Apple whole genome sequences:recent advances and new prospects
作者机构:Department of HorticultureWashington State UniversityPullmanWA 99164USA Computational BiologyFondazione Edmund MachSan Michele all’AdigeTN 38010Italy Department of Genomics and Biology of Fruit CropsFondazione Edmund MachSan Michele all’AdigeTN 38010Italy Plant BreedingWageningen University and ResearchWageningen 6708PBThe Netherlands Department of Horticultural ScienceUniversity of MinnesotaSt.PaulMN 55108USA Institut für Biologie und UmweltwissenschaftenCarl von Ossietzky Universität26129 OldenburgGermany GQE-Le MoulonInstitut National de la Recherche AgronomiqueUniversity of Paris-SudCNRSAgroParisTechUniversitéParis-Saclay91190 Gif-sur-YvetteFrance Institut National de la Recherche AgronomiqueInstitut de Recherche en Horticulture et SemencesUMR 134549071 BeaucouzéFrance Department of PlantFood and Environmental SciencesFaculty of AgricultureDalhousie UniversityTruroNS B2N 5E3Canada The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research LtdMotueka 7198New Zealand School of Biological SciencesUniversity of AucklandAuckland 1142New Zealand AGAPINRACIRADMontpellier SupAgroUniversity of MontpellierMontpellierFrance Plant Genetic Resources UnitUSDA ARSGenevaNY 14456USA Laboratory of PomologyGraduate School of AgricultureKyoto UniversityKyoto 606-8502Japan Department of HorticultureMichigan State UniversityEast LansingMI 48824USA The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd(Plant&Food Research)Palmerston North Research CentrePalmerston North 4474New Zealand College of HorticultureChina Agricultural University100193 BeijingChina Agroscope8820 WädenswilSwitzerland Queensland Alliance of Agriculture and Food InnovationUniversity of QueenslandSt Lucia 4072Australia New Cultivar InnovationPlant and Food ResearchHavelock North 4130New Zealand Agroscope1260 ChanginsSwitzerland
出 版 物:《Horticulture Research》 (园艺研究(英文))
年 卷 期:2019年第6卷第1期
页 面:1247-1270页
学科分类:08[工学] 0812[工学-计算机科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)]
基 金:EU Seventh Framework Program Inserm ATIP-Avenir Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation National Science Foundation, NSF, (1546869) National Science Foundation, NSF National Institute of Food and Agriculture, (2009-51181-05808, 2014-51181-2237, 2014-51181-22378, NRSP10) National Institute of Food and Agriculture Seventh Framework Programme, FP7, (265582) Seventh Framework Programme, FP7 University of Queensland, UQ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, MBIE Queensland Government
主 题:breakthrough hundreds frontier
摘 要:In 2010,a major scientific milestone was achieved for tree fruit crops:publication of the first draft whole genome sequence(WGS)for apple(Malus domestica).This WGS,v1.0,was valuable as the initial reference for sequence information,fine mapping,gene discovery,variant discovery,and tool development.A new,high quality apple WGS,GDDH13 v1.1,was released in 2017 and now serves as the reference genome for *** the past decade,these apple WGSs have had an enormous impact on our understanding of apple biological functioning,trait physiology and inheritance,leading to practical applications for improving this highly valued *** gene identities for phenotypes of fundamental and practical interest can today be discovered much more ***-wide polymorphisms at high genetic resolution are screened efficiently over hundreds to thousands of individuals with new insights into genetic relationships and ***-density genetic maps are constructed efficiently and quantitative trait loci for valuable traits are readily associated with positional candidate genes and/or converted into diagnostic tests for *** understand the species,geographical,and genomic origins of domesticated apple more precisely,as well as its relationship to wild *** WGS has turbo-charged application of these classical research steps to crop improvement and drives innovative methods to achieve more durable,environmentally sound,productive,and consumer-desirable apple *** review includes examples of basic and practical breakthroughs and challenges in using the apple *** for“what’s nextfocus on necessary upgrades to the genome sequence data pool,as well as for use of the data,to reach new frontiers in genomics-based scientific understanding of apple.