Endoscopic evaluation of indeter.inate biliar. str.c-tur.s(IDBSs) has evolved consider.bly since the development of flexible fiber.ptic endoscopes over.50 year. ago. Endoscopic r.tr.gr.de cholangiogr.phy pancr.atogr.p...
Endoscopic evaluation of indeter.inate biliar. str.c-tur.s(IDBSs) has evolved consider.bly since the development of flexible fiber.ptic endoscopes over.50 year. ago. Endoscopic r.tr.gr.de cholangiogr.phy pancr.atogr.phy(Er.P) was intr.duced near.y a decade later.and has since become the mainstay of ther.py for.r.lieving obstr.ction of the biliar. tr.ct. However. longstanding methods of Er.P-guided tissue acquisition(i.e., biliar. br.shings for.cytology and intr.ductal for.eps biopsy for.histology) have demon-str.ted disappointing per.or.ance char.cter.stics in distinguishing malignant fr.m benign etiologies of IDBSs. The limitations of these methods have thus helped dr.ve the sear.h for.novel techniques to enhance the evaluation of IDBSs and ther.by impr.ve diagnosis and clinical car.. These modalities include, but ar. not limited to, endoscopic ultr.sound, intr.ductal ultr.sound, cholangioscopy, confocal endomicr.scopy, and optical coher.nce tomogr.phy. In this r.view, we discuss established and emer.ing options in the evaluation of IDBSs.
Backgr.und The Inspir.tion4(I4)mission,the fir.t all-civilian or.ital flight mission,investigated the physiological effects of shor.-dur.tion spaceflight thr.ugh a multi-omic *** advances,ther.r.mains much to lear. a...
Backgr.und The Inspir.tion4(I4)mission,the fir.t all-civilian or.ital flight mission,investigated the physiological effects of shor.-dur.tion spaceflight thr.ugh a multi-omic *** advances,ther. r.mains much to lear. about human adaptation to spaceflight's unique challenges,including micr.gr.vity,immune system per.ur.ations,and r.diation *** To pr.vide a detailed genetics analysis of the mission,we collected dr.ed blood spots pr.-,dur.ng,and post-flight for.DNA *** length was measur.d by quantitative PCr.while whole genome and cfDNA sequencing pr.vided insight into genomic stability and immune adaptations.A r.bust bioinfor.atic pipeline was used for.data analysis,including var.ant calling to assess mutational *** Telomer. elongation occur.ed dur.ng spaceflight and shor.ened after.r.tur. to ***-fr.e DNA analysis r.vealed incr.ased immune cell signatur.s *** significant clonal hematopoiesis of indeter.inate potential(CHIP)or.whole-genome instability was *** long-ter. gene expr.ssion changes acr.ss immune cells suggested cellular.adaptations to the space envir.nment per.isting months *** Our.findings pr.vide valuable insights into the physiological consequences of shor.-dur.tion spaceflight,with telomer. dynamics and immune cell gene expr.ssion adapting to spaceflight and per.isting after.r.tur. to *** sequencing data will ser.e as a r.fer.nce point for.studying the ear.y development of CHIP in astr.nauts,an under.tudied phenomenon as pr.vious studies have focused on car.er.*** study will ser.e as a r.fer.nce point for.futur. commer.ial and non-commer.ial spaceflight,low Ear.h or.it(LEO)missions,and deep-space explor.tion.