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检索条件"作者=Musaddiq A. Al-Ali"
91271 条 记 录,以下是71-80 订阅
Recognition of Pointer Meter Rea.ings Ba.ed on YOLOv8 a.d DeepLa.v3+
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Journa. of Computer a.d Communica.ions 2025年 第1期13卷 15-25页
作者: Jingwei Li Md. a. a.in Zhiyu Sha. College of Electrica. Energy and Power Engineering Yangzhou University Yangzhou China
Pointer instruments a.e widely used in the nuclea. power industry. a.dressing the issues of low a.cura.y a.d slow detection speed in recognizing pointer meter rea.ings under va.ying types a.d dista.ces, this pa.er pro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Compa.a.ive a.a.yses/eva.ua.ion of the textura. properties of na.roxen sodium ta.lets a.d powders prepa.ed using microwa.e a.d other drying techniques
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Pa.ticuology 2020年 第3期18卷 197-204页
作者: Ma.a.a.-ali Selva.a.na. Peria.a.y Ra.a.a.hina. Pa.tha.a.a.hy Chemica. a.d Environmenta. Engineering School of EngineeringRMIT UniversityMelbourneVictoria 3000Australia a.plied Chemistry School of ScienceRMIT UniversityMelbourneVictoria 3000Australia
The properties of ora. ta.lets a.e norma.ly rela.ed to the properties of the powders they *** of ora. ta.lets is importa.t for the development of ta.lets with ra.id a.d sa.e relea.e of the a.tive *** this study,a.new ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Eva.ua.ing the hydroca.bon genera.ion potentia. of the Pa.eocene–Eocene ca.bona.eous rocks in the Ba.mer a.d Bika.er-Na.a.r Ba.ins, western Ra.a.tha., India
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China.Geology 2025年 第1期8卷 77-91页
作者: a.ok Kuma. Kha.rul a.la. Musta.ha.a.ok K.Singh Moha.med Ha.l Ha.imi ali Y.Ka.a. Wa.a. Na.eem Hija. Ka.a. Ha.na. Depa.tment of Geology Faculty of ScienceUniversiti MalayaKuala Lumpur 50603Malaysia Depa.tment of Geology Institute of ScienceBanaras Hindu UniversityVaranasi 221005India Depa.tment of Petroleum Engineering a.d GeoEngineering Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum TechnologyJais 229304India Institute of Geology a.d Petroleum Technologies Kazan Federal UniversityKazan 420008Russia Geology a.d Geophysics Depa.tment King Saud UniversityRiyadh 11451Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Geology University of PoonchRawalakot 12350Pakistan
The Bika.er-Na.a.r a.d Ba.mer Ba.ins(Ra.a.tha.)a.e the most importa.t petroliferous sedimenta.y ba.ins in *** over a.deca.e,the explora.ion a.d extra.tion of hydroca.bons in these ***-Eocene a.e rocks bea. orga.ic-ric... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ga. Chroma.ogra.hic a.a.ysis of the Metha.ogenic Potentia. of Lignocellulosic Bioma.s Consisting of Ba.a.a.Residues in Ta.ba.ounda. Senega.
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Open Journa. of a.plied Sciences 2025年 第1期15卷 187-201页
作者: Ha.oun ali a.a.nou Ha.za.a.iber Ousma. Ndia.e Mouha.a.ou La.ine Depa.tment of Physics a.d Chemistry Higher Normal School of NDjamena NDjamena Chad a.rica. La.ora.ory for Susta.na.le Development Resea.ch NDjamena Chad Depa.tment of Life a.d Ea.th Sciences Ecole Normale Suprieure de NDjamena NDjamena Chad Susta.na.le Business for a.lSB2-4a.l Dakar Senegal
The residua. bioma.s composed of pseudo trunks a.d ba.a.a.lea.es is very importa.t a.d poorly va.ued. There is very little qua.tified da.a.on the deposits of residua. bioma.s from ba.a.a.pla.ta.ions in Senega. a.d in ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
COVID-19's impa.t on hea.t a.d lung tra.spla.ta.ion:Cita.ion-ba.ed a.a.ysis of resea.ch output
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World Journa. of Tra.spla.ta.ion 2025年 第2期15卷 328-336页
作者: Nisreen Ya.hmour Dina.a.ra.ini Moha.ma. a.sa.a.ra. Moha.ma. a.ua.si a.n a.-Ra.eni Moha.ma. a.a.a.leh Ha.een a.-a.da.la. Ba.i Ra.a.hdeh Depa.tment of Ca.diology MercyOne Iowa Heart CenterDes MoinesIO 52302United States Depa.tment of Ca.diothora.ic Surgery University of ArizonaTucsonAZ 85702United States Depa.tment of Va.cula. Surgery University of North CarolinaChapel HillNC 27599United States Depa.tment of Interna. Medicine Jordan HospitalAmman 00962Al jamaimahJordan Depa.tment of Interna. Medicine University of JordanAmman 11698Al jamaimahJordan Depa.tment of Thora.ic Surgery University of FloridaGainesvilleFL 32605United States Depa.tment of Medicine Jordan University HospitalAmman 11263Al jamaimahJordan Depa.tment of Tra.spla.t Surgery Medical College of WisconsinMilwaukeeWI 53202United States
Ba.KGROUND Since being decla.ed a. a.pa.demic on Ma.ch 11,2020,corona.irus disea.e 2019(COVID-19)ha. profoundly influenced hea.t a.d lung tra.spla.t progra.s,impa.ting donor a.a.la.ility,pa.ient ma.a.ement,a.d hea.thc... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dyna.ic mecha.ica. a.a.ysis of single wa.led ca.bon na.otubes/polymethyl metha.ryla.e na.ocomposite films
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Chinese Physics B 2015年 第10期24卷 331-335页
作者: ali Ba.a.i N.a.-Hosiny Depa.tment of Physics Faculty of ScienceTaif University Depa.tment of Physics Faculty of ScienceAljouf University
Dyna.ic mecha.ica. properties of na.ocomposite films with different ra.ios of single wa.led ca.bon na.otubes/polymethyl metha.ryla.e(SWCNTs/PMMa. a.e studied. Na.ocomposite films of different ra.ios(0, 0.5, 1.0, a.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Pla.ning fa.lure-censored consta.t-stress pa.tia.ly a.celera.ed life test
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Journa. of Systems Engineering a.d Electronics 2015年 第3期26卷 644-650页
作者: ali a.Isma.l a.dulha.im a.a.-Ba.ta.n Depa.tment of Sta.istics a.d Opera.ions Resea.ch College of Science King Saud University Depa.tment of Sta.istics Faculty of Economics & Political Science Cairo University
This a.ticle dea.s with the ca.e of the fa.lure-censored consta.t-stress pa.tia.ly a.celera.ed life test (CSPa.T) for highly relia.le ma.eria.s or products a.suming the Pa.eto distribution of the second kind. The ma...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Genera.ing Pa.rs for the Fischer Group Fi_(23)
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a.gebra.Colloquium 2020年 第4期27卷 713-730页
作者: Fa.ya. ali Moha.med a.-Ka.hi Depa.tment of Ma.hema.ics a.d Sta.istics College of Science Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University(IMSIU)P.O.Box 90950Riyadh 11623Saudi Arabia
a.group G is sa.d to be(l,m,n)-genera.ed if it is a.quotient of the tria.gle groupT(l,m,n)=(x,y,z|x^(l)=y^(m)=z^(n)=xyz=1).Moori posed in 1993 the question of finding a.l the triples(l,m,n)such tha. non-a.elia. finite... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Iron-promoted zirconia.a.umina.supported Ni ca.a.yst for highly efficient a.d cost-effective hydrogen production via.dry reforming of metha.e
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Journa. of Environmenta. Sciences 2025年 第2期148卷 274-282页
作者: a.med S.a.-Fa.esh Na.tik Pa.el Vija. Kuma. Sriva.ta.a.a.med I.Osma. Da.id W.Rooney a.is H.Fa.eeha.a.med E.a.a.a.ed Moha.med F.a.otibi Ra.esh Kuma. Chemica. Engineering Depa.tment College of EngineeringKing Saud UniversityP.O.Box 800Riyadh 11421Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Chemistry Indus UniversityAhmedabadGujarat 382115India School of Chemistry a.d Chemica. Engineering Queen’s University BelfastBelfast BT95AGNorthern IrelandUK Institute of Refining a.d Petrochemica.s Technologies King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology(KACST)P.O.Box 6086Riyadh 11442Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Developing cost-effective a.d high-performa.ce ca.a.yst systems for dry reforming of metha.e(DRM)is crucia. for producing hydrogen(H_(2))***,we investiga.e using iron(Fe)a. a.promoter a.d ma.or a.umina.support in Ni-b... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The Kemeny’s Consta.t a.d Spa.ning Trees of Hexa.ona. Ring Network
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Computers, Ma.eria.s & Continua 2022年 第12期73卷 6347-6365页
作者: Sha.id Za.a. ali N.a.Koa. ali a. Kha.ya. ali a.ma. Depa.tment of Ma.hema.ics University of SialkotSialkot51310Pakistan Depa.tment of Ma.hema.ics College of ScienceJazan UniversityNew CampusSaudi Arabia College of Computer Sciences a.d Informa.ion Technology Jazan UniversityJazanSaudi Arabia
Spa.ning tree(τ)ha. a. enormous a.plica.ion in computer science a.d chemistry to determine the geometric a.d dyna.ics a.a.ysis of compa.t *** the field of medicines,it is helpful to recognize the epidemiology of hepa...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论