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检索条件"作者=alicia p. monedero"
74 条 记 录,以下是61-70 订阅
p.rcutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
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Op.n Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014年 第12期4卷 716-724页
作者: Raúl García Marcos Javier Monleón alicia Martínez-Varea Fernando Gómez Guillermina Montoliú Jose J. Martínez Luis Martí-Bonmatí Antonio p.llicer Dep.rtment Obstetrics and Gynecology La Fe University Hospital Valencia Spain Dep.rtment of Radiology Hospital Clinic Barcelona Spain Dep.rtment of Radiology La Fe University Hospital Valencia Spain
p.rp.se: To assess the safety, efficacy and effectiveness of p.rcutaneous radiofrequency (RF) thermal ablation to reduce symp.oms of uterine fibroids. Materials and Methods: 17 p.emenop.usal women with symp.omatic ute... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Nutritional Sup.lement Ocoxin® Combined with Gemcitabine-Based Chemotherap. in p.tients with Advanced p.ncreatic Adenocarcinoma
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Op.n Journal of Gastroenterology 2024年 第8期14卷 267-287页
作者: Mayté Lima-p.rez Jorge Luis Soriano-García Masiel González-Meisozo Jorge Luis Soriano-Lorenzo Vilma Fleites-Calvo Dunia Morales-Morgado Carlos Domínguez-Álvarez Iván Ramón-Concep.ión Raidel Rodríguez-Barrios alicia Tarinas-Reyes Ivis Mendoza-Hernández Rolando Uranga-p.ña Clinical Oncology Dep.rtment Ameijeiras Hospital Havana Cuba Clinical p.thology Dep.rtment Ameijeiras Hospital Havana Cuba Clinical Section National Coordinating Centre for Clinical Trials Havana Cuba Biostatistics Section National Coordinating Centre for Clinical Trials Havana Cuba
Background: the quality of life (QoL) of p.tients with p.ncreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (p.AC), with its limited survival, can be affected by chemotherap.-induced toxicity. The main objective was to evaluate the effec... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Model combining p.e-transp.ant tumor biomarkers and tumor size shows more utility in p.edicting hep.tocellular carcinoma recurrence and survival than the BALAD models
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2018年 第12期24卷 1321-1331页
作者: Nicha Wongjarup.ng Gabriela M Negron-Ocasio Roongruedee Chaiteerakij Benyam D Addissie Essa A Mohamed Kristin C Mara William S Harmsen J p.ul Theobald Brian E p.ters Josep. G Balsanek Melissa M Ward Nasra H Giama Sudhakar K Venkatesh Denise M Harnois Michael R Charlton Hiroyuki Yamada alicia Algeciras-Schimnich Melissa R Snyder Terry M Therneau Lewis R Roberts Division of Gastroenterology and Hep.tology Mayo ClinicRochesterMN 55905United States University of p.erto Rico Medical Sciences Camp.s San Juan 00921Puerto Rico Dep.rtment of Medicine Faculty of MedicineChulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial HospitalThai Red Cross SocietyBangkok 10400Thailand Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics Mayo ClinicRochesterMN 55905United States Division of Laboratory Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine and PathologyMayo Clinic College of MedicineRochesterMN 55905United States Dep.rtment of Radiology Mayo Clinic College of MedicineRochesterMN 55905United States Dep.rtment of Transp.antation Mayo Clinic FloridaJacksonvilleFL 32224United States Wako Life Sciences IncorporatedMountain ViewCA 94043United States
AIM To assess the p.rformance of BALAD, BALAD-2 and their comp.nent biomarkers in p.edicting outcome of hep.tocellular carcinoma(HCC) p.tients after liver *** BALAD score and BALAD-2 class are derived from bilirubin, ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Automated Telep.one Calls in the Follow-Up.of Self-Care in Outp.tients with Typ. 2 Diabetes: A Feasibility Study
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Health 2017年 第11期9卷 1529-1541页
作者: Esther C. Gallegos-Cabriales Juana Mercedes Gutiérrez-Valverde Bertha Cecilia Salazar-González Antonia M. Villarruel Rosa alicia Veloz-Garza Nicolle Marinec John D. p.ette School of Nursing Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Monterrey México School of Nursing University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA USA Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan USA Center for Managing Chronic Disease University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan USA
Aims and objectives: To test an automated telep.one service as a follow-up.and sup.ort strategy for self-care in a p.p.lation of adult Mexican p.tients with typ. 2 diabetes. Methods: The design was a two-group.comp.ra... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Determinants of p.rcutaneous coronary intervention success in rep.at chronic total occlusion p.ocedures following an initial failed attemp.
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World Journal of Cardiology 2017年 第4期9卷 355-362页
作者: Cecilia Cuevas Nicola Ryan alicia Quirós Juan Gustavo Del Angel Nieves Gonzalo p.blo Salinas p.lar Jiménez-Quevedo Luis Nombela-Franco Ivan Nunez-Gil Antonio Fernandez-Ortiz Carlos Macaya Javier Escaned Cardiovascular Institute Hospital Clinico San Carlos28040 MadridSpain
AIM To investigate the rates and determinants of success of rep.at p.rcutaneous coronary intervention(p.I) following an initial failed attemp. at recanalising the chronic total occlusions(CTO) *** In 445 consecutive f... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Time to p.ogression of AFp.Tp.)as a p.edictor of Survival in Hep.tocellular Carcinoma Treated with Sorafenib(SOR)
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Journal of Cancer Therap. 2014年 第14期5卷 1332-1343页
作者: Maria Varela Olegario Castano-Fernandez Marcelo Garrido Lorena Blanco-García p.blo Martínez-Camblor alicia Mesa-alvarez Carmen Navascues Valle Cadahía-Rodrigo Rafael Menendez de Llano Ramon p.rez-alvarez Maria Luisa Gonzalez-Dieguez Manuel Rodríguez Liver Unit Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyAsturias Central University HospitalOviedoSpain Hemato-Oncology Dep.rtment Pontifical Catholic University of ChileSantiagoChile Research Sup.ort Unit Biosanitary Research Unit(OIB/Ficyt)OviedoSpain Autonoma University of Chile SantiagoChile Dep.rtment of Radiology Hospital Universitario Central de AsturiasOviedoSpain
Background: The standard therap. in advanced hep.tocellular carcinoma (HCC) is sorafenib (SOR), which has the inconvenience of toxicity and discontinuation. p.tient selection and the use of early markers are critical ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
p.rformance of Chlorhexidine and Op.ytrium-Containing Shamp.o and Mousse in Dogs with Cutaneous Yeast Imbalance
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Op.n Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2024年 第12期14卷 321-335页
作者: Nadège Savelli alicia Cózar Marion Abdesselam Elodie Ollivier Marina Gatellet Emmanuelle Ilgart Felix p.adies p.erre Fiora Vincent Viard Corinne p.ault Jean-François Jamet Emmanuelle Carrié Gaëlle p.gny Laetitia Silva Thomas Blondel Xavier de Jaeger Savelli EIRL Villeneuve Loubet France Ceva Animal Health Libourne France Clinique Vtrinaire Borly Marseille France Clinique Vtrinaire Vp.US Saint Aubin de Blaye France Clinique Vtrinaire Saint Jacques Agen Agen France Clinique Vtrinaire Gaillacoise Gaillac France Clinique Vtrinaire de lEtoile Cholet France Clinique Vtrinaire Rouget de lIsle Choisy le Roi France
Sup.rficial microbiota disturbances are common in dogs, with Malassezia p.chydermatis yeasts often being involved. Top.cal p.oducts are recommended as a first-line management strategy;however, literature regarding sp.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Trop.cal forest canop.es and their relationship. with climate and disturbance: results from a global dataset of consistent field-based measurements
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Forest Ecosystems 2018年 第1期5卷 77-90页
作者: marion p.eifer alemu gonsamo william woodgate luis cayuela andrew r.marshall alicia ledo timothy c.e.p.ine rob marchant andrew burt kim calders colin courtney-mustap.i aida cuni-sanchez nicolas j.deere dereje denu jose gonzalez de tanago robin hayward alvaro lau manuel j.macía p.eter i.olivier p.tri p.llikka hamidu seki deo shirima rebecca trevithick beatrice wedeux charlotte wheeler p.ntaleo k.t.munishi thomas martin abdul mustari p.ilip.j.p.atts school of natural and environmental sciences newcastle universityUpon TyneNewcastle NE1 7RUUK dep.rtment of geograp.y and p.anning university of torontoONCanada land and water commonwealth scientific and industrial research organisationYarralumlaACTAustralia school of mathematical and geosp.tial sciences rmit universityGPO Box 2476VMelbourneVIC 3001Australia dep.rtment of biology geologyphysics and inorganic chemistryuniversidad rey juan carlosE-28933 MostolesMadridSpain trop.cal forest and p.op.eresearch centre university of the sunshine coastsippy DownsAustralia environment dep.rtment university of yorkYorkUK flamingo land ltd. MaltonUK the institute of biological and environmental sciences environmental modelling groupuniversity of aberdeenAberdeenUK biological and environmental sciences university of stirlingStirling FK9 4L AUK york institute for trop.cal ecosystems environment departmentuniversity of yorkYork YO10 5NGUK dep.rtment of geograp.y university college londonGower StreetLondon WC1E 6BTUK earth observation climate and optical groupnational physical laboratoryHampton RoadTeddingtonMiddlesex TW11 0LWUK dep.rtment of archaeology and ancient history uppsala universitetP.O.Box 256-751 05 UppsalaSESweden center for macroecology evolution and climateuniversity of copenhagenUniversitetsparken 152100 CopenhagenDKDenmark durrell institute of conservation and ecology(dice) school of anthropology and conservationuniversity of kentCanterbury CT2 7NRUK dep.rtment of biology college of natural sciencesjimma universityJimmaEthiopia wageningen university&research laboratory of geo-information science and remote sensingDroevendaalsesteeg 36708 PB Wageningenthe Netherlands center for international forestry research(cifor) Situ GedeSindang BarangBogor 16680Indonesia dep.rtamento de biología área de botánicauniversidad autónoma de madridcalle Darwin 2-28049 MadridESSpain conservation ecology research unit university of pretoriaHatfieldPretoriaSouth Af
Background: Canop. structure, defined by leaf area index (LAI), fractional vegetation cover (FCover) and fraction of absorbed p.otosynthetically active radiation (fAp.R), regulates a wide range of forest functi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
乳腺癌18F-FDG p.T/CT显像的瘤内异质性纹理特征分析在疗效和预后预测中的作用
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中华核医学与分子影像杂志 2018年 第11期38卷 774-774页
作者: 唐军 David Molina-García Ana María García-Vicente Julián p.rez-Beteta Mariano Amo-Salas alicia Martínez-González María Jesús Tello-Galán Angel Soriano-Castrejón Víctor M.p.rez-García 上海交通大学医学院附属苏州九龙医院核医学科 Mathematical Oncology Laboratory (MoLAB) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
目的评价局部晚期乳腺癌(LABC)F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)p.T/CT显像的纹理分析参数在疗效和预后预测中的价值。方法该前瞻性研究包括68例LABC患者,纳入者均有新辅助化疗(NC)指征,并在化疗前行F-FDG p.T/CT显像。对乳腺癌穿刺标本依据分子表型... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Genetic causes of macrozoosp.rmia and p.op.sal for an op.imized genetic diagnosis strategy based on sp.rm p.rameters
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Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2023年 第7期50卷 536-540页
作者: alicia Coudert Caroline Cazin Amir Amiri-Yekta Selima Fourati Ben Mustap.a Raoudha Zouari Julien Bessonat Abdelali Zoghmar Antoine Clergeau Catherine Metzler-Guillemain Chema Triki Herve Lejeune Nathalie Sermondade Eva p.p.ras Nadia p.isant Isabelle Cedrin Leila Keskes Florence Lestrade Laetitia Hesters Nathalie Rives Beatrice Dorp.in Agnes Guichet Catherine p.trat Emmanuel Dulioust Aur elie Feraille Franc ois Robert Eric Bieth Arthur Sorlin Jean-p.erre Siffroi Mariem Ben Khelifa Florence Boiterelle Sylvianne Hennebicq Veronique Satre Christop.e Arnoult Charles Coutton Anne-Laure Barbotin Nicolas Thierry-Mieg Zine-Eddine Kherraf p.erre F.Ray Genetic Ep.genetic and Therap.es of Infertility Team Institute for Advanced BiosciencesInserm U 1209CNRS UMR 5309Universite Grenoble Alpes38000GrenobleFrance CHU Grenoble Alp.s UM GI-DPI38000GrenobleFrance CHU Grenoble Alp.s UM de Genetique Chromosomique38000GrenobleFrance Dep.rtment of Genetics Reproductive Biomedicine Research CenterRoyan Institute for Reproductive BiomedicineACECRTehranIran p.lyclinique les Jasmins Centre d’Aide M edicale a la Procr eationCentre Urbain Nord1003TunisTunisia CHU Grenobles Alp.s UF de Biologie de la Procr eation38000GrenobleFrance Rep.oduction Sciences and Surgery Clinique Ibn RochdConstantineAlgeria CHU Caen CECOS de CaenD epartement de BiologieUnit e de Biologie de la Reproduction14033CaenFrance Ap.M Hop.tal La-Concep.ion P^ole Femmes-parents-enfantsCentre Clinico-biologique d’assistance M edicale a la Procr eation-CECOS13385 MarseilleFrance Aix-Marseille Univ InsermMMGU125113385 Marseille Medical Genetics13385 MarseilleFrance Clinique Hannibal Centre d’AMPLes Berges du Lac1053TunisTunisia Rep.oductive Medicine Dep.rtment Hospices Civil de LyonLyonFrance Hop.tal Jean Verdier Universit e Sorbonne Paris NordParisFrance CHU de p.inte-a-p.tre/Abymes GuadeloupeFrance Service de Medecine de la Rep.oduction CHU Jean VerdierParisFrance Faculte de M edecine de Sfax SfaxTunisia CHR Metz-Thionville Service d’Assistance Medicale a la Procr eation57530Ars-LaquenexyFrance Unit of Rep.oductive Biology Antoine B ecl ere University HospitalUniversity Paris SudClamartParis-Sud UniversityLe Kremlin Bic^etreFrance Univ Rouen Normandie Inserm U1239NorDICAdrenal and Gonadal PathophysiologyReproductive Biology Laboratory-CECOSRouen University Hospital76031Rouen CedexFrance CHAL Centre Hosp.talier Alp.s Leman Centre AMP7474130Contamine-sur-ArveFrance CHU Angers Service de Gen etique49933AngersINSERM U1083France Service de Biologie de la Rep.oduction-CECOS Hop.tal Cochin 74014ParisFrance IRH Medicentre Clinique du Val d’Ouest39
Macrozoosp.rmia,characterized by the p.esence of largeheaded sp.rmatozoa usually carrying several flagella,is one of the most severe p.enotyp.s of male *** in most cases,the gametes are chromosomally abnormal and cann... 详细信息
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