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87902 条 记 录,以下是31-40 订阅
Bacteria and host: what does this mean for sepsis bottleneck?
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World Journal of Emergency Medicine 2025年 第1期16卷 10-17页
作者: Azzah s Alharbi Raghad Hassan sanyi Esam I Azhar Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology Faculty of MedicineKing Abdulaziz UniversityJeddah 21362Saudi Arabia special Infectious Agent Unit King Fahad Medical Research CenterKing Abdulaziz UniversityJeddah 21362Saudi Arabia College of Health and Medical Technology Middle Technical UniversityBaghdad 10047Iraq Department of Medical Laboratory sciences Faculty of Applied Medical SciencesKing Abdulaziz UniversityJeddah 21362Saudi Arabia
BACKGROUND: sepsis is a life-threatening inflammatory condition in which the invading pathogen avoids the host's defense mechanisms and continuously stimulates and damages host cells. Consequently, many immune respons... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Vagus nerve stimulation in intracerebral hemorrhage:the need for further research
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第11期20卷 3213-3214页
作者: sheharyar s.Baig Ali N.Ali Arshad Majid sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience Division of NeuroscienceThe University of SheffieldSheffieldUK
Vagus nerve stimulation(VNs)and stroke:stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability worldwide(Baig et al.,2023).There have been significant paradigm shifts in the management of... 详细信息
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Neural network analysis for prediction of heat transfer of aqueous hybrid nanofluid flow in a variable porous space with varying film thickness over a stretched surface
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Chinese Physics B 2025年 第2期34卷 316-326页
作者: Abeer s Alnahdi Taza Gul Department of Mathematics and statistics Faculty of ScienceImam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University(IMSIU)RiyadhSaudi Arabia Mathematics Department City University of Science and Information TechnologyPeshawar25000Pakistan DosT-Directorate General of science and Technology Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar25000Pakistan
The high thermal conductivity of the nanoparticles in hybrid nanofluids results in enhanced thermal conductivity associated with their base *** heat transfer is a result of this high thermal conductivity,which has sig... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Microstructure and mechanical properties of welds of AZ31B magnesium alloy produced by different gas tungsten arc welding variants
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Defence Technology(防务技术) 2025年 第2期44卷 98-110页
作者: s.srinivasan R.Ravi Bharath A.Atrens P.Bala srinivasan school of Mechanical Engineering SASTRA Deemed to be UniversityThanjavur 613401India Welding Research Institute Bharat Heavy Electricals LimitedTiruchirappalli 620014India school of Mechanical and Mining Engineering Centre for Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing(AMPAM)University of QueenslandSt LuciaQLD 4072Australia High Energy Batteries(India)Limited MathurTiruchirappalli 622515India
This work aimed to(i)understand conventional and pulse gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW)of AZ31B,and(ii)explore high frequency welding(100 Hz-1500 Hz).GTA welding with alternating current(AC)and direct current electrode ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Role of photon-counting computed tomography in pediatric cardiovascular imaging
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World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics 2025年 第1期14卷 55-62页
作者: Arosh s Perera Molligoda Arachchige Yash Verma Faculty of Medicine Humanitas UniversityPieve Emanuele 20072Italy Department of Radiology Mayo ClinicRochesterMN 55905United States
Photon-counting computed tomography(PCCT)represents a significant advancement in pediatric cardiovascular *** CT systems employ energy-integrating detectors that convert X-ray photons into visible light,whereas PCCT u... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Transforming osteosarcoma care:from historical milestones to precision medicine advances
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science Bulletin 2025年 第3期70卷 290-294页
作者: Jichuan Wang David s.Geller Luyang sun Xiaodong Tang Musculoskleletal Tumor Center Beijing Key Laboratory for Musculoskeletal TumorsPeking University People’s HospitalBeijing 100041China Department of Orthopedic surgery Montefiore Medical CenterAlbert Einstein College of MedicineBronx 10471USA Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Basic Medical SciencesPeking University Health Science CenterBeijing 100191China
Osteosarcoma(Os),one of the earliest recognized cancers in humans,is a rare yet significant malignant bone tumor,diagnosed in 2-6 cases per million annually[1].It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults,wit... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The deflection angle and quasi-periodic oscillations of an extended gravitational decoupled black hole solution
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Communications in Theoretical Physics 2025年 第2期77卷 132-147页
作者: Farzan Mushtaq Xia Tiecheng Allah Ditta G Mustafa s K Maurya Department of Mathematics Shanghai University and Newtouch Center for Mathematics of Shanghai University Department of Physics Zhejiang Normal University Research Center of Astrophysics and Cosmology Khazar University Department of Mathematical and Physical sciences College of Arts and Sciences University of Nizwa
In weak field limits, we compute the deflection angle of a gravitational decoupling extended black hole(BH) solution. We obtained the Gaussian optical curvature by examining the null geodesic equations with the help o... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Nucleoside modified mRNA-lipid nanoparticles as a new delivery platform for the repair of the injured spinal cord
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第8期20卷 2311-2312页
作者: Krisztián Pajer Tamás Bellák Antal Nógrádi Department of Anatomy Histology and EmbryologyAlbert Szent-Györgyi Medical SchoolUniversity of SzegedSzegedHungary
spinal cord injury and treatment opportunities:The adult mammalian spinal cord has a very limited capacity for spontaneous regeneration due to various intrinsic molecular and cellular *** the spinal cord neurons have ... 详细信息
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c MEsONs
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Chinese Physics C 2014年 第9期38卷 1248-1335页
作者: K.A.Olive K.Agashe C.Amsler M.Antonelli J.-F.Arguin D.M.Asner H.Baer H.R.Band R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer G.Bernardi s.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebe E.Blucher s.Blusk G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerr D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.s.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertor B.A.Dobrescu M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Edwards s.Eidelman J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas T.K.Gaisser H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta s.Golwala M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart s.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes M.Heffner B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa A.Hocker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson T.Junk M.Kado D.Karlen U.F.Katz s.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.s.Lugovsky s.B.Lugovsky F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews D.Milstead P.Molaro K.Monig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason s.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir L.Pape J.Parsons C.Patrignani J.A.Peacock M.Pennington s.T.Petcov Kavli IPMU A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt s.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffel B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald s.Roesler s.rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J L.Rosner G.Rybka C.T.sachrajda Y.sakai G.P.salam s.sarkar F.sauli O.schneider K.scholberg D.scott V.sharma s.R.sharpe M.silari T.sjostrand P.skands J.G.smith G.F.smoot s.spanier H.spieler C.spiering A.stahl T.stanev s.L.stone T.sumiyoshi M.J.syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi J.Terning L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Tornqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia G.Venanzoni M.G.Vincter P.Vogel A.Vogt s.P.Wakely W.Walkowiak C.W.Walter D.R.Ward G.Weiglein D.H.Weinberg E.J.Weinberg M.White L.R.Wiencke C.G.Wohl L.Wolfenstein J.Womersley C.L. University of Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy116 Church St.S.E.MinneapolisMN 55455USA University of Maryland Department of PhysicsCollege ParkMD 20742-4111USA Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitat BernCH-3012 BernSwitzerland Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN CP 13via E.Fermi40I-00044 Frascati(Roma)Italy Departement de physique Universite de MontrealC.P.6128succ.centre-villeMontreal(Quebec) H3C 3J7Canada Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle BoulevardRichlandWA 99352USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of OklahomaNormanOK 73019USA Department of Physics University of WisconsinMadisonWI 53706USA Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1 Cyclotron RoadBerkeleyCA 94720USA CERN European Organization for Nuclear ResearchCH-1211 Geneve 23Switzerland Department of Physics The Ohio State University191 W.Woodruff Ave.ColumbusOH 43210 COMPAs Group Institute for High Energy PhysicsRU- 142284ProtvinoRussia LPNHE IN2P3-CNRS et Universites de Paris 6 et 7F-75252 ParisFrance Max-Planck-Institute of Physics 80805 MunichGermany Department of Physics University of WashingtonSeattleWA 98195USA Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Fakultdt für PhysikSchellingstr.4D-80799 MünchenGermany Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics Syracuse UniversitySyracuseNY13244USA Department of Physics Columbia University538 W.120th StreetNew YorkNY10027 USA High Energy Physics Group Blackett LaboratoryImperial CollegePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2AZUK Jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Ave.Newport NewsVA 23606USA Department of Physics University of VirginiaPO Box 400714CharlottesvilleVA 22904USA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O.Box 500BataviaIL 60510USA Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of SussexFalmerBrighton BN1 9QHUK Department o
The level scheme of the cc states showing experimentally established states with solid lines. singlet states are called cc and he, triplet states ψ and χcJ, and unassigned charmonium-like states X.
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BOTTOM,CHARMED MEsONs(B=C=±1)B_c^+=c,B_c^-=cb,similarly for B_c~*'s
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Chinese Physics C 2014年 第9期38卷 1239-1247页
作者: K.A.Olive K.Agashe C.Amsler M.Antonelli J.-F.Arguin D.M.Asner H.Baer H.R.Band R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer J.J.Beatty V.I.Belousov J.Beringer G.Bernardi s.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebe E.Blucher s.Blusk G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerr D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.s.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de Jong G.Dissertor B.A.Dobrescu M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Edwards s.Eidelman J.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas T.K.Gaisser H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-J.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta s.Golwala M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart s.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes M.Heffner B.Heltsley J.J.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa A.Hocker J.Holder A.Holtkamp J.Huston J.D.Jackson K.F.Johnson T.Junk M.Kado D.Karlen U.F.Katz s.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav J.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-J.Lin T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.s.Lugovsky s.B.Lugovsky F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.J.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni J.Matthews D.Milstead P.Molaro K.Monig F.Moortgat M.J.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason s.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir L.Pape J.Parsons C.Patrignani J.A.Peacock M.Pennington s.T.Petcov Kavli IPMU A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt s.Raby J.Rademacker G.Raffel B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald s.Roesler s.rolli A.Romaniouk L.J.Rosenberg J L.Rosner G.Rybka C.T.sachrajda Y.sakai G.P.salam s.sarkar F.sauli O.schneider K.scholberg D.scott V.sharma s.R.sharpe M.silari T.sjostrand P.skands J.G.smith G.F.smoot s.spanier H.spieler C.spiering A.stahl T.stanev s.L.stone T.sumiyoshi M.J.syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi J.Terning L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Tornqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia G.Venanzoni M.G.Vincter P.Vogel A.Vogt s.P.Wakely W.Walkowiak C.W.Walter D.R.Ward G.Weiglein D.H.Weinberg E.J.Weinberg M.White L.R.Wiencke C.G.Wohl L.Wolfenstein J.Womersley C.L. University of Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy116 Church St.S.E.MinneapolisMN 55455USA University of Maryland Department of PhysicsCollege ParkMD 20742-4111USA Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitat BernCH-3012 BernSwitzerland Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN CP 13via E.Fermi40I-00044 Frascati(Roma)Italy Departement de physique Universite de MontrealC.P.6128succ.centre-villeMontreal(Quebec) H3C 3J7Canada Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle BoulevardRichlandWA 99352USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of OklahomaNormanOK 73019USA Department of Physics University of WisconsinMadisonWI 53706USA Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1 Cyclotron RoadBerkeleyCA 94720USA CERN European Organization for Nuclear ResearchCH-1211 Geneve 23Switzerland Department of Physics The Ohio State University191 W.Woodruff Ave.ColumbusOH 43210 COMPAs Group Institute for High Energy PhysicsRU- 142284ProtvinoRussia LPNHE IN2P3-CNRS et Universites de Paris 6 et 7F-75252 ParisFrance Max-Planck-Institute of Physics 80805 MunichGermany Department of Physics University of WashingtonSeattleWA 98195USA Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Fakultdt für PhysikSchellingstr.4D-80799 MünchenGermany Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics Syracuse UniversitySyracuseNY13244USA Department of Physics Columbia University538 W.120th StreetNew YorkNY10027 USA High Energy Physics Group Blackett LaboratoryImperial CollegePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2AZUK Jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Ave.Newport NewsVA 23606USA Department of Physics University of VirginiaPO Box 400714CharlottesvilleVA 22904USA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O.Box 500BataviaIL 60510USA Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of SussexFalmerBrighton BN1 9QHUK Department o
I(JP) = 0(0-)I, J, P need confirmation.Quantum numbers shown are quark-model predictions.
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