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  • 1 篇 routing
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  • 1 篇 survival
  • 1 篇 abts
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  • 17 篇 英文
  • 11 篇 中文
28 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
TICA: Transcriptional Interaction and Coregulation Analyzer
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Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2018年 第5期16卷 342-353页
作者: Stefano perna Pietro Pinoli Stefano Ceri Limsoon Wong Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria Politecnico di Milano School of Computing National University of Singapore
Transcriptional regulation is critical to cellular processes of all organisms. Regulatory mechanisms often involve more than one transcription factor(TF) from different families, binding together and attaching to the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Search for two-neutrino double-beta decay of^(136)Xe to the 0^(+)_(1)excited state of 136Ba with the complete EXO-200 dataset
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Chinese Physics C 2023年 第10期47卷 1-9页
作者: S.Al Kharusi G.Anton I.Badhrees P.S.Barbeau D.Beck V.Belov T.Bhatta M.Breidenbach T.Brunner G.F.Cao W.R.Cen C.Chambers B.Cleveland M.Coon A.Craycraft T.Daniels L.Darroch S.J.Daugherty J.Davis S.Delaquis A.Der Mesrobian-Kabakian R.DeVoe J.Dilling A.Dolgolenko M.J.Dolinski J.Echevers W.Fairbank Jr. D.Fairbank J.Farine S.Feyzbakhsh P.Fierlinger Y.S.Fu D.Fudenberg P.Gautam R.Gornea G.Gratta C.Hall E.V.Hansen J.Hoessl P.Hufschmidt M.Hughes A.Iverson A.Jamil C.Jessiman M.J.Jewell A.Johnson A.Karelin L.J.Kaufman T.Koffas R.Krücken A.Kuchenkov K.S.Kumar Y.Lan A.Larson B.G.Lenardo D.S.Leonard G.S.Li S.Li Z.Li C.Licciardi Y.H.Lin R.MacLellan T.McElroy T.Michel B.Mong D.C.Moore K.Murray O.Njoya O.Nusair A.Odian I.Ostrovskiy a.perna A.Piepke A.Pocar F.Retière A.L.Robinson P.C.Rowson J.Runge S.Schmidt D.Sinclair K.Skarpaas A.K.Soma V.Stekhanov M.Tarka S.Thibado J.Todd T.Tolba T.I.Totev R.Tsang B.Veenstra V.Veeraraghavan P.Vogel J.-L.Vuilleumier M.Wagenpfeil J.Watkins M.Weber L.J.Wen U.Wichoski G.Wrede S.X.Wu Q.Xia D.R.Yahne L.Yang Y.-R.Yen O.Ya.Zeldovich T.Ziegler Physics Department McGill UniversityMontrealQuebec H3A 2T8Canada Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics(ECAP) Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-NürnbergErlangen 91058Germany Physics Department Carleton UniversityOttawaOntario K1S 5B6Canada Department of Physics Duke Universityand Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory(TUNL)DurhamNorth Carolina 27708USA Physics Department University of IllinoisUrbana-ChampaignIllinois 61801USA Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I.Alikhanov of National Research Centre“Kurchatov Institute” Moscow 117218Russia Department of Physics University of South DakotaVermillionSouth Dakota 57069USA SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo ParkCalifornia 94025USA TRIUMF VancouverBritish Columbia V6T 2A3Canada Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing 100049China Department of Physics Laurentian UniversitySudburyOntario P3E 2C6Canada Physics Department Colorado State UniversityFort CollinsColorado 80523USA Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina at WilmingtonWilmingtonNC 28403USA Physics Department and CEEM Indiana UniversityBloomingtonIndiana 47405USA Physics Department Stanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia 94305USA Department of Physics Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19104USA Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions and Physics Department University of MassachusettsAmherstMA 01003USA Technische Universität München Physikdepartment and Excellence Cluster UniverseGarching 80805Germany Physics Department University of MarylandCollege ParkMaryland 20742USA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of AlabamaTuscaloosaAlabama 35487USA Wright Laboratory Department of PhysicsYale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06511USA IBS Center for Underground Physics Daejeon 34126Korea Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook UniversitySUNYStony BrookNew York 11794USA Kellogg Lab CaltechPasadenaCalifornia 91125USA LHEP Albert Einstein CenterUniversi
A new search for two-neutrino double-beta(2νββ)decay of^(136)Xe to the 0+1 excited state of 136Ba is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset.A deep learning-based convolutional neural network is used to discriminat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Resveratrol corrects aberrant splicing of RYR1 pre-mRNA and Ca2+ signal in myotonic dystrophy type 1 myotubes
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Neural Regeneration Research 2020年 第9期15卷 1757-1766页
作者: Massimo Santoro Roberto Piacentini Alessia.perna Eugenia Pisano Anna Severino Anna Modoni Claudio Grassi Gabriella Silvestri IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi MilanItaly Department of Neuroscience Universita Cattolica del Sacro CuoreRomeItaly Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Sciences Universita Cattolica del Sacro CuoreRomeItaly Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli IRCCS RomeItaly
Myotonic dystrophy type 1(DM1) is a spliceopathy related to the mis-splicing of several genes caused by sequestration of nuclear transcriptional RNA-binding factors from non-coding CUG repeats of DMPK pre-mRNAs. Dysre... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Stepwise approach and surgery for gallbladder adenomyomatosis: a mini-review
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Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International 2013年 第2期12卷 136-142页
作者: Gianluca Pellino Guido Sciaudone Giuseppe Candilio Giuseppe perna Antonio Santoriello Silvestro Canonico Francesco SelvaggiAuthor Unit of General and Geriatric Surgery School of Medicine Second University of Naples
BACKGROUND: Gallbladder adenomyomatosis (GBA) is a hyperplastic disease affecting the wall of the gallbladder, with some typical features. It has historically been considered a benign condition, nevertheless recent re... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Review on microbiota and effectiveness of probiotics use in older
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World Journal of Clinical Cases 2015年 第2期3卷 156-162页
作者: Mariangela Rondanelli Attilio Giacosa Milena Anna Faliva Simone perna Francesca Allieri Anna Maria Castellazzi Department of Applied Health Sciences Azienda di Servizi alla Persona di PaviaUniversity of Pavia Department of Public Health Experimental and Forensic MedicineSchool of MedicineUniversity of PaviaAzienda di Servizi alla Persona di Pavia Department of Gastroenterology Policlinico di Monza Department of Clinical-Surgical Diagnostic and Pediatrics SciencesUniversity of Pavia
The aim of the present systematic review is to summarize the existing knowledge about the human microbiota in the elderly and the effects of probiotics in elderly population. The elderly subjects, compared to adult po... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Optimization of UMTS Network Planning Using Genetic Algorithms
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Communications and Network 2010年 第3期2卷 193-199页
作者: Fabio Garzia Cristina.perna Roberto Cusani 不详
The continuously growing of cellular networks complexity, which followed the introduction of UMTS technology, has reduced the usefulness of traditional design tools, making them quite unworthy. The purpose of this pap... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Two-stage surgical treatment for septic non-union of the forearm
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World Journal of Orthopedics 2017年 第6期8卷 471-477页
作者: Fabrizio perna Federico Pilla Matteo Nanni Lisa Berti Giada Lullini Francesco Traina Cesare Faldini Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
AIM To investigate the effectiveness of a two-stage surgical procedure for the treatment of septic forearm *** Septic non-unions are rare complications of forearm fractures. When they occur, they modify the relationsh... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ad Hoc Network Hybrid Management Protocol Based on Genetic Classifiers
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Wireless Engineering and Technology 2010年 第2期1卷 69-80页
作者: Fabio Garzia Cristina.perna Roberto Cusani 不详
The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of Ad Hoc network routing protocol using a Genetic Algorithm based approach. In particular, the greater reliability and efficiency, in term of duration of communicatio... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Adaptive immune response during hepatitis C virus infection
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014年 第13期20卷 3418-3430页
作者: Juan Ramon Larrubia Elia Moreno-Cubero Megha Uttam Lokhande Silvia Garcia-Garzon Alicia Lazaro Joaquin Miquel Cristian perna Eduardo Sanz-de-Villalobos Translational Hepatology Unit Guadalajara University HospitalUniversity of AlcalaE-19002 GuadalajaraSpain Department of Medicine and Medical Specialities School of MedicineUniversity of AlcalaE-28801 Alcala de HenaresSpain
Hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection affects about 170 million people worldwide and it is a major cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular *** is a hepatotropic non-cytopathic virus able to persist in a great percentage... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Very low calorie ketogenic diet and common rheumatic disorders:A case report
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World Journal of Clinical Cases 2023年 第9期11卷 1985-1991页
作者: Mariangela Rondanelli Zaira Patelli Clara Gasparri Francesca Mansueto Cinzia Ferraris Mara Nichetti Tariq A Alalwan Ignacio Sajoux Roberto Maugeri Simone perna Department of Public Health Experimental and Forensic MedicineUnit of Human and Clinical NutritionIRCCS Mondino FoundationPavia 27100Italy Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit Azienda di Servizi alla Persona"Istituto Santa Margherita"University of PaviaPavia 27100Italy Food Education and Sport Nutrition Laboratory Department of Public HealthExperimental and Forensic MedicineUniversity of PaviaPavia 27100Italy Department of Biology College of ScienceUniversity of BahrainSakhir 32038Bahrain Chief Scientific Office Medical Department Pronokal GroupBarcelona 08001Spain Medical Direction PronoKal GroupSavigliano 12038Italy
BACKGROUND The scientific literature provides evidence that nutritional ketosis can be an important support in the treatment of pathologies in which inflammation is present,as recent studies have shown that ketone bod... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论