Ra.iona.e: Ma.ijua.a.use in a.olescence is preva.ent a.d increa.ing. Understa.ding the neura. correla.es of the impa.t of this use is critica. for policy ma.ing a.d for youth a.a.eness. Objectives The effects of ma.ij...
Ra.iona.e: Ma.ijua.a.use in a.olescence is preva.ent a.d increa.ing. Understa.ding the neura. correla.es of the impa.t of this use is critica. for policy ma.ing a.d for youth a.a.eness. Objectives The effects of ma.ijua.a.use on response inhibition were investiga.ed in 19–21-yea.-olds using functiona. ma.netic resona.ce ima.ing (fMRI). Methods: Pa.ticipa.ts were members of the Otta.a.Prena.a. Prospective Study, a.longitudina. study tha. collected a.unique body of informa.ion on pa.ticipa.ts from infa.cy to young a.ulthood including: prena.a. drug history, deta.led cognitive/beha.iora. performa.ce, a.d current a.d pa.t drug use. This informa.ion a.lowed for the control of a. unpa.a.leled number of potentia.ly confounding va.ia.les including: prena.a. ma.ijua.a. nicotine, a.cohol, a.d ca.feine exposure a.d offspring a.cohol, ma.ijua.a. a.d nicotine use. Ten ma.ijua.a.users a.d 14 nonusers tha. served a. controls performed a.Go/No-Go ta.k while fMRI blood oxygen level-dependent response wa. exa.ined. Results: Despite simila. ta.k performa.ce, there wa. a.positive rela.ionship between a.ount of ma.ijua.a.smoked a.d a.tiva.ion in right tha.a.us, premotor cortex a.d middle fronta. gyrus. These regions form pa.t of the neura. network responsible for inhibition control. There wa. a.so a.positive dose dependent rela.ionship with ma.ijua.a.a.d a.tiva.ion in inferior pa.ieta. lobe a.d precuneus, a.so pa.ts of response inhibition pa.hwa.s. Conclusions: These results suggest a.dose dependent a.tera.ion in neura. functioning during response inhibition a.ter controlling for other prena.a. a.d current drug use. These a.tera.ions ma. be necessa.y in order to compensa.e for neura. cha.ges in response inhibition circuits ca.sed by long term ma.ijua.a.use tha. bega. during a.olescence/young a.ulthood.
a.ing is linked to the deteriora.ion of ma.y physica.a.d cognitive a.ilities a.d is the lea.ing risk fa.tor for a.zheimer’s disea.e. The growing a.ing popula.ion is a.significa.t hea.thca.e problem globa.ly tha. res...
a.ing is linked to the deteriora.ion of ma.y physica. a.d cognitive a.ilities a.d is the lea.ing risk fa.tor for a.zheimer’s disea.e. The growing a.ing popula.ion is a.significa.t hea.thca.e problem globa.ly tha. resea.chers must investiga.e to better understa.d the underlying a.ing processes. a.va.ces in microa.ra.s a.d sequencing techniques ha.e resulted in deeper a.a.yses of diverse essentia. genomes(e.g., mouse, huma., a.d ra.) a.d their corresponding cell types, their orga.-specific tra.scriptomes, a.d the tissue involved in a.ing. Tra.itiona. gene controllers such a. DNa.a.d RNa.binding proteins significa.tly influence such progra.s, ca.sing the need to sort out long non-coding RNa., a.new cla.s of powerful gene regula.ory elements. However, their functiona. significa.ce in the a.ing process a.d senescence ha. yet to be investiga.ed a.d identified. Severa. recent resea.chers ha.e a.socia.ed the initia.ion a.d development of senescence a.d a.ing in ma.ma.s with severa. well-reported a.d novel long non-coding RNa.. In this review a.ticle, we identified a.d a.a.yzed the evolving functions of long non-coding RNa. in cellula. processes, including cellula. senescence, a.ing, a.d a.e-rela.ed pa.hogenesis, which a.e the ma.or ha.lma.ks of long non-coding RNa. in a.ing.