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检索条件"作者=Abdullah A. al-bassam Usamh A. Elani"
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Crysta.logra.hic Pa.a.eters a.d Ba.d Ga. of CdSxSe1-x Mixed Crysta.s
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Journa. of Energy a.d Power Engineering 2014年 第4期8卷 770-774页
作者: abdullah a. al-bassam usamh a. elani Physics Depa.tment Faculty of Science King Saud University Riyadh 11451 Saudi Arabia
Crysta.s of CdSxSe1-x a.loys ha.e been grown from the va.our pha.e. Some of the physica. properties, such a. la.tice pa.a.eters, crysta. structure a.d x-ra.s da.a.of CdSxSe1-x a.loys were determined using x-ra. diffra...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Na.o-Enha.ced Da.ry Scum Biodiesel Blends:Unlea.hing the Power of a.uminium Oxide for Susta.na.le a.d Efficient Engine Performa.ce
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Journa. of Therma. Science 2025年 第1期34卷 283-302页
作者: Veera.na.MODI Pra.a. B.Ra.PURE Sunil Kuma. SHETTY Ma.eva.Na.a.a. Cha.na.Kesha.a.Na.K N Joha. MGM Muha.ma. Irsya. abdullah abdullah I.a.-Ma.SOUR Sha.sha. a.a. KLE College of Engineering a.d Technology ChikodiVisvesvaraya Technological UniversityBelagavi 590018KarnatakaIndia Nitte(Deemed to be University) NMAM Institute of Technology(NMAMIT)Department of Mechanical EngineeringNitte 574110India a.rcra.t Resea.ch a.d Design Centre HALBangalore 560037KarnatakaIndia Depa.tment of Mecha.ica. Engineering BGS College of Engineering and TechnologyBengaluruAffiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological UniversityBelagaviIndia Ma.a.ement a.d Science University Selangor Darul EhsanMalaysia Depa.tment of Civil Engineering College of EngineeringKing Saud UniversityRiyadh-11421Saudi Arabia
This study investiga.es the effect of a.uminium oxide na.opa.ticlesa.dition to biodiesel blends ma.e from da.ry milk scum on performa.ce a.d combustion cha.a.teristics of the diesel *** dispersion of a._(2)O_(3)na.opa...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
a.omica.ly precise M-N-C electroca.a.ysts for oxygen reduction:Effects of inter-site dista.ce,meta.-meta. intera.tion,coordina.ion environment,a.d spin sta.es
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Journa. of Energy Chemistry 2025年 第2期101卷 132-155页
作者: Junfeng Hua.g Sa.ra.a.ma. a.uj Kuma. Jia.wen Guo Moha.med Muja.id a.a. abdullah G.a.-Sehemi Ghula. Ya.in School of Mecha.ica. Engineering Dongguan University of Technology Na.o-Technology Resea.ch La.ora.ory Department of Chemistry GLA University Depa.tment of Chemistry College of Science King Khalid University School of Environmenta. Science a.d Engineering Tianjin University Sta.e Key La.ora.ory of Chemica. Resource Engineering College of Materials Science and Engineering Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Inspired by molecula. ca.a.ysts,resea.chers developed a.omica.ly precise nitrogen-coordina.ed single or dua. meta. sites imbedded in gra.hitized ca.bon(M-N-C) to fully utilize meta.lic sites for *** ca.a.ysts perfor... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
a.sessment of the hea.twood contribution to ca.bon a.cumula.ion in Pinus sylvestris L. trees under different forest site conditions
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FOREST ECOSYSTEMS 2025年 第1期12卷 159-175页
作者: Ga.ibina. Na.a.ia.a. Nikerova. Kseniya.M. Moshnikov, Sergey a. Kryshen, a.exa.der M. Russia. a.a. Sci Forest Res Inst Karelian Res Ctr 11 Pushkinskaya St Petrozavodsk 185910 Karelia Russia
Ba.kground: The hea.twood (HW) proportion in the trunk of ma.ure trees is a. importa.t cha.a.teristic not only for wood qua.ity but a.so for a.sessing the role of forests in ca.bon sequestra.ion. We ha.e for the first... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Decoding molecula. mecha.isms:bra.n a.ing a.d a.zheimer's disea.e
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Neura. Regenera.ion Resea.ch 2025年 第8期20卷 2279-2299页
作者: Ma.noor Ha.a. Ra.a. a.i Syed Ha.ma. Qa.ser Moha.ma. Uza.r Kha.id a.-Rega.ey Roa. Kha.la. Lubna.abdullah Moha.med a.bassam Imda. Ka.eem Xueyi Wa.g Ra. Wa.g Mehwish SBha.ti Sha.id Ba.hir a.ta.ur-Ra.ma. School of a.plied Biosciences(a.a.) National University of Sciences and Technology(NUST)IslamabadPakistan Depa.tment of Biotechnology Quaid-i-Azam UniversityIslamabadPakistan Depa.tment of Biologica. Sciences Faculty of Basic&Applied SciencesInternational Islamic University Islamabad(IIUI)IslamabadPakistan Depa.tment of Bioengineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and MineralsDhahranSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Physiology College of MedicineKing Saud UniversityRiyadhSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Neurology Neuroscience CenterKing Fahad Specialist HospitalDammamSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Menta. Hea.th Neuroscience CenterKing Fahad Specialist HospitalDammamSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Biosciences Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South(COMSATS University)IslamabadPakistan Depa.tment of Psychia.ry The First Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuangHebei ProvinceChina Menta. Hea.th Institute of Hebei Medica. University ShijiazhuangHebei ProvinceChina Depa.tment of Neurobiology a.d Beha.ior University of CaliforniaIrvineCAUSA Neuroscience Center King Fahad Specialist Hospital DammamDammamSaudi Arabia
The complex morphologica.,a.a.omica.,physiologica.,a.d chemica. mecha.isms within the a.ing bra.n ha.e been the hot topic of resea.ch for *** a.ing process a.ters the bra.n structure tha. a.fects functions a.d cogniti... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
La.+ substitution-a.justed ma.netic a.d optica. properties with enha.ced photoca.a.ytic a.tivity a.d sta.ility of copper zinc nickel ferrites for wa.tewa.er trea.ment a.plica.ions
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Journa. of Ra.e Ea.ths 2025年 第2期43卷 319-328页
作者: N.S.a.-bassami Genera. Studies Depa.tment Jubail Industrial College
Copper-zinc-nickel(Cu-Zn-Ni) ferrite na.opa.ticles a.e used for wa.tewa.er trea.ment ***,low degra.a.ion efficiency a.d sta.ility a.e two ma.n issues tha. ma.e them unsuita.le for a.tua. production *** this pa.er,th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Insight into physica. properties of lutetium-ba.ed double ha.f-Heusler a.loys LuXCo_(2)Bi_(2)(X=V,Nb a.d Ta.
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Journa. of Ra.e Ea.ths 2025年 第1期43卷 199-208,I0008页
作者: Sa.er Sa.d Essa.ud Sa.d a. a.a. a.ma. a.Mousa.a.a. Y.a.-Reya.i Na.il a. a.ta.h Moha.med Ela.in Ketfi Depa.tment of Physics Faculty of ScienceUniversity of M'sila28000M'silaAlgeria La.ora.oire de Physique des Pa.ticules et Physique Sta.istique Ecole Normale Superieure-KoubaBP 92Vieux-Kouba16050AlgiersAlgeria Depa.tment of Physics Faculty of ScienceZarqa UniversityZarqa13132Jordan Depa.tment of Ba.ic Sciences Middle East UniversityAmman183Jordan a.plied Science Resea.ch Center Applied Science Private UniversityAmman11937Jordan Depa.tment of Physics Faculty of ScienceThe Hashemite UniversityP.0.Box 330127Zarqa13133Jordan Depa.tment of Electronics Faculty of TechnologyUniversity of M'sila28000M'silaAlgeria
Ba.ed on the density functiona. theory,the double ha.f-Heusler a.loys LuXCo_(2)Bi_(2)(X=V,Nb,a.d Ta.were studied to predict their structura.,thermodyna.ic,thermoelectric,a.d optica. *** the considered a.loys a.e therm... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Sta.us a.d prospects for symmetric orga.ic redox flow ba.teries
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Journa. of Energy Chemistry 2025年 第1期100卷 125-143页
作者: Md a. Ra.ha. C.a.a. Dyker Depa.tment of Chemistry University of New BrunswickFrederictonNB E3B 5A3Canada
a. environmenta. concerns from fossil fuel consumption intensify,la.ge-sca.e energy stora.e becomes impera.ive for the integra.ion of renewa.le sources like wind,hydro,a.d sola. with the electrica. *** flow ba.teries,... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Rosa.moscha.a.a.eliora.es ha.operidol-induced Pa.kinson's disea.e via.reduction of neurodegenera.ion a.d oxida.ive stress
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a.ia. Pa.ific Journa. of Tropica. Biomedicine 2025年 第1期15卷 24-33,I0013-I0015页
作者: Ba.riya. S.a.ota.bi Uzma.Sa.eem Ma.ya. Fa.rukh Zunera.Cha.dha.y Na.ia.a.wa. Ifa. a.sha.if abdullah R.a.a.zi Ta.a.il S.a.bishi Fa.ima.a.Ja.er Weda. Sa.ed a.-Qa.ta.i Muha.ma. a.ma. Sha. Depa.tment of Pha.ma.eutica. Sciences College of PharmacyPrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityP.O.Box 84428Riyadh 11671Saudi Arabia Punja. University College of Pha.ma.y University of the PunjabLahore-54000Pakistan Depa.tment of Pha.ma.ology Faculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesGovt.College UniversityFaisalabad-38000Pakistan Depa.tment of Biology Jamoum University CollegeUmm Al-Qura University-21955 MakkahSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Pha.ma.ognosy College of PharmacyKing Saud UniversityRiyadh-11451Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Biology College of SciencesUmm Al-Qura UniversityMakkahSaudi Arabia Depa.tment of Biologica. Sciences College of ScienceUniversity of JeddahJeddah 21589Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Forensic Sciences College of Criminal JusticeNaif Arab University for Security SciencesP.O.Box 6830Riyadh 11452Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Pha.ma.y Hazara UniversityMansehra-21300Pakistan
Objective:To investiga.e the effect of Rosa.moscha.a.***)extra.t on ha.operidol-induced Pa.kinson’s disea.e(PD)in ***:Ha.operidol(1 mg/kg)wa. given to ra.s intra.eritonea.ly for 3 weeks for induction of *** extra.t(1... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Na.osecond pulse a.d dua.-wa.elength Q-switched 1.5 μm fiber la.er using Ma. pha.e Cr_(2)Tia.C_(2) sa.ura.le a.sorber
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Optoelectronics Letters 2025年 第1期21卷 7-12页
作者: a.med Sha.ir a.-HITI Hiba.Ha.Sa. Depa.tment of Electrica. Engineering Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of AnbarAnbar 31001Iraq Depa.tment of La.er a.d Optoelectronics Engineering University of Technology-IraqBaghdadIraq
We demonstra.ed a.new type of Ma. pha.e ma.eria.,chromium tita.ium a.uminum ca.bide(Cr_(2)Tia.C_(2)) polymer film,to genera.e a.pa.sively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber la.er(EDFL).The film thickness wa. mea.ured to be... 详细信息
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