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检索条件"作者=Amandine Cornille"
2 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Apple whole genome sequences:recent advances and new prospects
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Horticulture Research 2019年 第1期6卷 1247-1270页
作者: Cameron P.Peace Luca Bianco Michela Troggio Eric van de Weg Nicholas P.Howard amandine cornille Charles-Eric Durel Sean Myles ZoëMigicovsky Robert J.Schaffer Evelyne Costes Gennaro Fazio Hisayo Yamane Steve van Nocker Chris Gottschalk Fabrizio Costa David Chagné Xinzhong Zhang Andrea Patocchi Susan E.Gardiner Craig Hardner Satish Kumar Francois Laurens Etienne Bucher Dorrie Main Sook Jung Stijn Vanderzande Department of Horticulture Washington State UniversityPullmanWA 99164USA Computational Biology Fondazione Edmund MachSan Michele all’AdigeTN 38010Italy Department of Genomics and Biology of Fruit Crops Fondazione Edmund MachSan Michele all’AdigeTN 38010Italy Plant Breeding Wageningen University and ResearchWageningen 6708PBThe Netherlands Department of Horticultural Science University of MinnesotaSt.PaulMN 55108USA Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften Carl von Ossietzky Universität26129 OldenburgGermany GQE-Le Moulon Institut National de la Recherche AgronomiqueUniversity of Paris-SudCNRSAgroParisTechUniversitéParis-Saclay91190 Gif-sur-YvetteFrance Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et SemencesUMR 134549071 BeaucouzéFrance Department of Plant Food and Environmental SciencesFaculty of AgricultureDalhousie UniversityTruroNS B2N 5E3Canada The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd Motueka 7198New Zealand School of Biological Sciences University of AucklandAuckland 1142New Zealand AGAP INRACIRADMontpellier SupAgroUniversity of MontpellierMontpellierFrance Plant Genetic Resources Unit USDA ARSGenevaNY 14456USA Laboratory of Pomology Graduate School of AgricultureKyoto UniversityKyoto 606-8502Japan Department of Horticulture Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd(Plant&Food Research) Palmerston North Research CentrePalmerston North 4474New Zealand College of Horticulture China Agricultural University100193 BeijingChina Agroscope 8820 WädenswilSwitzerland Queensland Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation University of QueenslandSt Lucia 4072Australia New Cultivar Innovation Plant and Food ResearchHavelock North 4130New Zealand Agroscope 1260 ChanginsSwitzerland
In 2010,a major scientific milestone was achieved for tree fruit crops:publication of the first draft whole genome sequence(WGS)for apple(Malus domestica).This WGS,v1.0,was valuable as the initial reference for sequen... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Theobroma cacao improves bone growth by modulating defective ciliogenesis in a mouse model of achondroplasia
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Bone Research 2022年 第1期10卷 137-149页
作者: Ludovic Martin Nabil Kaci Catherine Benoist-Lasselin Marine Mondoloni Suzanne Decaudaveine Valentin Estibals Maxence cornille Léa Loisay Justine Flipo Benoît Demuynck Maria de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea Florent Barbault Salvador Fernández-Arroyo Laurent Schibler Antonio Segura-Carretero Emilie Dambroise Laurence Legeai-Mallet Universitéde Paris Imagine InstituteLaboratory of Molecular and Physiopathological Bases of OsteochondrodysplasiaINSERM UMR 1163F‑75015ParisFrance Inovarion ParisFrance Department of Analytical Chemistry University of GranadaGranadaSpain Research and Development of Functional Food Centre(CIDAF) GranadaSpain Universitéde Paris ITODYSCNRSUMR 708615 rue J-A de BaïfParisFrance Biomedical Research Unit Medicine and Surgery DepartmentRovira i Virgili UniversityTarragonaSpain ALLICE Maison Nationale des EleveursParisFrance
A gain-of-function mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene(FGFR3)results in achondroplasia(ACH),the most frequent form of *** activation of FGFR3 impairs bone formation and elongation and many signal ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论