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  • 17 种 纸本馆藏



  • 236 篇 医学
    • 193 篇 临床医学
    • 19 篇 药学(可授医学、理...
    • 17 篇 中西医结合
    • 13 篇 公共卫生与预防医...
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  • 19 篇 côte d’ivoire
  • 8 篇 prevalence
  • 8 篇 liver
  • 8 篇 of
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  • 7 篇 cirrhosis
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  • 5 篇 cameroon
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  • 5 篇 apoptosis
  • 5 篇 factors


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  • 3 篇 t-boigny abidjan...
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  • 9 篇 jean-philippe pi...
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  • 6 篇 jean-pierre barr...
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  • 504 篇 英文
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  • 1 篇 其他
检索条件"作者=Jean F. Soustiel"
671 条 记 录,以下是91-100 订阅
Penis size and sperm quality,are all bats grey in the dark?
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Current Zoology 2019年 第6期65卷 697-703页
作者: Nicolas jean f.SEL Marta KOIODZIEJ-SOBOCINSKA Ewa KOMAR Marcin ZEGAREK Ireneusz RUCZYNSKI Department of.Evolutionary Ecology Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife ResearchAlfred-Kowalke-StrasseBerlinGermany Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of.Sciences Biatowiez.aPoland
Penises play a key role in sperm transport and in stimulating f.male *** should impact post-copulatory competition,and expose penis characteristics to sexual selective *** of.male genitalia have repeatedly reported ne... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Morphology-based classif.ation of.the f.ing capacities of.aquatic insects: A f.st attempt
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Current Zoology 2024年 第5期70卷 607-617页
作者: Rémi Gerber Christophe Piscart jean-Marc Roussel Benjamin Bergerot University of.Rennes CNRSECOBIO UMR 6553F-35042 RennesFrance DECOD(Ecosystem Dynamics and Sustainability) INRAEInstitut AgroIFREMERRennesFrance
f.ight is a key f.ature of.the reproduction and dispersal of.emerging aquatic ***,morphological measurements of.insect f.ght are mostly available f.r terrestrial taxa and dragonf.es,while aquatic insects have been poo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Bioef.icacy of.Plectranthus kirbii Powder and Extracts on Stored Cowpea Pest Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
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Advances in Entomology 2022年 第3期10卷 205-222页
作者: jean Wini Goudoungou f.licité Arindo Katamssadan Haman Tof.l Raoul Barry Borkeum jean Pierre Abdou Elias Nchiwan Nukenine Department of.Biological Sciences Faculty of Science University of Bamenda Cameroon Department of.Biological Sciences Faculty of Science University of Ngaoundere Cameroon Department of.Lif. Sciences Higher Teacher Training College of Bertoua University of Ngaoundere Cameroon Department of.Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Ngaoundere Cameroon
Cowpea seed constitutes an important source of.proteins f.r populations in Sub-Saharan Af.ica. But this f.od resource is heavily damaged by cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. The control of.that pest is mainly ca... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Three Dif.erent f.nctional Microdomains in the Hepatitis C Virus Hypervariable Region 1(HVR1 ) Mediate Entry and Immune evasion
Three Different Functional Microdomains in the Hepatitis C V...
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作者: jean Dubuisson Thomas f.Baumert Laure Aurelian 里尔大学巴斯德研究所 感染与免疫中心 斯特拉斯堡大学 马里兰大学医学院药理与实验药物治疗研究室
High genetic heterogeneity is an important characteristic of.Hepatitis C virus(HCV) that contributes to its ability to establish persistent *** hypervariable region 1(HVR1) that comprises the f.rst 27 amino acid resid... 详细信息
来源: cnki会议 评论
The use of.poly(styrene-block-isobutyleneblock-styrene)as a microshunt to treat glaucoma
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Regenerative Biomaterials 2016年 第2期3卷 137-142页
作者: Leonard Pinchuk Isabelle Riss Juan f.Batlle Yasushi P.Kato John B.Martin Esdras Arrieta Paul Palmberg Richard K.Parrish Bruce A.Weber Yongmoon Kwon jean-Marie Parel Innf.cus Inc.MiamiFLUSA Ophthalmic Biophysics Center Bascom Palmer Eye InstituteUniversity of Miami Miller School of MedicineMiamiFLUSA Pôle Ophtalmologique De La Clinique Mutualiste Pessac CedexFrance Centro Laser Santo DomingoDominican Republic Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital University of MiamiBascom Palmer Eye InstituteMiller School of MedicineMiamiFLUSA Department of.Ophthalmology University of Paris Hotel-Dieu HospitalParisFrance
The Innf.cus MicroShuntVR is a minimally invasive glaucoma drainage microtube used to shunt aqueous humor f.om the anterior chamber of.the eye to a f.ap f.rmed under the conjunctiva and Tenon’s *** saf.ty and clinica... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
An Independent Degree-eight Mars Gravity f.eld Model and the Expected Results f.om the Tianwen-1 Mission
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Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2023年 第10期23卷 267-276页
作者: Shanhong Liu Jianf.ng Cao Jianguo Yan Hao Huang Xie Li jean-Pierre Barriot National Key Laboratory of.Science and Technology on Aerospace f.ight Dynamics Beijing 100094China Beijing Aerospace Control Center Beijing 100094China State Key Laboratory of.Inf.rmation Engineering in Surveying Mapping and Remote SensingWuhan UniversityWuhan 430079China Department of.Astronomy Beijing Normal UniversityBeijing 100875China Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti University of French PolynesiaF-98702 Faa’aBP 6570 TahitiFrench PolynesiaFrance
Tianwen-1 is China's f.rst independent interplanetary exploration mission,targeting Mars,and includes orbiting,landing,and rover *** to previous Mars missions,the Tianwen-1 orbiter was designed f.r polar orbits during... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Moisture-Induced Non-Equilibrium Phase Segregation in Triple Cation Mixed Halide Perovskite Monitored by In Situ Characterization Techniques and Solid-State NMR
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Energy & Environmental Materials 2023年 第2期6卷 185-194页
作者: Mohammad Ali Akhavan Kazemi Nicolas f.lastre Parth Raval Michel Sliwa jean Marie Vianney Nsanzimana Sema Golonu Arnaud Demortiere jean Rousset Olivier Laf.n Laurent Delevoye G.N.Manjunatha Reddy f.édéric Sauvage Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides(LRCS) UMR CNRS 7314-Institut de Chimie de Picardie FR 3085Université de Picardie Jules Verne33 rue Saint LeuAmiens Cedex FR-80039France CNRS Centrale LilleUMR 8181UCCSUnitéde Catalyse et Chimie du SolideUniversité de LilleUniversitéd’ArtoisLille F-59000France UMR 8516-LASIRE-Laboratoire de Spectroscopie pour les Interactions la Réactivité et l’EnvironnementCNRSUniversitéde LilleLille F-59000France EDf.R&D EDF LabBoulevard Gaspard MongePalaiseau 91120France
Environmental stability is a major bottleneck of.perovskite solar *** a handf.l of.studies are investigating the ef.ect of.moisture on the structural degradation of.the *** mostly rely on ex situ experiments and on co... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Isolation and characterization of.f.ve novel mini-M conotoxins f.om the venom of.mollusk-hunter snail Conus bandanus
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Asian Pacif.c Journal of.Tropical Biomedicine 2020年 第8期10卷 343-352页
作者: Nguyen Bao jean-Pière LE CAER Phan Thi Khanh Vinh f.culty of.f.od Technology Nha Trang University02 Nguyen Dinh ChieuNha TrangKhanh HoaVietnam Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles Centre de Recherche de Gif-FRC3115-UPR 2301F-91198 Gif-sur-YvetteFrance
Objective:To determine the new M-superf.mily conotoxins f.om molluscivorous snail Conus bandanus in ***:Conus bandanus venom was f.actionated and purif.ed on HPLC system with an analytical reversed-phase C18 column in... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Conversion of.Unresectable to Resectable Liver Metastases f.om Colorectal Carcinoma Using Hepatic Arterial Chronomodulated Chemotherapy: A Case Report and Short Literature Review
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Surgical Science 2018年 第10期9卷 358-366页
作者: Evgeny Y. Parnes Maria S. Sayapina Alexey A. Tryakin Mohamed Bouchahda Pasquale f. Innominato jean-f.ancois Morere f.ancis A. Levi Rene Adam The Central Clinical Hospital of.Civil Aviation Moscow Russia N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncology Research Center Moscow Russia Department of.Medical Oncology Assistance Publique H&ocirc pitaux de Paris H&ocirc pital Paul Brousse Villejuif France INSERM UMRS 776 “Biological Rhythms and Cancers” Campus CNRS Villejuif France Cancer Chronotherapy Team Warwick Medical School Coventry United Kingdom Hepato-Biliary Center Assistance Publique H&ocirc pitaux de Paris H&ocirc pital Paul Brousse Villejuif France
Background: The regional chronomodulated hepatic arterial inf.sion chemotherapy (HAIC) is an ef.ective regimen f.r the treatment of.patients with unresectable liver metastases f.om colorectal cancer, especially f.r th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Relationship between Category of.Weight and Threshold of.Maximum Oxidation of.Lipids in Congolese Judoists
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Journal of.Biosciences and Medicines 2017年 第7期5卷 74-83页
作者: jean Georges André Moulongo Alphonse Massamba jean Itoua Okemba Massala Kitanga f.tra Néla Packa Bernard Tchissambou Laboratory of.Physiology of.the Ef.ort and Biomechanics Higher Institute of Physical and Sporting Education Marien Ngouabi University Brazzaville Congo Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Unit Fundamental and Applied Human Movement Sciences Laboratory Higher Institute of Physical Education and Sports Marien Ngouabi University Brazzaville Congo
Background: One of.the goals f.r training in judo is to mimic real situations. In subsaharian countries;there is a lack of.knowledge considering relation between category of.weight and threshold maximum oxidation of.l... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论