


  • 49 篇 期刊文献
  • 2 篇 学位论文


  • 51 篇 电子文献
  • 0 种 纸本馆藏



  • 21 篇 医学
    • 18 篇 临床医学
    • 2 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
    • 1 篇 中医学
  • 17 篇 工学
    • 5 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 3 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 3 篇 食品科学与工程(可...
    • 2 篇 力学(可授工学、理...
    • 2 篇 动力工程及工程热...
    • 2 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 2 篇 化学工程与技术
    • 1 篇 控制科学与工程
    • 1 篇 建筑学
    • 1 篇 土木工程
    • 1 篇 测绘科学与技术
    • 1 篇 网络空间安全
  • 9 篇 理学
    • 3 篇 数学
    • 2 篇 地球物理学
    • 1 篇 物理学
    • 1 篇 化学
    • 1 篇 地理学
    • 1 篇 生物学
    • 1 篇 系统科学
  • 4 篇 文学
    • 3 篇 外国语言文学
    • 1 篇 中国语言文学
  • 3 篇 管理学
    • 2 篇 管理科学与工程(可...
    • 1 篇 工商管理
  • 2 篇 经济学
    • 2 篇 应用经济学
  • 2 篇 农学
    • 1 篇 作物学
    • 1 篇 植物保护


  • 3 篇 treatment
  • 2 篇 cancer
  • 2 篇 lstm
  • 2 篇 india
  • 2 篇 ftir
  • 2 篇 chickpea
  • 2 篇 climate
  • 2 篇 change
  • 2 篇 energy
  • 1 篇 heat treatment
  • 1 篇 corona
  • 1 篇 covid-19
  • 1 篇 text categorizat...
  • 1 篇 drug targeting
  • 1 篇 st-anti-invarian...
  • 1 篇 food processing
  • 1 篇 centella asiatic...
  • 1 篇 food-borne patho...
  • 1 篇 除草剂
  • 1 篇 germination


  • 3 篇 department of nu...
  • 3 篇 department of fo...
  • 3 篇 agricultural and...
  • 2 篇 department of ma...
  • 2 篇 international cr...
  • 2 篇 international cr...
  • 1 篇 长安大学
  • 1 篇 school of electr...
  • 1 篇 department of bi...
  • 1 篇 srm institute of...
  • 1 篇 department of co...
  • 1 篇 department of he...
  • 1 篇 cse department c...
  • 1 篇 department of ho...
  • 1 篇 department of in...
  • 1 篇 department of bi...
  • 1 篇 department of el...
  • 1 篇 东南大学
  • 1 篇 hella india auto...
  • 1 篇 department of st...


  • 4 篇 mamta sharma
  • 4 篇 mamta thakur
  • 3 篇 mamta khosla
  • 3 篇 smita singh
  • 3 篇 suresh pande
  • 3 篇 deepak kumar ver...
  • 3 篇 soubhagya tripat...
  • 3 篇 mamta bansal
  • 2 篇 neeraj kumar sir...
  • 2 篇 mamta kalra
  • 2 篇 george kurien
  • 2 篇 raju ghosh
  • 2 篇 prem prakash sri...
  • 2 篇 alok kumar gupta
  • 2 篇 rashmi kaul
  • 2 篇 mamta mishra
  • 2 篇 amandeep singh
  • 2 篇 mamta dattani
  • 2 篇 s.n.rajan
  • 2 篇 balwinder raj


  • 45 篇 英文
  • 6 篇 中文
51 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Pichia as yeast cell factory for production of industrially important bio-products:Current trends,challenges,and future prospects
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Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts 2023年 第2期8卷 108-124页
作者: Akansha Shrivastava mamta Pal Rakesh Kumar Sharma Department of Biosciences Manipal University JaipurJaipur 303007India Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy Jalandhar 144601India
Yeast has been used as a cell factory for thousands of years to produce a wide variety of com-plex biofuels,bioproducts,biochemicals,food ingredients,and *** a variety of biotechnological production hosts,a few specif... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A Real-Time Integrated Face Mask Detector to Curtail Spread of Coronavirus
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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2021年 第5期127卷 389-409页
作者: Shilpa Sethi mamta Kathuria Trilok Kaushik Department of Computer Applications J.C.Bose University of Science and TechnologyFaridabad121102India R&D Department Samsung India Pvt.Ltd.Noida210301India
Effective strategies to control COVID-19 pandemic need high attention to mitigate negatively impacted communal health and global economy,with the brim-full horizon yet to *** the absence of effective antiviral and lim... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
An incremental learning approach for the text categorization using hybrid optimization
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International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 2019年 第3期12卷 333-351页
作者: mamta Kayest Sanjay Kumar Jain Department of Computer Engineering National Institute of Technology KurukshetraKurukshetraIndia
Purpose–Document retrieval has become a hot research topic over the past few years,and has been paid more attention in browsing and synthesizing information from different *** purpose of this paper is to develop an e... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
An Improved Handoff Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
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Computers, Materials & Continua 2022年 第11期73卷 3433-3453页
作者: Deepak Dahiya Payal Mahajan Zaheeruddin mamta Dahiya Department of Information Technology College of Computer and Information SciencesMajmaah UniversityMajmaahSaudi Arabia Department of Electrical Engineering Jamia Millia IslamiaNew DelhiIndia CSE Department SGT UniversityGurugramNCR DelhiIndia
Heterogeneous Wireless Network is currently a major area of focus in communication *** the important issue in recent communication is the approachability to the wireless networks while maintaining the quality of ***,a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Design and simulation of nanoscale double-gate TFET/tunnel CNTFET
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Journal of Semiconductors 2018年 第4期39卷 34-38页
作者: Shashi Bala mamta Khosla Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering Dr B R Ambedkar Natrional Institute of Technology Jalandhar-144011 India
A double-gate tunnel field-effect transistor (DG tunnel FET) has been designed and investigated for various channel materials such as silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs), alminium gallium arsenide (A1xGa1-xAs... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Radiation effect on temperature distribution in three-dimensional Couette flow with suction or injection
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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) 2007年 第3期28卷 309-316页
作者: Bhupendra Kumar Sharma mamta Agarwal R.C.Chaudhary Department of Mathematics University of RajasthanJaipur-302004India
A theoretical analysis of three-dimensional Couette flow with radiation effect on temperature distribution has been analysed, when the injection of the fluid at the lower stationary plate is a transverse sinusoidat on... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Natural and artificial small RNAs:a promising avenue of nucleic acid therapeutics for cancer
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Cancer Biology & Medicine 2017年 第3期14卷 242-253页
作者: Sunny Yadav mamta Shekhawat Devashree Jahagirdar Nilesh Kumar Sharma Cancer and Translational Research Lab Dr.D.Y Patil Biotechnology&Bioinformatics InstituteDr.D.Y.Patil VidyapeethPune 411033MaharashtraIndia
Since the failure of traditional therapy, gene therapy using functional DNA sequence and small RNA/DNA molecules(oligonucleotide) has become a promising avenue for cancer treatment. The discovery of RNA molecules has ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Compact model for ballistic single wall CNTFET under quantum capacitance limit
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Journal of Semiconductors 2016年 第10期37卷 48-55页
作者: Amandeep Singh mamta Khosla Balwinder Raj Department of Electronics & Communication National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Punjab India
This paper proposes a compact model for carbon nanotube field effect transistor(CNTFET) based on surface potential and conduction band minima. The proposed model relates the I–V characteristics to chirality under q... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Changes in organic structure and mineral phases transformation of coal during heat treatment on laboratory scale
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International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 2016年 第4期3卷 418-428页
作者: Vivek Mishra mamta Sharma Sanchita Chakravarty Amit Banerjee CSIR - National Metallurgical Laboratory Jamshedpur 831007 India
Structural changes due to coalification and oxidation influence the coal quality, geochemically and petrologically. Understanding of the coal structures helps to predict the behaviour of coal at various processes. The... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Meta-QTL analysis for mining of candidate genes and constitutive gene network development for fungal disease resistance in maize(Zea mays L.)
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The Crop Journal 2023年 第2期11卷 511-522页
作者: mamta Gupta Mukesh Choudhary Alla Singh Seema Sheoran Deepak Singla Sujay Rakshit ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research LudhianaPunjab 141004India School of Agriculture and Environment The University of Western AustraliaPerthWA 6009Australia The UWA Institute of Agriculture The University of Western AustraliaPerthWA 6009Australia School of Agricultural Biotechnology Punjab Agricultural UniversityLudhianaPunjab 141004India
The development of resistant maize cultivars is the most effective and sustainable approach to combat fungal *** the last three decades,many quantitative trait loci(QTL)mapping studies reported numerous QTL for fungal... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论