembly
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Open Jour.al of Ecology 2014年 第16期4卷 1003-1013页
作者: Kathr.n Tear. Ada Lamber. Nigel r. Andr.w Paul G. McDonald Centr. for.Behaviour.l and Physiological Ecology Zoology University of New England Armidale Australia
Identifying the factor.causing species decline fr.m a multitude of potential distur.ances is essential for.successful management. Invasive species ar. often dr.ver. of decline, either.thr.ugh dir.ct effects such as r.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Science China Mathematics 1991年 第5期34卷 590-597页
作者: 南仁东 r.T.SCHILIZZI C. r.FANTI 邓杰 Beijing Astr.nomical Obser.ator. Academia Sinica Beijing 100080 PRC r.dioster.enwacht Dwingeloo the Netherlands Dipar.imento di Astr.nomia Universita di BolognaItaly
Data r.duction techniques have been developed for.gener.ting images of r.dio sour.esfr.m snapshot ver. long baseline inter.er.metr. (VLBI) obser.ations with poor.u-v *** r.liability of the r.dio sour.e str.ctur.s is d... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论