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41183 条 记 录,以下是4991-5000 订阅
Formation of a cerium conversion coating on magnesium alloy using ascorbic acid as *** and anticorrosive properties of the formed films
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journal of magnesium and Alloys 2016年 第4期4卷 278-285页
作者: A.P.Loperena I.L.Lehr S.b.Saidman Instituto de Ingeniería Electroquímica y Corrosión(INIEC) Departamento de Ingeniería QuímicaUniversidad Nacional del SurAv.Alem 12538000 Bahía BlancaArgentina
Cerium-based conversion coatings were formed on AZ91D magnesium alloy by immersion of the substrate in solutions containing Ce(NO_(3))_(3),H_(2)O_(2) and ascorbic acid(HAsc).The characterisation of the films was perfo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Structural and dielectric properties of doped ferrite nanomaterials suitable for microwave and biomedical applications
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Progress in Natural Science:materials International 2015年 第5期25卷 419-424页
作者: Imran Sadiq Shahzad Naseem muhammad Naeem Ashiq m.A.Khan Shanawer Niaz m.U.Rana Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics University of the Punjab Institute of Chemical Sciences Bahauddin Zakariya University Department of Physics BUITEMS  4. Department of Physics University of Sargodha
The sol-gel auto-combustion method was adopted to synthesize nanomaterials of single-phase X-type hexagonal ferrites with the composition of Sr;Gd;Ni;Fe;Cd;O;(x=0.00,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.10 and y = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Integration of network and experimental pharmacology to decipher the antidiabetic action of Duranta repens L.
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journal of Integrative medicine 2021年 第1期19卷 66-77页
作者: Pukar Khanal basanagouda m.Patil Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology KLE College of Pharmacy BelagaviKLE Academy of Higher Education and ResearchBelagavi 590010India
Objective:Duranta repens is reported to contain a wide array of secondary metabolites,including aamylase and a-glucosidase inhibitors,and-has potent antioxidant *** present study evaluated the network pharmacology of ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Impact of Hypertension on Type 2 Diabetes in mysore Population of South India
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International journal of Clinical medicine 2013年 第12期4卷 561-570页
作者: mohammed Salman Shruti Dasgupta Cletus j. m. D’Souza D. Xaviour b. V. Raviprasad jayashankar Rao G. L. Lakshmi Anthropological Survey of India Southern Regional Centre Mysore India Anthropological Survey of India Southern Regional Centre Mysore India Department of Studies in biochemistry University of Mysore Mysore India Anthropological Survey of India Southern Regional Centre Mysore India Department of Studies in biotechnology University of Mysore Mysore India
Objective: The study aims to explore the prevalence of hypertension and its impact on Type 2 diabetes in a mysore population of the Indian subcontinent. methods: 636 participants volunteered for the study. Anthropomet... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Thermal instability and dynamic response analysis of a tensioned carbon nanotube under moving uniformly distributed external pressure
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Nano materials Science 2021年 第1期3卷 75-88页
作者: A.A.Yinusa m.G.Sobamowo Department of mechanical Engineering University of LagosAkokaLagos StateNigeria
Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTs)are receiving immense research attention due to their tremendous thermal,electrical,structural and mechanical *** this paper,an exact solution of the dynamic response of SWCNT wit... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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Chinese Physics C 2014年 第9期38卷 120-121页
作者: K.A.Olive K.Agashe C.Amsler m.Antonelli j.-F.Arguin D.m.Asner H.baer H.R.band R.m.barnett T.basaglia C.W.bauer j.j.beatty V.I.belousov j.beringer G.bernardi S.bethke H.bichsel O.biebe E.blucher S.blusk G.brooijmans O.buchmueller V.burkert m.A.bychkov R.N.Cahn m.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerr D.Chakraborty m.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de jong G.Dissertor b.A.Dobrescu m.Doser m.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Edwards S.Eidelman j.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher b.D.Fields b.Foster A.Freitas T.K.Gaisser H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-j.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta S.Golwala m.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom m.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes m.Heffner b.Heltsley j.j.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa A.Hocker j.Holder A.Holtkamp j.Huston j.D.jackson K.F.johnson T.junk m.Kado D.Karlen U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss m.Kreps b.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav j.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-j.Lin T.m.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.b.Lugovsky F.maltoni T.mannel A.V.manohar W.j.marciano A.D.martin A.masoni j.matthews D.milstead P.molaro K.monig F.moortgat m.j.mortonson H.murayama K.Nakamura m.Narain P.Nason S.Navas m.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir L.Pape j.Parsons C.Patrignani j.A.Peacock m.Pennington S.T.Petcov Kavli IPmU A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby j.Rademacker G.Raffel b.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.j.Rosenberg j L.Rosner G.Rybka C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe m.Silari T.Sjostrand P.Skands j.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl T.Stanev S.L.Stone T.Sumiyoshi m.j.Syphers F.Takahashi m.Tanabashi j.Terning L.Tiator m.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Tornqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia G.Venanzoni m.G.Vincter P.Vogel A.Vogt S.P.Wakely W.Walkowiak C.W.Walter D.R.Ward G.Weiglein D.H.Weinberg E.j.Weinberg m.White L.R.Wiencke C.G.Wohl L.Wolfenstein j.Womersley C.L. University of minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy116 Church St.S.E.MinneapolisMN 55455USA University of maryland Department of PhysicsCollege ParkMD 20742-4111USA Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitat BernCH-3012 BernSwitzerland Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN CP 13via E.Fermi40I-00044 Frascati(Roma)Italy Departement de physique Universite de MontrealC.P.6128succ.centre-villeMontreal(Quebec) H3C 3J7Canada Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle BoulevardRichlandWA 99352USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of OklahomaNormanOK 73019USA Department of Physics University of WisconsinMadisonWI 53706USA Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1 Cyclotron RoadBerkeleyCA 94720USA CERN European Organization for Nuclear ResearchCH-1211 Geneve 23Switzerland Department of Physics The Ohio State University191 W.Woodruff Ave.ColumbusOH 43210 COmPAS Group Institute for High Energy PhysicsRU- 142284ProtvinoRussia LPNHE IN2P3-CNRS et Universites de Paris 6 et 7F-75252 ParisFrance max-Planck-Institute of Physics 80805 MunichGermany Department of Physics University of WashingtonSeattleWA 98195USA Ludwig-maximilians-Universitat Fakultdt für PhysikSchellingstr.4D-80799 MünchenGermany Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics Syracuse UniversitySyracuseNY13244USA Department of Physics Columbia University538 W.120th StreetNew YorkNY10027 USA High Energy Physics Group Blackett LaboratoryImperial CollegePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2AZUK jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Ave.Newport NewsVA 23606USA Department of Physics University of VirginiaPO Box 400714CharlottesvilleVA 22904USA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O.Box 500BataviaIL 60510USA Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of ChicagoChicagoIL 60637-1433USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of SussexFalmerBrighton BN1 9QHUK Department o
Revised 2004 by m. Roos (University of Finland) and C.G. Wohl (LbNL).
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Review on friction stir welding of dissimilar magnesium and aluminum alloys: Scientometric analysis and strategies for achieving high-quality joints
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journal of magnesium and Alloys 2023年 第11期11卷 4082-4127页
作者: mohamed m.Z.Ahmed mohamed m.El-Sayed Seleman Dariusz Fydrych Gürel ÇAm Department of mechanical Engineering College of Engineering at Al KharjPrince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz UniversityAl Kharj 11942Saudi Arabia Department of metallurgical and materials Engineering Faculty of Petroleum and Mining EngineeringSuez UniversitySuez 43512Egypt Faculty of mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology Institute of Machines and Materials TechnologyGdańsk University of TechnologyGabriela Narutowicza Street 11/12Gdańsk 80-233Poland Department of mechanical Engineering Iskenderun Technical UniversityIskenderunHatay 31200Turkiye
magnesium and aluminum alloys continually attract interest as lightweight structural materials for transport applications. However, joining these dissimilar alloys is very challenging. The main obstacle that hinders p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Economic Viability of Smallholder Agroforestry and beekeeping Projects in Uluguru mountains, Tanzania: A Cost benefit Analysis
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Open journal of Forestry 2021年 第2期11卷 83-107页
作者: Willickister R. Kadigi Yonika m. Ngaga Reuben m. j. Kadigi Department of Forest and Environmental Economics College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism Sokoine University of Agriculture CHUO KIKUU Morogoro Tanzania epartment of Forest and Environmental Economics College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism Sokoine University of Agriculture CHUO KIKUU Morogoro Tanzania Department of Food and Resource Economics School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies CHUO KIKUU Morogoro Tanzania
Agroforestry and beekeeping are widely promoted as prospective Nature- based Income Generating Activities (NIGAs) to improve livelihoods while at the same time enhancing biodiversity conservation in degrading agro-eco... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
metamorphism at convergent plate margins:Preface
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Geoscience Frontiers 2022年 第2期13卷 351-353页
作者: Richard m.Palin Nick m.W.Roberts Department of Earth Sciences University of OxfordOxford OX13ANUnited Kingdom Geochronology and Tracers Facility British Geological SurveyEnvironmental Science CentreNottinghamUnited Kingdom
*** The year 2020 will long be recognised as a period of sadness and frustration for academics worldwide,given the catastrophic impact that the spread of novel coronavirus“2019-nCoV”-or COVID-19-has had on research ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Angiographic characteristics of central serous chorioretinopathy in an Egyptian population
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International journal of Ophthalmology(English edition) 2013年 第3期6卷 342-345页
作者: maha m Shahin mansoura Faculty of medicine Mansoura University
· AIm: To describe and analyze the demographic characteristics and to determine the angiographic features of acute central serous chorioretinopathy(CSCR) in an Egyptian population. ·mETHODS: A series of consecutive ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论