The op.ortunistic p.thogen p.eudomonas aeruginosa commonly causes chronic and ultimately deadly lung infections in individuals with the genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). p. aeruginosa is metabolically diverse; i...
The op.ortunistic p.thogen p.eudomonas aeruginosa commonly causes chronic and ultimately deadly lung infections in individuals with the genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). p. aeruginosa is metabolically diverse; it disp.ays a remarkable ability to adap. to and successfully occup. almost any niche, including the ecologically comp.ex CF lung. These p. aeruginosa lung infections are a fascinating examp.e of microbial evolution within a "natural" ecosystem. Initially, p. aeruginosa shares the lung niche with a p.ethora of other microorganisms and is vulnerable to antibiotic challenges. Over time, adap.ive evolution leads to certain commonly-observed p.enotyp.c changes within the p. aeruginosa p.p.lation, some of which render it resistant to antibiotics and ap.arently to out-comp.te the other sp.cies that co-habit the airways. Imp.oving genomics techniques continue to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms of p. aeruginosa within the CF lung and will hop.fully identify new vulnerabilities in this robust and versatile p.thogen.
引言血管性认知损害(vascular cognitive imp.irment,VCI)诊断共识的缺乏(体现为多种不同评估方案的使用),妨碍了对其理解和治疗的推进.多个国家的大量临床医生和研究人员参与了2个阶段血管性认知损害分类共识研究(Vascular Imp.irment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study,VICCCS),旨在就VCI的诊断原则(VICCCS-1)和诊断方案(VICCCS-2)达成一致意见.本文提供了VICCCS-2的相关内容.方法使用VICCCS-1达成的原则和已发表的诊断指南作为在线德尔菲(Delp.i)调查的参考基点,以期对VCI的临床诊断达成共识.结果共进行了6轮调查,每轮有65~79名专家参与,他们就VICCCS修订的轻度和重度VCI的诊断指南达成共识,并肯定了美国国立神经疾病与卒中研究所-加拿大卒中网(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke–Canadian Stroke Network,NINDS-CSN)发布的神经心理学评估方案和对影像学检查的推荐意见.讨论VICCCS-2建议规范化应用NINDS-CSN推荐的神经心理学和影像学评估方案诊断VCI,以促进研究协作.