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检索条件"作者=Khaled H.el-HAmDI"
60655 条 记 录,以下是31-40 订阅
The use of new class α-amino nitrile modified magnetic adsorbents for removal of Cd(II) from aqueous medium: Sorbent modification vs. α-amino nitrile addition to the adsorption medium
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Emerging Contaminants 2024年 第1期10卷 32-46页
作者: Eyad A.Younes Amjad h.el-Sheikh Rawan B.Alsmadi Department of Chemistry Faculty of ScienceThe Hashemite UniversityP.O.Box 330127Zarqa13133Jordan
In the present work,some novel α-amino nitriles were prepared:amino-2-(anthracen-9-yl)acetonitrile(AAN),and 2-(naphthalen-1-yl)-2-((triethoxysilyl)propyl)amino)acetonitrile(Si-AN).With the aid of other organic compou... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Optimization Task Scheduling Using Cooperation Search Algorithm for heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems
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Computers, Materials & Continua 2023年 第1期74卷 2133-2148页
作者: Ahmed Y.hamed M.Kh.elnahary Faisal S.Alsubaei hamdy h.el-Sayed Department of Computer Science Faculty of Computers and Artificial IntelligenceSohag UniversitySohag82524Egypt Department of Cybersecurity College of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of JeddahJeddah21959Saudi Arabia
Cloud computing has taken over the high-performance distributed computing area,and it currently provides on-demand services and resource polling over the *** a result of constantly changing user service demand,the tas... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A DNA sensor based on upconversion nanoparticles and two-dimensional dichalcogenide materials
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Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2021年 第4期15卷 935-943页
作者: Konstantina Alexaki Davide Giust Maria-eleni Kyriazi Afaf h.el-Sagheer Tom Brown Otto L.Muskens Antonios G.Kanaras School of Physics and Astronomy Faculty of Engineering and Physical SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton SO171BJUK Department of Chemistry University of OxfordChemistry Research LaboratoryOxford OX13TAUK Chemistry Branch Department of Science and MathematicsFaculty of Petroleum and Mining EngineeringSuez UniversitySuez 43721Egypt Institute for Life Sciences University of SouthamptonSouthampton SO171BJUK
We demonstrate the fabrication of a new DNA sensor that is based on the optical interactions occurring between oligonucleotide-coated NaYF4:Yb^(3+);Er^(3+) upconversion nanoparticles and the two-dimensional dichalcoge... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
hydroxysafflor yellow A protects against thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats via suppressing proinflammatory/fibrogenic mediators and promoting hepatic stellate cell senescence and apoptosis
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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2023年 第8期13卷 348-358页
作者: Sayed h.Seif el-Din Olfat A.hammam Shahira M.Ezzat Samira Saleh Marwa M.Safar Walaa h.el-Maadawy Naglaa M.el-Lakkany Pharmacology Department Theodor Bilharz Research InstituteWarak El-HadarImbaba P.O.Box 30Giza 12411Egypt Pathology Department Theodor Bilharz Research InstituteWarak El-HadarImbaba P.O.Box 30Giza 12411Egypt Pharmacognosy Department Faculty of PharmacyCairo UniversityCairo 11562Egypt Pharmacognosy Department Faculty of PharmacyOctober University for Modern Sciences and ArtsGizaEgypt Pharmacology and Toxicology Department Faculty of PharmacyCairo UniversityCairo 11562Egypt Pharmacology and Biochemistry Department Faculty of PharmacyThe British University in EgyptCairoEgypt
Objective:To evaluate the effect of hydroxysafflor yellow A(hSYA)on thioacetamide-induced liver ***:Thioacetamide was administered to rats intraperitoneally in doses of 200 mg/kg twice a week for 12 ***-intoxicated ra... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Dynamic stress concentration in an infinitely long cylindrical cavity due to a point spherical source embedded within a fluid-saturated poroelastic formation of infinite extent
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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) 2025年 第1期46卷 139-156页
作者: h.hOSSEINI O.BALILAShAKI Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of EngineeringGolestan University
The effects of a harmonically exciting monopole source on an infinitely long cylindrical cavity embedded entirely within a fluid-saturated poroelastic formation of infinite extent are examined theoretically. It is ass... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Nanofibrous ε-polycaprolactone scaffolds containing Ag-doped magnetite nanoparticles: Physicochemical characterization and biological testing for wound dressing applications in vitro and in vivo
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Bioactive Materials 2021年 第7期6卷 2070-2088页
作者: M.K.Ahmed M.A.Zayed S.I.el-dek Mayssa Abdel hady Doaa h.el Sherbiny Vuk Uskokovic Faculty of Nanotechnology for Postgraduate studies Cairo UniversityEl-Sheikh Zayed 12588Egypt Department of Physics Faculty of ScienceSuez UniversitySuez 43518Egypt Chemistry Department Faculty of ScienceCairo University12613GizaEgypt Materials Science and Nanotechnology Department Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Advanced SciencesBeni-Suef UniversityBeni SuefEgypt Pharmaceutical Technology Department National Research CentreDokiiGizaEgypt Advanced Materials and Nanobiotechnology Laboratory TardigradeNano LLCIrvineCA92604USA Department of Biochemistry Faculty of DentistryModern University for Technology and InformationMokattamCairoEgypt
Skin wounds can lead to numerous complications with dangerous health *** this work,magnetite nanoparticles were doped with different concentrations of antimicrobial silver(Ag)ions and incorporated into the electrospun... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Enhancing metformin efficacy with cholecalciferol and taurine in diabetes therapy:Potential and limitations
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World Journal of Diabetes 2025年 第1期16卷 22-26页
作者: Gehan el-Akabawy Nabil Eid Department of Basic Medical Sciences College of MedicineAjman UniversityAjman 346United Arab Emirates Department of Anatomy Division of Human BiologySchool of MedicineIMU UniversityKuala Lumpur 57000Malaysia
Diabetes mellitus,particularly type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM),poses a significant global health *** management strategies primarily focus on glycemic control;however,there is a growing need for comprehensive approache... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Assessing the Effectiveness of Solar Photovoltaic Powered Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems across Different Water Resources in Saudi Arabia
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Open Journal of Modern hydrology 2025年 第1期15卷 1-17页
作者: O. S. Abd el-Kawi Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Al-Baha University Al Baha Saudi Arabia Reactors Department Nuclear Research Center Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority Cairo Egypt
This study investigates the performance of a solar photovoltaic (PV)-powered reverse osmosis (RO) desalination system applied to diverse water sources in the Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia, including seawater, groundwat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Comparison of the Predictive Value of Antral Follicle Count, Anti-Müllerian hormone and Follicle-Stimulating hormone in Women Following GnRh-Antagonist Protocol for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
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Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017年 第4期7卷 432-446页
作者: Shahinaz h.el-Shorbagy Departments of Obstetrics&Gynecology Faculty of MedicineTanta UniversityTantaEgypt
Background: Prediction of ovarian response is one of the prerequisites for women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment prior to the first controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) cycle. Predictive f... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
La^3+ doped LiCo0.25Zn0.25Fe2O4 spinel ferrite nanocrystals:Insights on structural,optical and magnetic properties
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Journal of Rare Earths 2021年 第1期39卷 75-82,I0003页
作者: M.I.A.Abdel Maksoud Ahmed el-Ghandour A.h.Ashour M.M.Atta Soraya Abdelhaleem Ahmed h.el-hanbaly Ramy Amer Fahim Said M.Kassem M.S.Shalaby A.S.Awed Materials Science Lab. Radiation Physics DepartmentNational Center for Radiation Research and Technology(NCRRT)Atomic Energy AuthorityCairoEgypt Center Photonics and Smart Materials(CPSM) Zewail City of Science and TechnologyOctober Gardens6th of October CityGizaEgypt Polymers Physics Lab. Radiation Physics DepartmentNational Center for Radiation Research and Technology(NCRRT)Atomic Energy AuthorityCairoEgypt Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority CairoEgypt Radiation Protection and Dosimetry Department National Center for Radiation Research and Technology(NCRRT)Atomic Energy AuthorityCairoEgypt Magnetic and Thermal Lab Solid State&Accelerators DepartmentNational Center for Radiation Research and TechnologyAtomic Energy AuthorityNasr CityCairoEgypt higher Institute for Engineering and Technology ManzalaDakahliaEgypt
This paper addresses the manipulation of structural,morphology,optical and magnetic properties of LiCo0.25Zn0.25Fe2 O4 ferrite via incorporation of different proportions of La^3+at the expense of iron ions using a sol... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论