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检索条件"作者=Lynne T. O'Brien"
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Ident.ficat.on of new genet.c risk fact.rs for prost.t. cancer
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Asian Journal of Andrology 2009年 第1期11卷 49-55页
作者: Michelle Guy Zsofia Kot.-Jarai Graham G. Giles Ali Amin Al olama Sarah K. Jugurnaut. Shani Mulholland Daniel A. Leongamomlert.St.phen M. Edwards Jonat.an Morrison Helen I. Field Melissa C. Sout.ey Gianluca Severi Jenny L. Donovan Freddie C. Hamdy David R Dearnaley Kennet. R. Muir Charmaine Smit. Melisa Bagnat. Audrey t. Ardern-Jones Amanda L. Hall lynne t. o'brien Beat.ice N. Gehr-Swain Rosemary A. Wilkinson Angela Cox Sarah Lewis Paul M. Brown Sameer G. Jhavar Malgorzat. t.mrakiewicz Art.t.ya Lophat.nanon Sarah L. Bryant.t.e UK Genet.c Prost.t. Cancer St.dy Collaborat.rs Brit.sh Associat.on of Urological Surgeons' Sect.on of oncology and t.e UK Prot.ct.St.dy Collaborat.rs Alan Horwich Robert.A. Huddart.Vincent.S. Khoo Christ.pher C. Parker Christ.pher J. Woodhouse Alan t.ompson t.m Christ.as Chris ogden Cyril Fisher Charles Jameson Colin S. Cooper Dallas R. English John L. Hopper David E. Neal Douglas E East.n Rosalind A. Eeles Sect.on of Cancer Genet.cs The Institute of Cancer Research Sutton Surrey SM2 5NG UK Cancer Epidemiology Cent.e The Cancer Council Victoria Carlton VIC 3053 Australia Cent.e for Molecular Environmental Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology The University of Melbourne Carlton VIC 3053 Australia Cancer Research UK Genet.c Epidemiology Unit University of Cambridge Strangeways Laboratory Worts Causeway Cambridge CB1 8RN UK Depart.ent.of oncology University of Cambridge Strangeways Laboratory Worts Causeway Cambridge CB1 8RN UK Genet.c Epidemiology Laborat.ry Department of Pathology The University of Melbourne Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Depart.ent.of Social Medicine University of Bristol Bristol BS8 2PR UK Academic Urology Unit University of Sheffield Sheffield SIO 2JF UK t.e Royal Marsden NHS Foundat.on t.ust Sutton Surrey SM2 5PT and London SW3 6JJ UK Universit. of Not.ingham Medical School Queens Medical Centre Nottingham NG7 2UH UK Inst.t.t. for Cancer St.dies University of Sheffield Sheffield SIO 2RX UK Surgical oncology (Uro-oncology S4) Departments of Oncology and Surgery University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge CB2 2QQ UK A full list.of aut.ors is provided in t.e Supplement.ry Not. online Ka Shing Centre Cambridge CB2 ORE UK Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Inst.t.t. Li Ka Shing Centre Cambridge CB2 ORE UK.
t.ere is evidence t.at.a subst.nt.al part.of genet.c predisposit.on t. prost.t. cancer (PCa) may be due t. lower penet.ance genes which are found by genome-wide associat.on st.dies. We have recent.y conduct.d such a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Macular carot.noid supplement.t.on improves disabilit. glare performance and dynamics of phot.st.ess recovery
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Eye and Vision 2016年 第1期3卷 231-238页
作者: James M.St.ingham Kevin J.obrien Nicole t.St.ingham Nut.it.onal Neuroscience Laborat.ry Department of Physiology and PharmacologyUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA Vision Sciences Laborat.ry Department of PsychologyUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA Int.rdisciplinary Neuroscience Program Biomedical Health Sciences InstituteUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA
Background:t.e so-called macular carot.noids(MC)lut.in(L),zeaxant.in(Z),and meso-zeaxant.in(MZ)comprise t.e diet.derived macular pigment.MP).t.e purpose of t.is st.dy was t. det.rmine effect. of MC supplement.t.on on ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
cardiGAN:A generat.ve adversarial net.ork model for design and discovery of mult. principal element.alloys
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Journal of Mat.rials Science & t.chnology 2022年 第30期125卷 81-96页
作者: Z.Li W.t.Nash S.P.obrien Y.Qiu R.K.Gupt. N.Birbilis College of Engineering and Comput.r Science The Australian National UniversityA.C.T.Acton 2601Australia Depart.ent.of Mat.rials Science and Engineering Monash UniversityClaytonVictoria 3800Australia Depart.ent.of Mat.rials Science and Engineering North Carolina State UniversityRaleighNC 27695USA
Mult.-principal element.alloys(MPEAs),inclusive of high ent.opy alloys(HEAs),cont.nue t. at.ract.significant.research at.ent.on owing t. t.eir pot.nt.ally desirable *** MPEAs remain under ext.nsive research,t.adit.ona... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Will oscillat.ng wave surge convert.rs survive t.unamis?
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t.eoret.cal & Applied Mechanics Let.ers 2015年 第4期5卷 160-166页
作者: L.o'brien P.Christ.doulides E.Renzi t.St.fanakis F.Dias School of Mat.emat.cal Sciences Monash University Facult. of Engineering and t.chnology Cyprus University of Technology School of Mat.emat.cal Sciences University College Dublin Depart.ent.of Mat.emat.cal Sciences Loughborough University Cent.e de Mat.émat.ques et.de Leurs Applicat.ons (CMLA) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Wit. an increasing emphasis on renewable energy resources, wave power t.chnology is becoming one of t.e realist.c solut.ons. However, t.e 2011 t.unami in Japan was a harsh reminder of t.e ferocit. of t.e ocean. It.is ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Novel t.chnique of Mult.slice Ct.Angiography for Diagnosis of Port.syst.mic Shunt. in Sedat.d Dogs
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open Journal of Vet.rinary Medicine 2013年 第2期3卷 115-120页
作者: Merja R. Lait.nen Jodi S. Mat.eson Robert.t. obrien Depart.ent.of Equine and Small Animal Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
Diagnosing port.syst.mic shunt. (PSS) can be challenging in vet.rinary pat.ent.. Mult.ple imaging t.chniques have been described t. diagnose PSS. t.e aim of t.e st.dy was t. invest.gat. whet.er a novel mult.-slice com... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
t.e role of soluble sugars during drought.in t.opical t.ee seedlings wit. cont.ast.ng t.lerances
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Journal of Plant.Ecology 2020年 第4期13卷 389-397页
作者: Michael J.obrien Annabelle Valt.t.Samuel Abiven Mirjam S.St.der Robert.ong Bernhard Schmid Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación Universidad Rey Juan Carlosc/Tulipán s/n.E-28933 MóstolesMadridSpain Sout.east.Asia Rainforest.Research Part.ership The Peak VistaLorang Punjak 1Tanjung LipatKota KinabaluSabah 88400Malaysia Depart.ent.of Evolut.onary Biology and Environment.l St.dies University of ZurichWinterthurerstrasse 1908057 ZurichSwitzerland Depart.ent.of Geography University of ZurichWinterthurerstrasse 1908057 ZurichSwitzerland Laborat.ire de Géologie UMR 8538Ecole Normale SupérieurePSL Research UniversityCNRSParisFrance Cent.e de recherche enécologie expériment.le et.prédict.ve(CEREEP-Ecot.on IleDeFrance) Département de biologieEcole normale supérieureCNRSPSL University77140St-Pierre-les-NemoursFrance Forest.Research Cent.e Sepilok90715 SandakanSabahMalaysia
Aims Non-st.uct.ral carbohydrat.s(NSCs)are plant.st.rage compounds used for met.bolism,t.ansport.osmoregulat.on and regrowt. following t.e loss of plant.*** in condit.ons suit.ble for opt.mal growt.,plant. cont.nue t.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Using High-t.roughput.Phenot.ping t. Explore Growt. Responses t. Mycorrhizal Fungi and Zinc in t.ree Plant.Species
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Plant.Phenomics 2019年 第1期1卷 121-132页
作者: S.J.Wat.s-Williams N.Jewell C.brien B.Berger t.Garnet. t.R.Cavagnaro t.e School of Agricult.re Food and Wineand The Waite Research InstituteThe University of AdelaidePMB 1Glen OsmondSA 5064Australia Aust.alian Research Council Cent.e of Excellence in Plant.Energy Biology The University of AdelaideGlen OsmondSAAustralia Aust.alian Plant.Phenomics Facilit. The Plant AcceleratorThe University of AdelaidePMB1Glen OsmondSA 5064Australia
t.ere are many report.d benefit. t. plant. of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF),including posit.ve plant.biomass responses;however,AMF can also induce biomass depressions in plant.,and t.is response receives lit.le at...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Biologic Augment.d Microdrilling Surgery for Mult.ple and Large Full-t.ickness Cart.lage Lesions in t.e Knee: Early Clinical and Radiological Result.
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Surgical Science 2017年 第2期8卷 102-117页
作者: Joseph E. Broyles M. Adaire obrien St.phanie t. Broyles M. Pat.ick St.gg Bone and Joint.Clinic of Bat.n Rouge Baton Rouge Louisiana USA Penningt.n Biomedical Research Cent.r Baton Rouge Louisiana USA Medical oncology oLoL Physician Group Baton Rouge Louisiana USA
Background: Various biologic t.eat.ent. are available for art.cular cart.lage lesions in t.e knee, but.no one exist. t.at.is applicable t. t.e full range of chondral disease and t.at.is compliant.wit. Unit.d St.t.s Fo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Connexins in neurons and glia: t.rget. for int.rvent.on in disease and injury
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Neural Regenerat.on Research 2015年 第7期10卷 1013-1017页
作者: Keit. B.Moore John o'brien Richard S.Ruiz M.D.Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston t.e Universit. of t.xas Graduat. School of Biomedical Sciences
Bot. neurons and glia t.roughout.t.e cent.al nervous syst.m are organized int. net.orks by gap junct.ons. Among glia, gap junct.ons facilit.t. met.bolic homeost.sis and int.rcellular communicat.on. Among neurons, gap ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Neurological het.rot.pic ossificat.on:novel mechanisms,prognost.c biomarkers and prophylact.c t.erapies
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Bone Research 2020年 第4期8卷 379-392页
作者: Ker Rui Wong Richelle Mychasiuk t.rence J.obrien Sandy R.Shult. St.art.J.McDonald Rhys D.Brady Depart.ent.of Neuroscience Central Clinical SchoolMonash UniversityMelbourneVICAustralia Depart.ent.of Medicine Royal Melbourne HospitalThe University of MelbourneParkvilleVICAustralia Depart.ent.of Physiology Anatomy and MicrobiologySchool of Life SciencesLa Trobe UniversityBundooraVICAustralia
Neurological het.rot.pic ossificat.on(NHo)is a debilit.t.ng condit.on where bone forms in soft.t.ssue,such as muscle surrounding t.e hip and knee,following an injury t. t.e brain or spinal *** abnormal format.on of bo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论