Aim: To evaluate 15 years practice of coelioscopic Treatment of ectopicpregnancy in the Surgery department “A” at the University Hospital Point G. Material and Methods: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study...
Aim: To evaluate 15 years practice of coelioscopic Treatment of ectopicpregnancy in the Surgery department “A” at the University Hospital Point G. Material and Methods: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study at the Surgery department “A” at the University Hospital Point G from January 2001 to August 2015. Inclusion criteria were all pregnant women with ectopic pregnancy treated with coelioscopy. Sociodemographic, clinical, paracclinical and therapeutic aspects were recorded. Results: In 15 years, 42 cases of ectopic pregnancy out of 3840 gynecologic coelioscopies (1.04%) were collected. The average age was 28.5 years old with the extremes of 16 and 41 years old. Metrorragia was associated to pain in 83.3% (35/42);amenorrhea was found in 66.7% (28/41). Physical exam revealed pain with abdominal defense in 59.5% (25/42), adnexal mass in 31% (13/42), and pelvic contracture in 9.5% (4/42). In pre-operative, ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed complicated in 71.4% (30/42) and uncomplicated in 28.6% (12/42). Patients underwent salpingectomy in 85.7% (36/42), delivery from the fallopian tube in 9.8% (4/42), and hemostatic salpingectomy in 4.4% (2/42). The average duration of hospital stay was 1.88 day with the extremes of 1 and 7 days. The postoperative evolution was favorable in 97.6% (41/42), infection at the site of surgery was reported in 2.4% (1/42). Not a single death was registered. Conclusion: Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is of routine at the surgery department “A” in Point G. Fertility is preserved in the future.
This study aims to explore the unconscious motivations underlying migration in Niger, with an emphasis on understanding the phenomenon of pathological travel. Its aim is to identify the unconscious factors of patholog...
This study aims to explore the unconscious motivations underlying migration in Niger, with an emphasis on understanding the phenomenon of pathological travel. Its aim is to identify the unconscious factors of pathological travel among migrants. Pathological travel, as discussed in the scientific literature on psychopathology, is characterised by movements initiated under the influence of delusions, hallucinations or other serious psychiatric disorders. The aim of this research is to contribute to our understanding of how these unconscious factors influence migration decisions. Using a retrospective analysis of five cases, this study examines the psychological and psychiatric dimensions of migration, particularly among patients referred to the psychiatry department of the Niamey National Hospital between 2017 and 2018. The five cases analysed, representing 12% of a cohort of 40 migrant patients, suffered from chronic psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia and chronic hallucinatory psychosis. By means of diagnostic interviews and categorical sorting, three main unconscious motivations were identified: the delusional state with themes of filiation and persecution, the hallucinations that dictated the travel behaviour, and the dissociative states manifested by depersonalisation and derealisation. It also emerges from this analysis that pathological travel often involves prolonged journeys on foot and without purpose. Thus, untreated mental illness plays a significant role in shaping and influencing individual and social behaviour. The results of this study have important implications for public health and migration policy. They highlight the need to integrate health assessments into migration management systems, particularly in regions serving as transit hubs for migrants. The research also highlights the need for culturally sensitive psychiatric interventions to address the interaction between pre-existing mental disorders and migration. This study contributes to
Objective::To identify Candida species in asymptomatic subjects in Bobo-dioulasso(Burkina Faso) by the matrix—assisted laser desortption ionization—time of flight mass ***:A cross-sectional study was conducted from ...
Objective::To identify Candida species in asymptomatic subjects in Bobo-dioulasso(Burkina Faso) by the matrix—assisted laser desortption ionization—time of flight mass ***:A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to February 2013 in Bohodioulasso to coiled fecal and urine specimens from voluntary *** strains were isolated on Sabouraud dextrose agar and analyzed using matrix—assisted laser desorption ionisation—time-of—flight mass ***:A total of 135 samples including stools(78.5%,106/135) and urine(21.5%,29/135) were *** results revealed that fecal specimens contained mainly Candida krusei(***)(42.5%) followed by Candida albicans(29.3%),Candida glabrata(18.0%) and Candida tropicalis(***)(4.7%).***(34.6%) was also found to be the most frequently identified in urine samples followed by Candida albicans(27.0%).***(15.4%) and Candida parapsilosis,However,uncommon species such as Candida *** *** norvegensis,Candida *** lusitaniae and Candida robusta were also identified from fecal and urines ***:This study noted the emergence of species such as ***,Candida glabrata,Candida parapsiolosis,***,Candida nivariensis,Candida norvegensis,and *** is an imperative to take into account the existence of these species in the therapeutic management of patients in Bobo—dioulasso.
The building of the infrastructure on the compressible and saturated soils presents sometimes major difficulties. The infrastructure undergoes strong settlement that can be due to several phenomena of consolidation of...
The building of the infrastructure on the compressible and saturated soils presents sometimes major difficulties. The infrastructure undergoes strong settlement that can be due to several phenomena of consolidation of the soils. The latter results from the dissipation of the excess pore pressure and deformation of the solid skeleton. Terzaghi theory led to the equation modeling the dissipation of excess pore pressure. The objective of this study is to establish solutions, by analytical and numerical method, of the equation of the pore water pressure. We considered a compressible saturated soil layer, between two drainage areas and subjected to a uniform load. Separation of variables is used to obtain an analytical solution and the finite element method for the numerical solution. The results obtained by the finite element method have validated those of analytical resolution.
The municipal Akouedo landfill of the city of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) is composed of more than 60% of household waste. It lacks a leachate collecting and treatment device. To highlight the impact of the leachate on t...
The municipal Akouedo landfill of the city of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) is composed of more than 60% of household waste. It lacks a leachate collecting and treatment device. To highlight the impact of the leachate on the receiving environments, some sampling campaigns of leachate, groundwater and surface waters were conducted from June 2013 to January 2014. Analyses of leachate samples revealed relatively high concentrations of trace metals: Fe (6450 ± 8690 μg/L), Cu (400 ± 272 μg/L), Zn (520 ± 240 μg/L), Cd (113 ± 105 μg/L), Pb (550 ± 237 μg/L), Ni (312 ± 97 μg/L) and Co (77 ± 56 μg/L). Fe is the most abundant chemical element. The analysis of groundwater and surface indicates that the levels of trace metals in these waters are higher than WHO standards except Zn.
The majority of population growth in developing countries will occur in secondary cities where there is limited access to clean water and sanitation. Wastewater management priorities in these cities will be different ...
The majority of population growth in developing countries will occur in secondary cities where there is limited access to clean water and sanitation. Wastewater management priorities in these cities will be different from those in larger cities and developed countries. For this reason, it is important to assess wastewater management in these cities of sub-Saharan Africa. This study assessed clean water supply, wastewater and faecal sludge management and associated health risks in dimbokro, C?te d’Ivoire. The study was performed in March 2015 in 12 neighborhoods with a total of 703 households. In these neighborhoods, the questions were addressed and discussed with household head. The study revealed that the households of the city were structured on three topology habitats: residential (5%), economic (42%) and evolutive or yards housing (53%). For water supply, 99.4% of the households used water from SOdECI, the local public water supply network, while the remaining 0.6% of surveyed household obtained water from wells. domestic wastewater, used for doing laundry, dishwashing and showering, was disposed of in the following ways: directly into the street (33%), septic tank (23%), backyards (18%), storm drain (16%), sewer network (6%), pit latrine (3%) or into soakaway (2%). In addition, untreated wastewater was sometimes discharged into the N’Ziriver by certain households. 52% of households surveyed emptied latrines manually and 48 % used mechanic drain services. The most frequent diseases occurring in the households were Malaria (63%), diarrhoea (13%) and Typhoid fever (9%) in the households of the city. In the light of this study, the municipal authorities of dimbokro should provide the city with wastewater systems that drain to a central outlet system where the waste-water can be easily treated before final disposal for reuse in agriculture.
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report shows that sea-level rise, which has been accelerated since the 19th century resulting to the global warming, threatens coastal areas with high popula...
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report shows that sea-level rise, which has been accelerated since the 19th century resulting to the global warming, threatens coastal areas with high population growth. A Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) assessment highlighted the lack of data in Africa, and in Côte d’Ivoire in particular. In order to estimate the evolutionary trend of sea level along the Ivorian coast, and to draw up preventive plans to protect properties and populations, we digitized 65 years of historical tidegrams recorded in the Ebrie Lagoon, using the “Surfer” and “Nunieau” software, then processed them using “T-Tide” and “U-Tide” software. The average levels were calculated using the demerliac filter from complete daily (day and night) recordings for providing a usable database of 31 years of hourly lagoon data from 1979 to 2015. Our results show that a mean water level in lagoon is 1.04 m. The evolutionary trend in sea level, estimated in the lagoon via the Vridi canal, during the rainy season is the most significant at 2.93 mm/year. This is followed by the dry season, with a trend of 2.89 mm/year. The flood season trend is 2.78 mm/year. This suggests that marine water inflows dominate continental inflows. Our results highlight the vulnerability of Côte d’Ivoire’s coasts to the risk of marine submersion.
The relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is established anddescribed as a bidirectional influence, whereas that with dental caries is still controversial. The objective of this study was to analyze the rel...
The relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is established and described as a bidirectional influence, whereas that with dental caries is still controversial. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between blood glucose control and oral diseases in a population of diabetics followed at the “Centre Anti diabétique d’Abidjan” (CAdA). The dental condition of the diabetics included in this cross-sectional study was assessed by the dMF index, periodontal condition by the CPITN and oral hygiene by the OHIS index. diabetes data were extracted from CAdA patient medical records. Blood glucose control has been defined by an average of the blood glucose values of the last 3 months less than or equal to 1.26 g/l. Regression models were constructed to estimate the risk of diabetes imbalance adjusted for all characteristics collected. The sample of 356 diabetics consisted of 53.7% women with an average age of 55.6 years (range: 12 - 85 years). The average dMF index was 7.9 (Std: 6.6) with an estimated prevalence of caries of 77.0%, that of periodontitis of 53.1%. The proportion of subjects with good glycemic control was estimated at 41.3%. The characteristics associated with glycemic control were: dry mouth (p = 0.005), type of diabetes treatment (p d duration of diabetes (p = 0.039) and periodontal status assessed with the CPITN (p = 0.014). The results of this study confirmed the link between periodontitis and glycemic control of diabetes described in the literature but didn’t find significant association between dental caries and diabetes.
Introduction: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIdS) linked to HIV infection is accompanied by auto-immune phenomena. Autoimmune diseases can develop in people living with HIV, most in a context of good immunologic...
Introduction: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIdS) linked to HIV infection is accompanied by auto-immune phenomena. Autoimmune diseases can develop in people living with HIV, most in a context of good immunological control (vasculitis, anti-phospholipid syndrome). Since the advent of antiretroviral therapy, an increasing number of autoimmune connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, and syndromes of Sj?gren and scleroderma have been reported. Purpose: To describe this association’s not very common scleroderma and HIV infection. Observation: We report the case of a 56-year-old lady admitted into the service for functional impotence that would have been evolving for a week. Prior to her hospitalization, she presented edemas of the lower limbs associated with anesthesia of the lower limbs for 5 months. The painting is accompanied by a productive cough and an intermittent fever. At the physical examination a weight loss (BMI = 13.74 Kg/m2), fever (38.7°C): Oral candidiasis, lower lip ulceration, perlicking, undernutrition folds, sclerodactyly and homogeneous hepatomegaly was noted. The diagnosis of immunosuppression to HIV Stage 3 with TB co-morbidity and positive hepatitis B Serology was retained while diffuse Scleroderma was selected from the ACR/EULAR criteria of 2012 with a score of 10 (sclerodactyly = 4 point;Raynaud’s phenomenon = 3 point and Ac Anti Scl 70 positive = 3 point). Conclusion: These associations of chronic pathology must be described to improve the future treatment of our patients.
Introduction: The study of mortality is an indicator that allows a control and a review of the therapeutic measures in the hospital environment. The purpose of this work was to determine the epidemiological profile of...
Introduction: The study of mortality is an indicator that allows a control and a review of the therapeutic measures in the hospital environment. The purpose of this work was to determine the epidemiological profile of the patients who died and analyse the circumstances of the death in a hospital service. Material and Methods: It is a retrospective descriptive study conducted in the service of Stomatology, maxillofacial and plastic surgery of the face over a period of 10 years (from January 1999 to december 2008). Seventy-two cases have been taken into account. Results: The crude death rate was 4.29%. Higher level of male has been noted with a sex ratio of 1.77. The most affected age groups were the 3rd and 2nd decades, respectively with 20.8% and 19.4% with an average age of 39 years. Cellulitis of the face and their complications were responsible for deaths in 58.33% of cases. The majority of deaths occurred between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. (65.28%). These deaths were preventable in 5.6% of cases. Conclusion: Facing the lack of description of the ultimate circumstances of death in the medical records, the conclusion of this study has been the establishment of a regular medical audit in the service, which would track mortality in order to reduce its rate.