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Sclero.erma.a.d HIV Infectio.: a.Ca.e Repo.t with Litera.ure Review
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o.en Jo.rna. o. Interna. Medicine 2018年 第4期8卷 255-260页
作者: I. a. Dembélé N. R. Nya.ke D. Tra.0}e a. K. So.ckho.D. Sy M. Cisso.o.a. Sa.o.o.B. B. Sa.ga.é o. a. cisse K. Da.0}K. T. Tigha.kpa.M. Ma.le M. To.o.a. Keita.a. Tra.0}e M. Sa.io. Y. Fo.a.a.D. Sa.ga.é N. To.o.N. Do.mbia.a. Do.mbia.B. B. Berthé B. D. Ca.a.a.S. a. Co.liba.y N. Sa.a.o.o.M. Dembélé a. K. Tra.0}e H. a. Tra.0}e Interna. Medicine Depa.tment Point G Teaching Hospital Bamako Mali Depa.tment o. Interna. Medicine Kaya Regional Hospital Kaya Burkina Faso
Intro.uctio.: a.quired immuno.eficiency syndro.e (a.DS) linked to.HIV infectio. is a.co.pa.ied by a.to.immune pheno.ena. a.to.mmune disea.es ca. develo. in peo.le living with HIV, mo.t in a.co.text o. go.d immuno.o.ic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Co.po.itio.a. Suita.ility a.sessment a.d New Cla.sifica.io. o. La.eritic So.ls fo. Ro.d Co.structio.: Ca.e o. Ma.eria.s fro. the Thies Regio. in Senega.
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Jo.rna. o. Geo.cience a.d Enviro.ment Pro.ectio. 2025年 第1期13卷 71-88页
作者: Ba.e o.ma. Dio. Igna.e Gba.uidi Pa.a.Go.mbo.Lo.Seyna.o. Sène a.ina.a.cisse Ma.ha.y Ba.Kha.ym Nia.g co.e Suprieure Po.ytechnique Universit Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar Senegal Eco.e Na.io.a.e Suprieure des Mines et de la.Go.o.ie (ex-IST) Universit Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar Senegal La.o.a.o.re Na.io.a. de Rfrence da.s le do.a.ne du Btiments et des Tra.a.x Publics (LNR-BTP)1 Dakar Senegal a.ence des tra.a.x et de Gestio. des Ro.tes (a.ERo.TE)2 Dakar Senegal UFR Sciences de lIngnieur Universit Iba Der Thiamf de This This Sngal
La.eritic so.ls a.e fo.nd o.er la.ge a.ea. in tro.ica. co.ntries where their suita.ility fo. ro.d engineering is a.rea. co.cern, bo.h co.po.itio.a.ly a.d mecha.ica.ly. Minera.o.ica. a.d geo.hemica. cha.a.teriza.io., a...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Impro.ement o. Wild Rice o.yza.Lo.gista.ina.a.thro.gh Muta.io. Inductio.
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Jo.rna. o. Fo.d Science a.d Engineering 2016年 第2期6卷 82-89页
作者: Fo.sseyni cisse Medo.ne Pa.a.Kho.ma Institut d 'Eco.o.ie Rura.e (IER) Centre Regional de la Recherche Agronomique (CRRA) Sikasso BP. 16 Mall
Influence o. a.muta.io. to.impro.e the undesira.le tra.ts (sha.tering, red ca.yo.sis etc.) o. wild rice o. lo.gista.ina.a.while preserving its useful genes by ra.ia.io. 20 Kr ga.ma.ra.s fro. 60Co.wa. studied. The mu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Preva.ence a.d risk fa.to.s o. undernutritio. a.o.g scho.lchildren in the Pla.ea. Centra. a.d Centre-o.est regio.s o. Burkina.Fa.o
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Infectio.s Disea.es o. Po.erty 2017年 第1期6卷 140-153页
作者: Severine Erisma.n a.trid M.Kno.la.ch Serge Dia.bo.ga.Peter o.erma.t Ja.a.Gero.d a.ina.Shrestha.Grisso.m Ta.na.da.Bo.ba.a. Sa.a.o.o.Christia. Schindler Jürg Utzinger Guela.io.cisse Swiss Tro.ica. a.d Public Hea.th Institute P.O.BoxCH-4002 BaselSwitzerland University o. Ba.el P.O.BoxCH-4003 BaselSwitzerland Institut de Recherches en Sciences de la.Sa.te P.O.Box 7192Ouagadougou 03Burkina Faso Ka.hma.du University P.O.Box 625045200 DhulikhelNepa
Ba.kgro.nd:Multiple fa.to.s determine children’s nutritio.a. sta.us,including energy a.d nutrient inta.e,recurrent infectio.s disea.es,a.cess(o. la.k thereo.)to.clea. wa.er a.d impro.ed sa.ita.io.,a.d hygiene pra.tic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Risk fa.to.s fo. schisto.o.ia.is in a. urba. a.ea.in no.thern Co.e d’Ivo.re
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Infectio.s Disea.es o. Po.erty 2018年 第1期7卷 460-471页
作者: Richa.d K.M’Bra.Bra.a.Ko.e Ya.i G.Ya.i Kigba.o.i D.Silue Ibra.ima.Sy Da.ielle Viennea. Na.nin So.o.Guela.io.cisse Jurg Utzinger Unitede Fo.ma.io. et de Recherche des Sciences de la.Terre et des Resso.rces Minieres Universite Felix Houphouet-Boigny01 BP V 34Abidjan 01Cpte d’Ivoire Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Cpte d’Ivo.re 01 BP 1303Abidjan 01Cote d’Ivoire Swiss Tro.ica. a.d Public Hea.th Institute P.O.BoxCH-4002BaselSwitzerland University o. Ba.el P.O.BoxCH-4003BaselSwitzerland Institut de Gestio. a.ro.a.to.a.e UniversitéPéléforo Gon CoulibalyBP 1328KorhogoCote d’Ivoire Centre d’Ento.o.o.ie Medica.e et Veterina.re Universite Alassane Ouattara27 BP 529Abidjan 27Cote d’Ivoire Unitede Fo.ma.io. et de Recherche Bio.ciences Universite Felix Houphouet-Boigny22 BP 522Abidjan 22Cote d’Ivoire Centre de Suivi Eco.o.ique BP 15532DakarSenegal.
Ba.kgro.nd:Schisto.o.ia.is is a.wa.er-ba.ed disea.e tra.smitted by trema.o.es belo.ging to.the genus *** a.m o. this study wa. to.a.sess the rela.io.ship between the preva.ence o. schisto.o.ia.is a.d a.cess to.wa.er,s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Clima.e cha.ge a.d its a.so.ia.io. with the expa.sio. o. vecto.s a.d vecto.-bo.ne disea.es in the Hindu Kush Hima.a.a. regio.:a.systema.ic synthesis o. the litera.ure
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a.va.ces in Clima.e Cha.ge Resea.ch 2021年 第3期12卷 421-429页
作者: Meghna.h DHIMa. Isa.elle Ma.ie KRa.ER Pa.ba.i PHUYa. Shya. Sunda. BUDHa.Ho.I Julia.e Ha.TKE Bo.o.a.RENS Ulrich KUCH Da.id a.Ro.EBERG Sa.to.h NEPa. Qi-Yo.g LIU Cun-Rui HUa.G Guela.io.cisse Kristie LEBI Do.is KLINGELHo.ER Ruth MULLER Nepa. Hea.th Resea.ch Co.ncil(NHRC) Kathmandu44600Nepal Glo.a. Institute fo. Interdisciplina.y Studies(GIIS) Kathmandu44600Nepal Institute o. o.cupa.io.a. Social and Environmental MedicineGoethe UniversityFrankfurt am Main60590Germany Institute fo. a.mo.pheric a.d Enviro.menta. Sciences(Ia.) Goethe UniversityFrankfurt am Main60438Germany Depa.tment o. Bio.edica. Sciences Institute of Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentUniversity of AntwerpAntwerp2000Belgium Depa.tment o. Prima.y Ca.e a.d Public Hea.th School of Public HealthImperial College LondonLondonW2 IPGUnited Kingdom Depa.tment o. Bio.edica. Sciences Institute of Tropical MedicineAntwerp2000Belgium Interna.io.a. Centre fo. Integra.ed Mo.nta.n Develo.ment(ICIMo.) Kathmandu44600Nepal Depa.tment o. Vecto. Bio.o.y a.d Co.tro. National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and PreventionChina CDCBeijing102206China WHo.Co.la.o.a.ing Centre fo. Vecto. Surveilla.ce a.d Ma.a.ement Beijing102206China Depa.tment o. Hea.th Po.icy&Ma.a.ement School of Public HealthSun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhou510275China Depa.tment o. Epidemio.o.y a.d Public Hea.th(EPH) Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute(Swiss TPH)Basel4051Switzerland University o. Ba.el Basel4001Switzerland Depa.tment o. Glo.a. Hea.th University of WashingtonSeattleWA98104USA
o.served wea.her a.d pro.ected clima.e cha.ge suggest a. increa.e in the tra.smissio. o. vecto.-bo.ne disea.es(VBDs)in the Hindu Kush Hima.a.a.(HKH)*** this study,we systema.ica.ly explo.e the litera.ure fo. empiric a...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Co.ba.ing Desertifica.io. a.d Impro.ing Lo.a. Liveliho.ds thro.gh the GGWI in the Sa.el Regio.: The Exa.ple o. Senega.
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Jo.rna. o. Reso.rces a.d Eco.o.y 2018年 第3期9卷 257-265页
作者: Sa.if Dio. a.io. Guisse Cla.de Sene Bira.e cisse Ndeye Ro.ha.a.Dio. So.hna.Die Ka.a.a.y Gna.na.cisse Sa.y Sa.bo. o.sma.e Ndia.e a.a.de Bela.ma.n Fa.do.a. FU Cha.0}Wa.G Guo.in Wa.G Yo.gdo.g Na.io.a. a.a.emy o. Sciences o. Senega. P.O. Box 4344 Dakar RE Senegal Fa.ulty o. Science a.d Techno.o.y University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar P.O. Box 5005 Dakar-Fann Senegal Do.to.a. Scho.l Wa.er Qua.ity a.d Uses o. Wa.er University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar P.O. Box 5005 Dakar-Fann Senegal Susta.na.le Develo.ment a.d Enviro.menta. Engineering/12DE Co.sulting P.O.Box 5346 Dakar Senegal La.o.a.o.y o. Studies a.d Resea.ch in Po.itics a.d La. o. Enviro.ment a.d Hea.th University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar P.O. 5005 Dakar-Fann Senegal Na.io.a. a.ency o. the Grea. Green Wa.l o. Senega. Villa 10623 Bis Sacre-Cocur 3 Dakar 11000 Senegal Fo.estry Agroforestry and Biogeography Research Unit School of Forestry and Wood Engineering National University of Agriculture P.O. Box 43 Ketou Benin Interna.io.a. Eco.ystem Ma.a.ement Pa.tnership United Nations Environment Programme Beijing 100101 China Institute o. Geo.ra.hic Sciences a.d Na.ura. Reso.rces Resea.ch Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101 China Xinjia.g Institute o. Eco.o.y a.d Geo.ra.hy Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi 830011 China
The Grea. Green Wa.l Initia.ive(GGWI) ha. a. o.era.l o.jective o. fighting desert encro.chment thro.gh pro.en pra.tices o. susta.na.le ma.a.ement o. la.d, a.d the reinfo.cement a.d pro.ectio. o. na.ura. reso.rces a.... 详细信息
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Sta.istica. a.a.ysis fo. a.sessing Ra.do.ness, Shift a.d Trend in Ra.nfa.l Time Series under Clima.e Va.ia.ility a.d Cha.ge: Ca.e o. Senega.
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Jo.rna. o. Geo.cience a.d Enviro.ment Pro.ectio. 2017年 第13期5卷 31-53页
作者: Didier Ma.ia.Ndio.e So.sso. Sa.bo. Mo.ssé La.ding Sa.e Seydo. Ka.e Issa.Leye Seni Ta.ba.Mo.ha.ed Ta.la.cisse Hydra.lic a.d Fluids Mecha.ics La.o.a.o.y (HFML) Department of Physics Faculty of Sciences and technology Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) Dakar Senegal Po.ytechnic High Scho.l o. Thies Thies Senegal
The ma.n purpo.e o. this study is to.a.sess the clima.e va.ia.ility a.d cha.ge thro.gh sta.istica. pro.essing to.ls tha. a.le to.highlight a.nua. a.d mo.thly ra.nfa.l beha.io. between 1970 a.d 2010 in six stra.egica. ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dyslipidemia.in a.ults with Type 2 Dia.etes in a.Rura. Co.munity in Ga.a.o.go., Ma.i: a.Cro.s-Sectio.a. Study
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Jo.rna. o. Dia.etes Mellitus 2024年 第2期14卷 133-152页
作者: a.do.la.e Dia.a.a.Djibril Ma.a.o. Co.liba.y Drissa.Ko.e Ma.a.a. Tra.0}e Drissa.Ko.a.é Dicko.S. Ba.i o.ma. Ka.so.ue Djeneba.Sylla.Fa.o.ma.a.Gniné Fo.a.a.o.do. Dia.a.é Ma.ia. Tra.0}e Ibra.im a.to.ne Niea.ta.0}Ka.y Keїta.Ma.a.o. Dia.ra.o.ivia.Smith Jia. Li Cheickna.cisse Ta.ib Yusuf a.ba. Crysta. Zheng Segun Fa.umo.Ka.sim Tra.0}e Ma.a.o. Wele Ma.a.a.o. Dia.ité Seydo. o. Do.mbia.Jeffrey G. Sha.fer University o. Sciences Techniques and Technologies of Bamako Bamako Mali Na.io.a. Federa.io. o. Co.munity Hea.th a.so.ia.io.s Bamako Mali Depa.tment o. Tro.ica. Medicine Medical Microbiology & Pharmacology John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii Manoa Honolulu USA Depa.tment Bio.ta.istics a.d Da.a.Science School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Tulane University New Orleans USA Depa.tment o. Bio.echno.o.y a.d Co.puter Science Burhani College Mazgaon Mumbai India Scho.l o. Medicine Tulane University New Orleans USA Medica. Resea.ch Co.ncil Uganda Virus Research Institute Entebbe Uganda Lo.do. Scho.l o. Hygiene a.d Tro.ica. Medicine London UK Depa.tement o. Bio.hemistry a.d Genetics Duquesne University College of Medicine Pittsburgh USA
Dyslipidemia.is a.diso.der where a.no.ma.ly lipid co.centra.io.s circula.e in the blo.dstrea.. The diso.der is co.mo. in type 2 dia.etics (T2D) a.d is linked with T2D co.o.bidities, pa.ticula.ly ca.dio.a.cula. disea.e... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Preva.ence o. dia.rho.a.a.d risk fa.to.s a.o.g children under five yea.s o.d in Mbo.r,Senega.:a.cro.s-sectio.a. study
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Infectio.s Disea.es o. Po.erty 2017年 第1期6卷 976-987页
作者: So.hna.Thia. a.ina.a.N.Diene Sa.uel Fuhrima.n Mirko.S.Winkler Ibra.ima.Sy Ja.ques a.Ndio.e Christia. Schindler Penelo.e Vo.na.so. Jurg Utzinger o.sma.e Fa.e Guela.io.cisse Swiss Tro.ica. a.d Public Hea.th Institute P.O.BoxCH-4002 BaselSwitzerland University o. Ba.el P.O.BoxCH-4003 BaselSwitzerland Depa.tement de Geo.ra.hie UniversiteCheikh Anta Diop de DakarBP 5005 DakarSenegal Centre de Suivi Eco.o.ique BP 15532 Dakar-FannSenegal Depa.tement de Bio.o.ie a.ima.e UniversiteCheikh Anta Diop de DakarBP 5005 DakarSenegal
Ba.kgro.nd:Dia.rho.a. disea.es rema.n a. impo.ta.t ca.se o. mo.ta.ity a.d mo.bidity a.o.g children,pa.ticula.ly in lo.-a.d middle-inco.e *** Senega.,dia.rho.a.is respo.sible fo. 15%o. a.l dea.hs in children under the ... 详细信息
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