


  • 49 篇 期刊文献
  • 1 篇 会议


  • 50 篇 电子文献
  • 0 种 纸本馆藏



  • 27 篇 医学
    • 25 篇 临床医学
    • 1 篇 基础医学(可授医学...
    • 1 篇 口腔医学
    • 1 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
  • 13 篇 工学
    • 2 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 2 篇 动力工程及工程热...
    • 2 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 2 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 2 篇 环境科学与工程(可...
    • 1 篇 电气工程
    • 1 篇 控制科学与工程
    • 1 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 1 篇 建筑学
    • 1 篇 土木工程
    • 1 篇 轻工技术与工程
    • 1 篇 生物医学工程(可授...
    • 1 篇 软件工程
    • 1 篇 安全科学与工程
  • 5 篇 管理学
    • 3 篇 公共管理
    • 2 篇 工商管理
  • 4 篇 理学
    • 2 篇 生物学
    • 1 篇 化学
    • 1 篇 生态学
  • 4 篇 农学
    • 2 篇 畜牧学
    • 1 篇 林学
  • 3 篇 文学
    • 2 篇 外国语言文学
    • 1 篇 中国语言文学
  • 2 篇 法学
    • 2 篇 社会学
  • 1 篇 教育学
    • 1 篇 教育学
  • 1 篇 历史学
    • 1 篇 中国史


  • 3 篇 diabetes
  • 2 篇 cirrhosis
  • 2 篇 a
  • 2 篇 development
  • 2 篇 autoimmune
  • 1 篇 瑞典
  • 1 篇 acid
  • 1 篇 protein-protein
  • 1 篇 analysis
  • 1 篇 中国共产党
  • 1 篇 type-b monoamine...
  • 1 篇 transjugular int...
  • 1 篇 pathogenesis
  • 1 篇 reliability
  • 1 篇 techniques
  • 1 篇 微镜
  • 1 篇 患者
  • 1 篇 glial cell line-...
  • 1 篇 环烷基油
  • 1 篇 医学文献


  • 2 篇 上海美维科技有限...
  • 1 篇 department of ph...
  • 1 篇 experimental dia...
  • 1 篇 assistance publi...
  • 1 篇 vtt technical re...
  • 1 篇 universitéparis ...
  • 1 篇 芬兰富腾能源技术...
  • 1 篇 university of ea...
  • 1 篇 department of cl...
  • 1 篇 department of ce...
  • 1 篇 department of im...
  • 1 篇 interdepartmenta...
  • 1 篇 management board...
  • 1 篇 south australian...
  • 1 篇 cardiology unit ...
  • 1 篇 department of ap...
  • 1 篇 department of in...
  • 1 篇 school of biolog...
  • 1 篇 groupe de recher...
  • 1 篇 department of mo...


  • 3 篇 marci alborghett...
  • 2 篇 marika immonen
  • 2 篇 marika avkopashv...
  • 2 篇 marika falcone
  • 2 篇 maxime mallet
  • 2 篇 dominique thabut
  • 2 篇 marika rudler
  • 2 篇 吴金华
  • 2 篇 guranda avkopash...
  • 2 篇 marika davies
  • 1 篇 john t chang
  • 1 篇 nino g. archvadz...
  • 1 篇 marika scafuro
  • 1 篇 sini suomalainen
  • 1 篇 chiara sorini
  • 1 篇 andrea viggiano
  • 1 篇 einar heiberg
  • 1 篇 anneli bjoersdor...
  • 1 篇 ingvar eliasson
  • 1 篇 margaret maglion...


  • 30 篇 英文
  • 20 篇 中文
检索条件"作者=Marika Alborghetti"
50 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Type-B monoamine oxidase inhibitors in neurological diseases:clinical applications based on preclinical findings
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Neural Regeneration Research 2024年 第1期19卷 16-21页
作者: marika alborghetti Edoardo Bianchini Lanfranco De Carolis Silvia Galli Francesco E.Pontieri Domiziana Rinaldi Neurology Unit NESMOS DepartmentFaculty of Medicine&PsychologySapienza-University of RomeSant’Andrea University HospitalRomeItaly Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology IRCCS-Fondazione Santa LuciaRomeItaly
Type-B monoamine oxidase inhibitors,encompassing selegiline,rasagiline,and safinamide,are available to treat Parkinson's *** drugs ameliorate motor symptoms and improve motor fluctuation in the advanced stages of the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ultrasonic vocalizations in mice: relevance for ethologic and neurodevelopmental disorders studies
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Neural Regeneration Research 2021年 第6期16卷 1158-1167页
作者: marika Premoli Maurizio Memo Sara Anna Bonini Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine University of BresciaViale Europa 11BresciaItaly
Mice use ultrasonic vocalizations(USVs)to communicate each other and to convey their emotional *** have been greatly characterized in specific life phases and contexts,such as mother isolation-induced USVs for pups or... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients
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Gastroenterology Report 2017年 第3期5卷 185-192,I0001页
作者: Maxime Mallet marika Rudler Dominique Thabut Unitede Soins Intensifs d’Hepatologie Service d’Hepato-GastroenterologieGroupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere Charles FoixAssistance Publique-Hopitaux de ParisParisFrance
Variceal bleeding is one of the major causes of death in cirrhotic *** management during the acute phase and the secondary prophylaxis is well *** recommendations(2015 Baveno VI expert consensus)are available and shou... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
New therapeutic perspectives in Type 1 Diabetes: dietary interventions prevent β cell-autoimmunity by modifying the gut metabolic environment
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2017年 第12期14卷 951-953页
作者: Chiara Sorini Ilaria Cosorich marika Falcone Immunology and Allergy Unit Department of MedicineKarolinska InstitutetStockholmSweden Experimental Diabetes Unit-DRI Division of ImmunologyTransplantation and Infectious DiseasesIRCCS San Raffaele Scientific InstituteMilanItaly
The gut microbiota plays a key role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes(T1D),but the mechanism underlying this modulation is yet to be *** paper highlights the crucial role of the microb... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A machine learning approach to predict response to immunotherapy in type 1 diabetes
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Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2021年 第3期18卷 515-517页
作者: Georgia Fousteri Ely Montee Rodrigues Gian Maria Giamporcaro marika Falcone Regulation of Adaptive immunity Unit Transplantation and Infectious DiseasesIRCCS San Raffaele Scientific InstituteMilanItaly Experimental Diabetes Unit Division of ImmunologyTransplantation and Infectious DiseasesDiabetes Research Institute(DRI)IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific InstituteMilanItaly
Type 1 diabetes(T1D)is an autoimmune disease mediated by selfreactive T cells that destroy insulin-producing β cells of the pancreatic islets.1 The disease is a complex multifactorial disorder resulting from a poorly... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ahmed glaucoma implant and augmented MicroPulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in a monocular Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome patient with glaucoma
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International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition) 2022年 第10期15卷 1714-1716页
作者: Sanchay Gupta Amy Yuan marika Chachanidze David A.Solá-Del Valle Harvard Medical School BostonMA 02115USA Glaucoma Service Massachusetts Eye and Ear InfirmaryBostonMA 02114USA
Dear Editor,We report the case of severe mixed-mechanism glaucoma observed in a monocular Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome(ARS) patient who was successfully managed with an ahmed glaucoma implant(AGI) followed by a novel tech... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) for postmortem diagnosis of diabetes
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Forensic Sciences Research 2018年 第2期3卷 170-177页
作者: Delia Lepik Mailis Tonisson Anne Kuudeberg marika Vali Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Faculty of MedicineInstitute of Biomedicine and Translational MedicineUniversity of TartuTartuEstonia Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of MedicineInstitute of Clinical MedicineUniversity of TartuTartuEstonia Southern Estonian Forensic Medical Examination Department Estonian Forensic Science InstituteTallinnEstonia Management Board Estonian Forensic Science InstituteTallinnEstonia
The study was conducted at the Estonian Forensic Science Institute in 2008-2014 as continuous part of our previous study of alcohol and premature death in Estonian *** data from 504 cases of male deaths (ages 19-79) w... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Pyrolysis of WEEE plastics using catalysts produced from fly ash of coal gasification
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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2017年 第5期11卷 113-123页
作者: marika Benedetti Lorenzo Cafiero Doina De Angelis Alessandro Dell'Era Mauro Pasquali Stefano Stendardo Riceardo Tuffi Stefano Veechio Ciprioti Department for Sustainability ENEA - Casaccia Research Center Via Anguillarese 301 S. Maria di Galeria Rome Italy Department of SBAI Sapienza University of Rome Via del Castro Laurenziano 7 00161 Rome Italy Department of Energy Technologies ENEA Casaccia Research Center Via Anguillarese 301 S. Mafia di Galeria Rome Italy
Catalytic pyrolysis of thermoplastics extracted from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) was investigated using various fly ash-derived catalysts. The catalysts were prepared from fly ash by a simple me... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Reliability of R2R-printed, flexible electrodes for e-clothing applications
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npj Flexible Electronics 2020年 第1期4卷 117-125页
作者: Rafal Sliz Olli-Heikki Huttunen Elina Jansson Juhani Kemppainen Jyrki Schroderus marika Kurkinen Tapio Fabritius OPEM Unit University of OuluErkki Koiso-Kanttilankatu 390570OuluFinland VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Kaitoväylä190570OuluFinland Polar Electro Oy Professorintie 590440KempeleFinland
Conformable electrodes are essential for the development of flexible electronics or functional clothing,regardless of their *** reliable ability to transfer electric signals or serve as sensing elements in various con... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effect of diets supplemented with linseed alone or combined with vitamin E and selenium or with plant extracts,on Longissimus thoracis transcriptome in growing-finishing Italian Large White pigs
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Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2019年 第1期10卷 159-171页
作者: Rubina Sirri marika Vitali Paolo Zambonelli Giulia Giannini Martina Zappaterra Domenico Pietro Lo Fiego Dalal Sami Roberta Davoli Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Agrifood Research (CIRI- AGRO) University of Bologna Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL) University of Bologna Department of Life Sciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Interdepartmental Research Centre for Agri-Food Biological Resources Improvement and Valorisation (BIOGEST-SITEIA) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Background: Supplementing farm animals diet with functional ingredients may improve the nutritional quality of meat *** composition has been also demonstrated to influence the gene expression with effect on biological... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论