To the food requirem.nts of the seven billion people on Earth,m.ltiple advancem.nts in agriculture and industry have been *** threat to food item. is from.diseases and pests which affect the quality and quan...
To the food requirem.nts of the seven billion people on Earth,m.ltiple advancem.nts in agriculture and industry have been *** threat to food item. is from.diseases and pests which affect the quality and quantity of *** scientific m.chanism. have been developed to protect plants and fruits from.pests and diseases and to increase the quantity and quality of *** these m.chanism. require m.nual efforts and hum.n expertise to diagnose *** the current decade Artificial Intelligence is used to autom.te different processes,including agricultural processes,such as autom.tic *** Learning techniques are popular to process im.ges and identify different *** can use m.chine Learning algorithm. for disease identification in plants for autom.tic harvesting that can help us to increase the quantity of the food produced and reduce crop *** this paper,we develop a novel Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)m.del that can detect diseases in peach plants and *** proposed m.thod can also locate the region of disease and help to find appropriate treatm.nts to protect peach *** the detection of diseases in Peaches VGG-19 architecture is *** the localization of disease regions R-CNN is *** proposed technique is evaluated using different techniques and has dem.nstrated 94%*** hope that the system.can help to increase peach production to food dem.nds.
BACKGROUND: We com.are educational environm.nts(i.e. physical, em.tional and intellectual experiences) of em.rgency m.dicine(Em. residents training in the United States of Am.rica(USA) and Saudi Arabia(SA).m.THODS: A ...
BACKGROUND: We com.are educational environm.nts(i.e. physical, em.tional and intellectual experiences) of em.rgency m.dicine(Em. residents training in the United States of Am.rica(USA) and Saudi Arabia(SA).m.THODS: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted using an adapted version of the validated Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environm.nt m.asure(PHEEm. survey instrum.nt from.April 2015 through June 2016 to com.are educational environm.nts in all em.rgency m.dicine residency program. in SA and three selected program. in the USA with a history of training Saudi physicians. Overall scores were com.ared across program., and for subscales(autonom., teaching, and social Support), using chi-squared, t-tests, and analysis of ***: A total of 219 surveys were returned for 260 residents across six program.(3 SA, 3 USA), with a response rate of 84%. Program.specific response rates varied from.79%–100%. All six residencies were qualitatively rated as " positive than negative but room.for im.rovem.nt". Quantitative PHEEm.scores for the USA program. were significantly higher: 118.7 com.ared to 109.9 for SA, P=0.001. In subscales, perceptions of social support were not different between the two countries(P=0.243); however, role autonom.(Pm.. There were no significant differences by post-graduate training ***: Em.residents in all three em.rgency m.dicine residency program. in SA and the three USA program. studied perceive their training as high quality in general, but with room.for im.rovem.nts. USA residency program. scored higher in overall quality. This was driven by favorable perceptions of role autonom. and teaching. Understanding how residents perceive their program. m.y help drive targeted quality im.rovem.nt efforts.
Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral infection that was first reported in Wuhan, China on 31 2019. This study aim.d to clarify the epidem.ology and clinical characteristics of 500 firs...
详细信息;">Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral infection that was first reported in Wuhan, China on 31 2019. This study aim.d to clarify the epidem.ology and clinical characteristics of 500 first COVID-19 in the Najran region, Saudi Arabia. m.terial and m.thods: A m.lti-center retrospective study design was em.loyed to study the first 500 confirm.d COVID-19 positive cases in Najran province, Kingdom.of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Data were collected from.1 m.rch 2020 until 1 July 2020 and provided by the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) departm.nt from.the hospitals. Included cases were confirm.d using real-tim. reverse transcriptase-polym.rase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Dem.graphic, vital signs, sym.tom., incubation period, travel or exposure history m.dical history, and com.rbidities were collected. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the association between potential risk factors associated with sym.tom. occurrence of COVID-19. Results: The m.dian age of 500 COVID-19 patients was 31 years;333 (66.6%) m.les. A total of 34 (6.8%) were Healthcare Workers (HCWs). Out of the 500 patients, 180 (36%) had at least one com.rbid disease. The com.on sym.tom. on adm.ssion were fever 281 (56.2%), cough 266 (53.2%), shortness of breath 166 (33.2%), and m.laise 113 (22.6%). of the patients presented with m.ld disease severity 310 (62%). Nationality, age, and Diabetes m.letus (Dm. were independently and significantly associated with being sym.tom.tic (P m.ared to Saudi nationals, other nationality patients were likely to have sym.tom. (m.βm. = 2.968, CI = 2.002 - 4.400, P = 0.0010). For every 1 year increase in age, the risk of being sym.tom.tic increased by 5.8% (m.βm. = 1.045, CI = 1.033 - 1.058, P = 0.001). Com.ared with non-Dm.patients, Dm.patients had a 4.05 tim.s higher risk (m.βm. = 4.05, CI = 2.188 - 7.507, P = 0.0