Purpose–The authors believe that people with cognitive and motor impairments may benefit from using of telepresence robots to engage in social *** date,these systems have not been designed for use by people with disa...
Purpose–The authors believe that people with cognitive and motor impairments may benefit from using of telepresence robots to engage in social *** date,these systems have not been designed for use by people with disabilities as the robot *** paper aims to discuss these ***/methodology/approach–The authors conducted two formative evaluations using a participatory action design ***,the authors conducted a focus group(n¼5)to investigate how members of the target audience would want to direct a telepresence robot in a remote environment using *** authors then conducted a follow-on experiment in which participants(n¼12)used a telepresence robot or directed a human in a scavenger hunt ***–The authors collected a corpus of 312 utterances(first hand as opposed to speculative)relating to spatial ***,the analysis of the corpus supported several speculations put forth during the focus ***,it showed few statistically significant differences between speech used in the human and robot agent conditions;thus,the authors believe that,for the task of directing a telepresence robot’s movements in a remote environment,people will speak to the robot in a manner similar to speaking to another *** implications–Based upon the two formative evaluations,the authors present four guidelines for designing speech-based interfaces for telepresence ***/value–Robot systems designed for general use do not typically consider people with *** work is a first step towards having our target population take the active role of the telepresence robot operator.
Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA transcripts is an important regulatory mechanism that increases the diversity of gene products in *** studies have linked specific transcript isoforms to altered drug response in cance...
Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA transcripts is an important regulatory mechanism that increases the diversity of gene products in *** studies have linked specific transcript isoforms to altered drug response in cancer;however,few algorithms have incorporated splicing information into drug response *** this study,we evaluated whether basal-level splicing information could be used to predict drug sensitivity by constructing doxorubicin-sensitivity classification models with splicing and expression *** detailed splicing differences between sensitive and resistant cell lines by implementing quasi-binomial generalized linear modeling(QBGlM)and found altered inclusion of 277 skipped *** additionally conducted RNA-binding protein(RBP)binding motif enrichment and differential ex-pression analysis to characterize cis-and trans-acting elements that potentially influence doxorubicin response-mediating splicing *** results showed that a classification model built with skipped exon data exhibited strong predictive *** discovered an association between differentially spliced events and epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT)and observed motif enrichment,as well as differential expression of RBFOX and ElAVl RBP family *** work demonstrates the potential of incorporating splicing data into drug response algorithms and the utility of a QBGlM approach for fast,scalable identification of relevant splicing differences between large groups of samples.
We establish a Dahlberg-type perturbation theorem for second order divergence form elliptic operators with complex coefficients. In our previous paper, we showed the following result: If l_0 = div A^0(x)? + B^0(x) · ...
We establish a Dahlberg-type perturbation theorem for second order divergence form elliptic operators with complex coefficients. In our previous paper, we showed the following result: If l_0 = div A^0(x)? + B^0(x) · ? is a p-elliptic operator satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 1.1 then the lpDirichlet problem for the operator l_0 is solvable in the upper half-space Rn+. In this paper we prove that the lpsolvability is stable under small perturbations of l_0. That is if l_1 is another divergence form elliptic operator with complex coefficients and the coefficients of the operators l_0 and l_1 are sufficiently close in the sense of Carleson measures, then the lpDirichlet problem for the operator l_1 is solvable for the same value of p. As a corollary we obtain a new result on lpsolvability of the Dirichlet problem for operators of the form l = div A(x)? + B(x) · ? where the matrix A satisfies weaker Carleson condition(expressed in term of oscillation of coefficients). In particular the coefficients of A need no longer be differentiable and instead satisfy a Carleson condition that controls the oscillation of the matrix A over Whitney boxes. This result in the real case has been established by Dindoˇs,Petermichl and Pipher.
Background: For migrating birds, stopover requires spending time and energy that otherwise could be allocated to flying. Thus, birds optimally refuel their subsequent migratory flight by reducing stopover duration or ...
Background: For migrating birds, stopover requires spending time and energy that otherwise could be allocated to flying. Thus, birds optimally refuel their subsequent migratory flight by reducing stopover duration or foraging activ-ity in food-rich environments. In coastal habitats, birds may forego refueling and take short stopovers irrespective of local food availability. Given the paucity of studies exploring how migrants adjust stopover behavior in response to temporal variation in food availability, especially in the Neotropics, we fixed radio tags to 51 Red-eyed Vireos(Vireo olivaceous) over two years at two sites on the coast of Mexico's Yucatan ***: We applied VHF radio tags during the fall of 2016 and 2017, and tracked birds using automatic and manual receiving units. We estimated stopover duration and activity levels(one site only) for between six and fifteen birds,depending on site and year. We measured fruit availability weekly along the net lanes where we captured birds. We used a generalized linear model to estimate the relationships between stopover duration/activity level and fruit den-sity, bird body mass and year. We interpreted relationships for the model with the lowest AICc ***: We found that approximately half of the birds departed on the same day they were captured. For the birds that stayed longer, we could not discern whether they did so because they were light, or fruit density was high. On the other hand, lighter birds were more active than heavier birds but only in one of the two ***: Given our results, it is unlikely that Red-eyed Vireos refuel along the Yucatan coast. However, they still likely need to recuperate from crossing the Gulf of Mexico, which may necessitate foraging more often if in poor body condition. If the birds then move inland then stopover should be thought of as a large-scale phenomenon, where habitats with different functions may be spread out over a broad landscape.
Curriculum development is a topic everyone in the field of medical education will *** to the breadth of ages and types of care provided in Family Medicine,family medicine faculty in particular need to be facile in dev...
Curriculum development is a topic everyone in the field of medical education will *** to the breadth of ages and types of care provided in Family Medicine,family medicine faculty in particular need to be facile in developing effective curricula for medical students,residents,fellows and for faculty *** the area of medical education,changing and evolving learning environments,as well as changing requirements necessitate new and innovative curricula to address these evolving *** process of developing a medical education curriculum can seem daunting but when broken down into smaller components can become very straightforward and easy to *** paper focuses on the curriculum development process using a six-step approach:performing a needs assessment,determining content,writing goals and objectives,selecting the educational strategies,implementing the curriculum and,finally,evaluating the *** process may serve as a template for Family Medicine educators,and all medical educators looking to design(or redesign)their own medical education curriculum.
Prematurely born newborns,as well as those born at term,may suffer from several types of brain injury including hypoxic-ischemic injury,intracranial hemorrhage,both intraventricular and parenchymal,and injury that is ...
Prematurely born newborns,as well as those born at term,may suffer from several types of brain injury including hypoxic-ischemic injury,intracranial hemorrhage,both intraventricular and parenchymal,and injury that is the consequence of intrauterine growth restriction(IUGR).Injury of all types can impact the motor and cognitive abilities of *** mechanisms leading to disability are not completely understood.
AIM:To determine the contributions of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1),cytokines and liver disease severity to bone mineral density in patients ***:Serum IGF-1,tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (I...
AIM:To determine the contributions of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1),cytokines and liver disease severity to bone mineral density in patients ***:Serum IGF-1,tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (Il-6) were measured and the Model for End-Stage liver Disease (MElD) score calculated in 121 adult patients referred to a single centre for liver *** mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine and femoral neck were assessed via dual energy X-ray ***,liver disease etiology,medication use and relevant biochemistry were ***:A total of 117 subjects were included,with low BMD seen in 68.6%,irrespective of disease *** multivariable analysis,low body mass index (BMI),increased bone turnover and low IGF-1 were independent predictors of low spinal bone *** the hip,BMI,IGF-1 and vitamin D status were *** prevalent elevations of TNFα and Il-6,levels did not correlate with degree of bone *** MElD score failed to predict low BMD in this pre-transplant ***:Osteopenia/osteoporosis is common in advanced liver *** serum IGF-1 is weakly predictive but serum cytokine and MElD score fail to predict the severity of bone disease.
Background:Evaluation of carbon(C),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus(P)ratios in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems can advance our understanding of biological processes,nutrient cycling,and the fate of organic matter(OM)in ...
Background:Evaluation of carbon(C),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus(P)ratios in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems can advance our understanding of biological processes,nutrient cycling,and the fate of organic matter(OM)in these *** of aquatic ecosystems can change the accumulation and decomposition of OM which can alter biogeochemical cycling and alter the base of the aquatic food *** study investigated nutrient stoichiometry within and among wetland ecosystem compartments(i.e.,water column,flocculent,soil,and aboveground vegetation biomass)of two subtropical treatment wetlands with distinct vegetation *** flow-ways(FWs)within the network of Everglades Stormwater Treatment Areas in south Florida(USA)were selected for this *** evaluated nutrient stoichiometry of these to understand biogeochemical cycling and controls of nutrient removal in a treatment wetland within an ecological stoichiometry ***:This study demonstrates that C,N,and P stoichiometry can be highly variable among ecosystem compartments and between *** law slopes of C,N,and P within surface water floc,soil,and vegetation were significantly different between and along ***:Assessment of wetland nutrient stoichiometry between and within ecosystem compartments suggests unconstrained stoichiometry related to P that conforms with the notion of P limitation in the *** in N:P ratios between floc and soil suggest different pathways of organic nutrient accumulation and retention between *** nutrient stoichiometry was highly variable and decoupled(or close to decoupled as indicated bylained variation between parameters),in particular with respect to *** hypothesize that decoupling may be the imprint of variability in inflow nutrient ***,despite active biogeochemical cycles that could act to restore nutrient stoichiometry along the FW,there was little evidence that such balancing occurred,as the
To increase maize (Zea mays l.) yields in drought-prone environments and offset predicted maize yield losses under future climates, the development of improved breeding pipelines using a multi-disciplinary approach ...
To increase maize (Zea mays l.) yields in drought-prone environments and offset predicted maize yield losses under future climates, the development of improved breeding pipelines using a multi-disciplinary approach is essential. Elucidating key growth processes will provide opportunities to improve drought breeding progress through the identification of key phenotypic traits, ideotypes, and donors. In this study, we tested a large set of tropical and subtropical maize inbreds and single cross hybrids under reproductive stage drought stress and well-watered conditions. Patterns of biomass production, senescence, and plant water status were measured throughout the crop cycle. Under drought stress, early biomass production prior to anthesis was important for inbred yield, while delayed senescence was important for hybrid yield. Under well-watered conditions, the ability to maintain a high biomass throughout the growing cycle was crucial for inbred yield, while a stay-green pattern was important for hybrid yield. While new quantitative phenotyping tools such as spectral reflectance (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) allowed for the characterization of growth and senescence patterns as well as yield, qualitative measurements of canopy senescence were also found to be associated with grain yield.
After decades of research,peripheral nerve injury and repair still frequently results in paralysis,chronic pain and neuropathies leading to severe disability in *** clinically available nerve conduits only provide cru...
After decades of research,peripheral nerve injury and repair still frequently results in paralysis,chronic pain and neuropathies leading to severe disability in *** clinically available nerve conduits only provide crude guidance of regenerating axons across nerve gap without additional ***506(Tacrolimus),an FDA approved immunosuppressant,has been shown to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration but carries harsh side-effects when delivered *** objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a bioresorbable drug delivery system capable of local extended delivery of FK506 that also provides topological guidance cues to guide axon growth via *** was used to create micropatterned poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid)(PlGA) films embedded with ***-patterned,10/10 μm(ridge/groove width),and 30/30 μm patterned films loaded with 0,1,and 3 μg/cm2 FK506 were manufactured and *** vitro FK506 rate of release testing indicated that the films are capable of an extended(at least 56 days),controlled,and scalable release of *** extension bioactivity assay indicated that FK506 released from the films(concentration of samples tested ranged between 8.46–19.7 ng/m l) maintained its neural bioactivity and promoted neurite extension similar to control FK506 dosages(10 ng/m l FK506).The multi-functional FK506 embedded,micropatterned poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) films developed in this study have potential to be used in the construction of peripheral nerve repair devices.