OBJe.TIVe.To re.ie. case. of anti -c isoimmunization and de.e.mine.the.most appropriate.manage.e.t ***:We.pe.forme. a re.ie. of 102pre.nancie. manage. at The.Ohio State.Unive.sity from 1967to 2001for anti -c *** the.e...
OBJe.TIVe.To re.ie. case. of anti -c isoimmunization and de.e.mine.the.most appropriate.manage.e.t ***:We.pe.forme. a re.ie. of 102pre.nancie. manage. at The.Ohio State.Unive.sity from 1967to 2001for anti -c *** the.e.55had comple.e.data and are.include. in this *** colle.te. include. se.um tite.s,△OD 450 value.,Lile. zone.,fe.al and ne.natal he.oglobin le.e.s and a ntige. typing,ne.natal dire.t antiglobulin te.t,and ne.natal *** appropriate.e.s of traditional manage.e.t was the. ***:Of the.55pre.nan cie.,46had fe.tuse. with positive.dire.t antiglob ulin te.t,and nine.pre.-nancie. had unaffe.te. *** t he.affe.te. ne.nate.,12(26%)had se.ious he.olytic dise.se.of the.*** the.e.12,8re.uire. fe.al transfu sion,and the.re.ain-ing 4ne.borns had he.oglobin le.e.s of le.s than 10g /dL at the.time.of de.ive.y.A tite. of 1:32or gre.te. or the.pre.e.ce.of hydrops fe.alis ide.tifie. all such *** we.e.58amnioce.te.e. pe.form e. for△OD 450 .Whe. plotte. on modifie. Lile. graph s,△OD 450 value. corre.ponde. to dise.se.se.e.ity.T he.e.we.e.no pe.inatal de.ths attributable.to anti -c he.olytic dise.se.of the.***:Anti -c isoimm unization might cause.significant fe.al and ne.born he.olytic dise.se.A tite. of 1:32or gre.te. or e.ide.ce.o f hydrops fe.alis i-de.tifie. all the.se.ious he.olytic dise.se.at our *** significance.of antibody t ite.s and△OD 450 value. was similar to Rh -D se.sitize.d pre.nancie.,and manage.e.t by the.same.modalitie. is appropriate.