a.M: To compa.e resistin mRNa.expression in subcuta.eous a.ipose tissue (Sa.) a.d its correla.ion with insulin resista.ce (IR) in postmenopa.sa. obese women. METHODS: a.tota. of 68 postmenopa.sa. women (non obese = 34...
a.M: To compa.e resistin mRNa.expression in subcuta.eous a.ipose tissue (Sa.) a.d its correla.ion with insulin resista.ce (IR) in postmenopa.sa. obese women. METHODS: a.tota. of 68 postmenopa.sa. women (non obese = 34 a.d obese = 34) were enrolled for the study. The women of the two groups were a.e ma.ched (49-70 yea.s). Fa.ting blood sa.ples were collected a. a.mission a.d a.domina. Sa. wa. obta.ned during surgery for ga.l bla.der stones or hysterectomy. Physica. pa.a.eters [a.e, height, weight, body ma.s index (BMI)] were mea.ured. Biochemica. (pla.ma.insulin a.d pla.ma.glucose) pa.a.eters were estima.ed by enzyma.ic methods. RNa.wa. isola.ed by the Trizol *** resistin mRNa.expression wa. done by rea. time- reverse tra.scription polymera.e cha.n rea.tion (RT-PCR) by using Qua.ti Tect SYBR Green RT-PCR ma.ter mix. Da.a.wa. a.a.yzed using independent Student's t test, correla.ion a.d simple linea. regression a.a.ysis. RESULTS: The mea. weight (52.81 ± 8.04 k. vs 79.56 ± 9.91 k.; P k./m 2 vs 32.19 ± 4.86 k./m 2 ; P a.d homeosta.is model a.sessment index (2.01 ± 0.73 vs 3.96 ± 0.61; P a.tly higher in postmenopa.sa. obese women compa.ed to postmenopa.sa. non obese women. The mea. serum resistin level wa. a.so significa.tly higher in postmeno-pa.sa. obese women compa.ed to postmenopa.sa. non obese women (9.05 ± 5.15 vs 13.92 ± 6.32, P a. Sa. resistin mRNa.expression wa. a.so significa.tly (0.023 ± 0.008 vs 0.036 ± 0.009; P a.d over expressed 1.62 fold (upregula.ed) in postmenopa.sa. obese women compa.ed to postmenopa.sa. non obese women. In postmeno-pa.sa. obese women, the rela.ive Sa. resistin mRNa.expression showed positive (direct) a.d significa.t correla.ion with BMI (r = 0.78, P a.d serum resistin (r = 0.76, P < 0.001). Furt
PURPOSE: To eva.ua.e the clinica.a.d volumetric improvement 1 week.a.ter a. injection of intra.itrea. tria.cinolone a.etonide in eyes with dia.etic ma.ula. oedema. Methods: Seven pha.ic eyes of seven dia.etic pa.ient...
PURPOSE: To eva.ua.e the clinica. a.d volumetric improvement 1 week.a.ter a. injection of intra.itrea. tria.cinolone a.etonide in eyes with dia.etic ma.ula. oedema. Methods: Seven pha.ic eyes of seven dia.etic pa.ients dia.nosed with clinica.ly significa.t ma.ula. oedema.were trea.ed with a.single 4-mg intra.itrea. injection of tria.cinolone a.etonide (0.1ml). LogMa. best corrected visua. a.uity (logMa. BCVa., best corrected rea.ing a.ility (Ra., a.d centra. ma.ula. thick.ess (CMT) with optica. coherence tomogra.hy (OCT) were a.sessed prior a.d 1week.subsequent to trea.ment. Results: Mea. improvement in logMa. BCVa.wa. 0.146 (P=0.03). Mea. reduction in CMT wa. 150.9 μm (P=0.02, Wilcoxon signedra.k.test). Mea. improvement in Ra.wa. 3 lines. Conclusion: Reduction in ma.ula. oedema.wa. demonstra.ed on OCT a. 1 week. in most ca.es a.socia.ed with improvement in centra. visua. function, in pa.ticula., rea.ing a.ility. Tota. resolution of dia.etic ma.ula. oedema.ma. occur a. 1 week.following intra.itrea. steroid injection.