Kepler’s observations show most of the exoplanets are *** formation of a super-Earth is generally related to the atmospheric mass loss that is crucial in the planetary structure and *** shock driven by the giant impa...
Kepler’s observations show most of the exoplanets are *** formation of a super-Earth is generally related to the atmospheric mass loss that is crucial in the planetary structure and *** shock driven by the giant impact will heat the planet,resulting in the atmosphere *** focus on whether self-gravity changes the efficiency of mass *** self-gravity,if the impactor mass is comparable to the envelope mass,there is a significant *** radiative-convective boundary will shift inward by *** the temperature and envelope mass increase,the situation becomes more prominent,resulting in a heavier ***,the impactor mass will increase to motivate the significant mass loss,as the self-gravity is *** the increase of envelope mass,the self-gravity is particularly important.
We present the current-voltage characteristics of organic solar cells based on single and double heterojunction of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and C60 by introducing a constant JP instead of photo-current density Jph...
We present the current-voltage characteristics of organic solar cells based on single and double heterojunction of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and C60 by introducing a constant JP instead of photo-current density Jph to represent the density of polaron-pairs generated from excitons at D/A interface. A diode Dext models polaron-pair dissociation, and a diode Drec stands for loss due to polaron-pair recombination. The photovoltaic response under AM 1.5 solar illumination at an intensity of 100 mW/cm2 is parameterized and modeled using the improved equivalent circuit model developed for inorganic pn-junction solar cells. The instinct mechanisms including dissociation, recombination of polaron-pairs and charge carrier collection process are explained by introducing Jph/JP as the dissociation rate of polaron-pairs and |J|/Jph as charge carrier application efficiency ηCA. Especially, we reveal the optimization mechanism for the fill factor FF and series resistance RS of organic solar cells.
An improved and scalable process for substituted 3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octane was developed.N-Benzyl-2,5-dicarbethoxy-pyrrolidine 2 was reduced to N-benzyl-2.5-dihydroxymethylpyrrolidine 9 and subsequently debenzylat...
An improved and scalable process for substituted 3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octane was developed.N-Benzyl-2,5-dicarbethoxy-pyrrolidine 2 was reduced to N-benzyl-2.5-dihydroxymethylpyrrolidine 9 and subsequently debenzylated to afford N-Boc-2,5- dihydroxymethylpyrrolidine *** mesylation of the diol 10 and cyclization with benzylamine,a diversity of scaffold,3,8- diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octane analogue 12 was obtained in a total yield of 42%in five steps.
Let {X,Xn;n ≥ 1} be a strictly stationary sequence of ρ-mixing random variables with mean zeros and finite variances. Set Sn =∑k=1^n Xk, Mn=maxk≤n|Sk|,n≥*** limn→∞ESn^2/n=:σ^2〉0 and ∑n^∞=1 ρ^2/d(2^n...
Let {X,Xn;n ≥ 1} be a strictly stationary sequence of ρ-mixing random variables with mean zeros and finite variances. Set Sn =∑k=1^n Xk, Mn=maxk≤n|Sk|,n≥*** limn→∞ESn^2/n=:σ^2〉0 and ∑n^∞=1 ρ^2/d(2^n)〈∞,where d=2 if 1≤r〈2 and d〉r if r≥*** prove that if E|X|^r 〈∞,for 1≤p〈2 and r〉p,then limε→0ε^2(r-p)/2-p ∑∞n=1 n^r/p-2 P{Mn≥εn^1/p}=2p/r-p ∑∞k=1(-1)^k/(2k+1)^2(r-p)/(2-p)E|Z|^2(r-p)/2-p,where Z has a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance σ^2.
The use of resistance spot welding(RSW)technology for joining Ti40Zr25Ni3Cu12Be20 metallic glass was *** microstructure obtained from the welded BMG sample was *** without precipitates was prepared with welding curr...
The use of resistance spot welding(RSW)technology for joining Ti40Zr25Ni3Cu12Be20 metallic glass was *** microstructure obtained from the welded BMG sample was *** without precipitates was prepared with welding current of 5.0 kA for 2cycles.A fully coupled thermal-electrical-mechanical finite element model(FEM) was developed to complement the experimental *** simulated results agree well with the *** effects of key process parameters such as welding current and welding time on the evolvement and microstructure of the weldment were determined and ***,the critical cooling rate for preserving the amorphous state in the weld fusion zone is determined to be approximately 1×10^3 K·s^-1.
We consider the population and decay of a qubit under the electromagnetic environment. Employing the time- convolutionless master equation, we investigate the Markovian and non-Markovian behaviour of the corresponding...
We consider the population and decay of a qubit under the electromagnetic environment. Employing the time- convolutionless master equation, we investigate the Markovian and non-Markovian behaviour of the corresponding perturbation expansion. The Jaynes-Cummings model on resonance is investigated. Some figures clearly show the different evolution behaviours. The reasons are interpreted in the paper.