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151734 条 记 录,以下是4991-5000 订阅
radiolabeling of lacosamide using highly purified rhenium-188 as a prospective brain theranostic agent
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Nuclear Science and Techniques 2020年 第10期31卷 105-114页
作者: H.A.El-Sabagh m.I.Aydia A.m.Amin K.m.El-Azony Labeled Compound Department Radioisotopes Production DivisionHot Laboratory CenterAtomic Energy AuthorityP.O.Box 13759 CairoEgypt radioactive Isotopes and Generators Department Radioisotopes Production DivisionHot Laboratory CenterAtomic Energy AuthorityP.O.Box 13759 CairoEgypt
rhenium-188 is prospectively effective for both diagnosis and radiotherapy as it appropriately emits gamma rays and beta ***(LCm)is a newly approved antiepileptic medication for focal drug-resistant ***-188 was separa... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Journal of Computational mathematics 2021年 第3期39卷 428-452页
作者: r.Eymard C.Guichard Xavier Lhebrard Universite Gustave Eiffel Laboratoire d'nalyse et de Mathematiques Appliquees(UMR 8050)UGEUPECCNRSF-77454Mame-la-ValleeFrance Sorbonne Universite Universite Paris-Diderot SPCCNRSInriaLaboratoire Jacques-Louis Lionsequipe ANGEF-75005 Paris Ecole Normale Superieure de rennes France
The approximation of problems with linear convection and degenerate nonlinear difFusion,which arise in the framework of the transport of energy in porous media with thermodynamic transitions,is done usingθ-scheme bas... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Laparoendoscopic single site,laparoscopic or open surgery for adrenal tumors:Selecting the optimal approach
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World Journal of Clinical Urology 2014年 第2期3卷 54-65页
作者: Christopher B riedinger Conrad m Tobert Brian r Lane michigan State University College of Human medicine Grand RapidsMI 49503United States Urology Division Spectrum Health Hospital SystemGrand RapidsMI 49503United States
Numerous surgical modalities are available to treat adrenal lesions. minimally-invasive approaches for adrenalectomy are indicated in most circumstances, and new evidence continues to be accumulated. In this context, ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Analysis of South Hemisphere Temperature Anomalies over the Last millennium up to the Beginning of the Contemporary Age: A Comparison between a Statistical model and a Global Dynamic model
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American Journal of Climate Change 2014年 第2期3卷 205-211页
作者: Gabriela V. müller Cintia r. repinaldo Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción (CICYTTP-CONICET) Diamante Entre Ríos Argentina
We analyze the consistency of the coupled atmosphere-ocean GISS-Er climate model in reproducing South American temperature anomalies over the last millennium. For that purpose, we compare the model results with the Ne... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Photonic Crystal Based Direct and Inverse Heterostructures by Colloidal Self-Assembly
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Optics and Photonics Journal 2012年 第3期2卷 242-248页
作者: Sunita Kedia m. Srinivas reddy r. Vijaya Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai India Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur India IITB-monash research Academy IIT Bombay Mumbai India
Photonic crystal heterostructures containing two materials and/or two lattice constants are synthesized using the colloids of polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate by a self-assembling technique. These direct hetero... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The contribution of microorganisms and metazoans to mineral nutrition in bromeliads
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Journal of Plant Ecology 2016年 第3期9卷 241-255页
作者: Céline Leroy Jean-François Carrias régis Céréghino Bruno Corbara IrD UMR AMAP(botAnique et Modélisation de l’Architecture des Plantes et des végétations)Boulevard de la LirondeTA A‐51/PS2F‐34398 Montpellier Cedex 5France Umr Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane(AgroParisTech CIRADCNRSINRAUniversitéde GuyaneUniversitédes Antilles)Campus AgronomiqueBP 316F-97379 Kourou cedexFrance UniversitéClermont Auvergne UniversitéBlaise PascalBP 10448F-63000 Clermont-FerrandFrance CNrS UMR 6023Laboratoire Microorganismes:Génome et EnvironnementCampus Universitaire des Cézeaux1 impasse Amélie MuratTSA 60026 CS *** Aubière cedexFrance Universitéde Toulouse INPUPS EcoLab(Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement)F-31062 ToulouseFrance CNrS EcoLab118 Route de NarbonneF-31062 ToulouseFrance
Aims One critical challenge for plants is to maintain an adequate nutrient supply under fluctuating environmental *** is particularly true for epiphytic species that have limited or no access to the pedosphere and oft... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Infrastructure for collaborative science and societal applications in the Columbia river estuary
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Frontiers of Earth Science 2015年 第4期9卷 659-682页
作者: Antonio m. BAPTISTA NSF Science and Technology Center for Coastal margin Observation & Prediction Oregon Health & Science University Portland Oregon 97239 USA Oregon Health & Science University Astoria Oregon 97103 USA Portland State University Portland Oregon 97201 USA Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington Seattle Washington 98105 USA Oregon State University Corvallis Oregon 97331 USA Formerly University of maryland Center for Environmental Studies Maryland 21613 USA
To meet societal needs, modem estuarine science needs to be interdisciplinary and collaborative, combine discovery with hypotheses testing, and be responsive to issues facing both regional and global stakeholders. Suc... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Comparison of different magnetic resonance imaging sequences for assessment of fistula-in-ano
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World Journal of radiology 2014年 第5期6卷 203-209页
作者: michael r Torkzad Hkan Ahlstrm Urban Karlbom 12 reris Grange Close Milford SurreyGU8 5FD United Kingdom Section of radiology Section Department of Radiology Oncology and Radiation Science Uppsala University SE 75185 Uppsala Sweden Department of Surgery Uppsala University Hospital SE 75185 Uppsala Sweden
AIm: To assess agreement between different forms of T2 weighted imaging(T2WI), and post-contrast T1WI in the depiction of fistula tracts, inflammation, and internal openings with that of a reference test. mETHODS: Thi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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Acta mathematica Scientia 2009年 第4期29卷 973-979页
作者: Constantine m. Dafermos Division of Applied mathematics Brown University
In nonisentropic gas dynamics, with general equations of state, strong cornpressive shocks satisfying the Liu E-condition may violate the Second Law of thermodynamics.
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
monitoring the 2008 cold surge and frozen disasters snowstorm in South China based on regional ATOVS data assimilation
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Science China Earth Sciences 2010年 第8期53卷 1216-1228页
作者: DALE m.Barker National Center for Atmospheric research BoulderColoradoUSA
In January 2008, South China experienced extremely low temperatures, heavy snowstorms, and severe frosts (2008 Frost Disaster, for short), which led to (partial) failures of observations from ground stations and groun... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论