Any teaching or action is unique in its *** accomplished,teachings and actions can he understood as examples of principles or ***’s hand replantation illustrates specificconfucian principles. I have selected citatio...
Any teaching or action is unique in its *** accomplished,teachings and actions can he understood as examples of principles or ***’s hand replantation illustrates specific confucian principles. I have selected citations from The Analects to generalize aspects of ***’ s accomplishments. 2:11.A man who revies the old so as to find the new is qualified to teach others. ***’s medical training included detailed anatomic studies,thorough orthopedic residency,
N 肥的有效性及其去向自60年代初起就开始受到关注.当今的持续农业中,减少 N 肥的经济损失以及 N 肥对环境污染的影响已经引起了广泛的重视.随着农业持续发展的需要,保持耕作的面积正在不断扩大.然而由于保持耕作体系下的土壤环境条件...
N 肥的有效性及其去向自60年代初起就开始受到关注.当今的持续农业中,减少 N 肥的经济损失以及 N 肥对环境污染的影响已经引起了广泛的重视.随着农业持续发展的需要,保持耕作的面积正在不断扩大.然而由于保持耕作体系下的土壤环境条件更有利于N的固定、反硝化和 N 的淋溶过程,而不利于 N 的矿化和硝化过程,因此 N 的管理显得更为重要.本文就保持耕作体系下,特别是加拿大草原地区土壤中,肥料 N 的行为及其有效管理的若干问题进行了探讨.