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检索条件"作者=Magalh.es R"
70649 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Live above-and belowground biomass of a Mozambican evergreen forest:a comparison of estimates based on regression equations and biomass expansion factors
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Forest Ecosystems 2016年 第1期3卷 1-12页
作者: Tarquinio Mateus magalh.es Departamento de Engenharia Florestal Universidade Eduardo MondlaneCampus Universitario
Background: Biomass regression equations are claimed to yield the most accurate biomass estimates than biomass expansion factors (BEFs). Yet, national and regional biomass estimates are generally calculated based o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Enteric nervous system and inflammatory bowel diseases:Correlated impacts and therapeutic approaches through the P2X7 receptor
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2021年 第46期27卷 7909-7924页
作者: Henrique Inhauser riceti magalh.es Patricia Castelucci Department of Surgery School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal SciencesUniversity of São PauloSão Paulo 08000-000Brazil Department of Anatomy Institute of Biomedical SciencesUniversity of São PauloSão Paulo 08000-000Brazil
The enteric nervous system(ENS)consists of thousands of small ganglia arranged in the submucosal and myenteric plexuses,which can be negatively affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis-inflammatory bowel di... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Importance of neonatal screening:A case study of sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis coexistence
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World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics 2025年 第1期14卷 113-118页
作者: Nathalia Noyma Sampaio magalh.es Lucas Barra Mathiasi Daniela de Oliveira Werneck rodrigues Department of Pediatrics Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Juiz de ForaJuiz de Fora 36033-003Brazil Department of Internal Medicine Rede D'Or Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 22270-010Brazil Department of Hematology Fundação HemominasJuiz de Fora 36010-560MGBrazil Department of Internal Medicine Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos-Faculdade de Medicina Juiz de ForaJuiz de Fora 36010-560Minas GeraisBrazil
BACKGrOUND Neonatal screening(NS)is a public health policy to identify genetic pathologies such as cystic fibrosis(CF),sickle cell disease,and other *** cell disea-se is the comprehensive term for a group of hemoglobi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Bird habitat preferences drive hemoparasite infection in the Neotropical region
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Integrative Zoology 2021年 第5期16卷 755-768页
作者: Gabriel Massaccesi DE LA TOrrE Karla magalh.es CAMPIÃO Biological Interactions Departamento de ZoologiaUniversidade Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrazil Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e Conservação Universidade Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrazil
The role that the environment plays in vector-borne parasite infection is one of the central factors for understanding disease *** assessed how Neotropical bird foraging strata and habitat preferences determine infect... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Olfactory dysfunction in dementia
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World Journal of Clinical Cases 2014年 第11期2卷 661-667页
作者: Jorge Alves Agavni Petrosyan rosana magalh.es Cognitive rehabilitation Center 4710-228 Braga Portugal Department of Cognitive Sciences Univer-sity of California at Irvine Irvine CA 92717 United States
The natural aging process brings about some inevitable consequences, such as olfactory dysfunction, which is also frequently linked to numerous neurodegenerative disorders. Many age-related dementia, such as Alzheimer... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Archean-Ediacaran evolution of the Campos Gerais Domain-A reworked margin of the São Francisco paleocontinent(SE Brazil):Constraints from metamafic-ultramafic rocks
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Geoscience Frontiers 2022年 第5期13卷 286-308页
作者: Marco Aurélio Piacentini Pinheiro George L.Guice Joana reis magalh.es Geological Survey of Brazil–CPrM Av Brazil 1731Belo Horizonte 30140-002Brazil Department of Mineral Sciences National Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution10th Street and Constitution Avenue NWWashington D.C.20560USA
The Campos Gerais Domain(CGD)in southeastern Brazil is an approximately 180 km×35 km area of Archean–Proterozoic rocks located southwest of the São Francisco Craton(SFC).The Archean–Paleopro terozoic evolution of t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Is the EGFr pathway relevant for the pathogenesis but not for treatment of acute myeloid leukemia?
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Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment 2021年 第1期7卷 765-774页
作者: Luciana Yamamoto de Almeida Eduardo magalh.es rego Center for Cell-based Therapy University of Sao PauloRibeirao PretoSao Paulo CEP 14051-140Brazil Hematology Division LIM31Faculdade de MedicinaUniversity of Sao PauloSao Paulo CEP 05403-000Brazil.
Despite intense research and the development of several new chemotherapeutics,the prognosis for specific subsets of acute myeloid leukemia(AML)has not improved ***,the investigation of signaling pathways associated wi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Tritrichomonas foetus:New structures by high-resolution scanning helium ion microscopy
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BIOCELL 2021年 第2期45卷 259-266页
作者: MArLENE BENCHIMOL ABIGAIL MIrANDA-magalh.es ANTONIO PErEIrA-NEVes WANDErLEY DE SOUZA Universidade do Grande rio Duque de Caxias25071-202Rio de Janeiro Departamento de Microbiologia Laboratório de Biologia Celular de PatógenosFiocruzInstituto Aggeu MagalhãesRecife52060-269Brazil Universidade Federal do rio de Janeiro Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas FilhoLaboratório de Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia(INBEB)and Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagens(CENABIO)Rio de Janeiro21941-902Brazil
Helium ion scanning microscopy(HIM)is a novel high-resolution scanning microscopy technique that uses helium ions instead of electrons to form images of the highest quality and resolution,providing a sub-nanometer res... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Coarse to Fine: The role of Severe Plastic Deformation in Advancing Titanium-Based Medical Implants - A Comprehensive review
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Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) 2025年 第1期40卷 295-306页
作者: Dragana r Mihajlović Bojan I Međo Ivana Lj Cvijović-Alagić Veljko r Djokić Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy University of BelgradeKarnegijeva 411120 BelgradeSerbia Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sci-ences-National Institute of the republic of Serbia University of Belgrade11001BeogradSerbia Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Karnegijeva 411120 BelgradeSerbia
This paper describes severe plastic deformation(SPD)procedures,which are utilized to form an ultrafine-grained structure in metallic *** the SPD process,a solid material sample is subjected to very high loads without ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The roles of anurans in antagonistic networks are explained by life-habit and body-size
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Integrative Zoology 2022年 第4期17卷 530-542页
作者: Amanda Caroline DUDCZAK Gabriel Massaccesi DE LA TOrrE Lorena EUCLYDes Karla magalh.es CAMPIÃO Department of Zoology Federal University of ParanáCuritibaBrazil Postgraduate Program in Zoology Federal University of ParanáCuritibaBrazil Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation Federal University of ParanáCuritibaBrazil
Interactions among living beings are the structuring basis of ecosystems,and studies of networks allow us to identify the patterns and consistency of such *** networks reflect the energy flow of communities,and identi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论