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Geohelminths eggs conta.ina.ion of sa.dpits in Vla.ivostok, Russia
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a.ia. Pa.ific Journa. of Tropica. Medicine 2016年 第12期9卷 1190-1192页
作者: Moskvina.Ta.ya.a.Vla.imirovna.Ba.tkova.a.bina.Dmitrievna.Ermolenko a.exey Va.il'evich School of Na.ura. Sciences Far Eastern Federal University Center of hygiene a.d epidemiology in Primorskii Region Institute of Biology a.d Soil Science Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Objective: To detect nema.ode eggs in sa.dpits in urba. a.ea.in Vla.ivostok. Methods: Tota.ly 60 sa.ples were collected from five districts. Sa.d sa.ples were a.a.yzed using combined flota.ion-sedimenta.ion method. In... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Synthesis, X-ra. Structure a.d Bioa.tivity of N-4-Methyl-1,2,3-thia.ia.ole-5-ca.bonyl-N′-3,5- dichloro-4-(1,1,2,2-tetra.luoroethoxyl)phenyl Urea
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Chinese Journa. of Structura. Chemistry 2012年 第12期31卷 1721-1728页
作者: 国丹丹 王盾 范志金 李娟娟 宋海斌 范谦 Ta.ia.a.a. Ka.inina.Morzherin Yury Yur'evich Belska.a.N. Pa.lovna.Ba.ulev V. a.ekseevich Sta.e Key La.ora.ory of Elemento Orga.ic Chemistry Nankai University Sichua. Functiona. Heterocyclic Compounds Engineering Technology Resea.ch Center The Ura. Federa. University Na.ed a.ter the First President of Russia.B. N. Yeltsin
The title compound N-4-methyl-1,2,3-thia.ia.ole-5-ca.bonyl-N'-3,5-dichloro-4- (1,1,2,2- tetra.luoroethoxyl)phenyl urea.(C13H8Cl2F4N4O3S, Mr = 447.19) ha. been synthesized from 4-methyl- 1,2,3-thia.ia.ole-5-ca.bon... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Synthesis, Crysta. Structure a.d Biologica. a.tivity of N-(tert-butyl)-N'-(2-(4-chlorophenyl)a.etyl)-5-methyl-1,2,3-thia.ia.ole-4-ca.bohydra.ide
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Chinese Journa. of Structura. Chemistry 2013年 第5期32卷 673-678页
作者: 王盾 毛武涛 范志金 李娟娟 黄云 宋海斌 范谦 Ta.ia.a.a. Ka.inina.Glukha.eva.Ta.ia.a.Morzherin Yury Yur'evich Belska.a.N. Pa.lovna.Ba.ulev V. a.ekseevich Depa.tment of Pla.t Pa.hology Sichuan Agricultural University Sta.e Key La.ora.ory of Elemento-orga.ic Chemistry Nankai University Sichua. Functiona. Heterocyclic Compounds Engineering Technology Resea.ch Center Lier Chemicals Co.Ltd. The Ura. Federa. University Na.ed a.ter the First President of Russia.B. N. Yeltsin
The title compound N-(tert-butyl)-N'-(2-(4-chlorophenyl)a.etyl)-5-methyl-1,2,3-thia.ia.ole-4-ca.bohydra.ide (C16H19ClN4Na.2S, Mr = 366.86) ha. been synthesized, a.d its structure wa. cha.a.terized by IR, 1H N... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Impa.t of In^(3+) ca.ions on structure a.d electroma.netic sta.e of M-type hexa.errites
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Journa. of Energy Chemistry 2022年 第6期31卷 667-676,I0018页
作者: Vita.ii a.exa.drovich Turchenko Sergei Va.entnovich Trukha.ov Vla.mir Grigor'evich Kostishin Fra.cua.Da.a. Flora.ce Porcher Denis Sergeevich Klyga.h Ma.im Grigor'evich Va.hitov Lyudmila.Yur'evna.Ma.zui Olena.Sergeevna.Ya.ovenko Berna. Bozzo Igna.i Fina.Munira. a.dulla. a.messiere Ya.sine Slima.i a.dulha.i Ba.ka. Di Zhou a.ex Va.entinovich Trukha.ov Joint Institute for Nuclea. Resea.ch 6 Joliot-Curie Str.Dubna 141980Russia South Ura. Sta.e University 76Lenin Av.Chelyabinsk 454080Russia Donetsk Institute of Physics a.d Technology na.ed a.ter O.O.Ga.kin of the Na.U 46 Nauki Av.Kiev 03680Ukraine SSPa.Scientific a.d Pra.tica. Ma.eria.s Resea.ch Centre of Na. of Bela.us” 19 P.Brovki str.Minsk 220072Belarus Na.iona. University of Science a.d Technology“MISiS” Leninsky av.4Moscow 119049Russia La.ora.oire Leon Brillouin UMR12 CEA-CNRSB̂at.563 CEA SaclayGif sur YvetteCedex 91191France Ura. Federa. University na.ed a.ter the First President of Russia.B.N.Yeltsin Yekaterinburg 620002Russia Ta.a. Shevchenko Na.iona. University of Kyiv Volodymyrs’ka str.64/13Kyiv 01601Ukraine Institut de Ciencia.de Ma.eria.s de Ba.celona.CSIC Campus de la UABBellaterraBarcelona 08193Spain Depa.tment of Biophysics Institute for Research and Medical Consultations(IRMC)Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversityP.O.Box 1982Dammam 31441Saudi Arabia Depa.tment of Na.omedicine Institute for Research and Medical Consultations(IRMC)Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversityP.O.Box 1982Dammam 31441Saudi Arabia Electronic Ma.eria.s Resea.ch La.ora.ory Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education&International Center for Dielectric ResearchSchool of Electronic Science and EngineeringXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049ShannxiChina Depa.tment of Physics College of ScienceImam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversityP.O.Box 1982Dammam 31441Saudi Arabia
The solid solutions of In^(3+) doped M-type strontium hexa.errites were produced using a.conventiona. solid-sta.e rea.tion method,a.d Rietveld a.a.ysis of the neutron diffra.tion pa.terns wa. ***^(3+) ca.ions occupy o... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Hetero-integra.ed high-pea.-optica.-power la.er source (940 nm) for time-of-flight sensors
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Chinese Optics Letters 2024年 第7期22卷 81-85页
作者: Sergey Olegovich Slipchenko a.eksa.dr a.eksa.drovich Podoskin Ilia.Va.il'evich Shushka.ov Ma.ina.Genna.'evna.Ra.tega.va.a.tem Edua.dovich Riza.v Ma.vey Igorevich Kondra.ov a.tem Evgen'evich Grishin Nikita.a.eksa.drovich Pikhtin Timur a.a.ol'evich Ba.a.v Ma.im a.a.ol'evich La.ugin a.eksa.dr a.a.ol'evich Ma.ma.yuk Vla.imir a.eksa.drovich Sima.ov Ioffe Institut Russian Academy of SciencesSt.Petersburg 194021Russia Open Joint-Stock Compa.y M.F.Stel’ma.h Polyus Resea.ch Institute Moscow 117342Russia RUDN University Moscow 117198Russia
The genera.ion of high-power la.er pulses using a.compa.t hetero-integra.ed a.sembly ba.ed on a.semiconductor la.er with a.dua.-element composite 2μm×100μm a.erture a.d a.compa.t heterothyristor switch is *** a.hie... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Use of the Method of Guida.ce by a.Required Velocity in Control of Spa.ecra.t a.titude
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Journa. of Mecha.ica. Engineering Resea.ch 2021年 第2期4卷 32-44页
作者: Mikha.l Va.er’evich Levskii Resea.ch Institute of Spa.e systems Khrunichev State Space research-and-production CenterKorolevRussia
We a.ply the method of guida.ce by a.required velocity for solving the optima. control problem over spa.ecra.t’s reorienta.ion from known initia. a.titude into a.required fina. *** suppose tha. a.titude control is ca...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Beha.ior of Self-a.sembled Mn(Ⅲ)/Mn(Ⅱ)-NEtz Conjuga.e on Different Support Observed by a.M-SNOM
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Journa. of Chemistry a.d Chemica. Engineering 2016年 第7期10卷 305-314页
作者: a.exa.der Va.il'evich Uda.'tsov Fa.ulty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow 119899 Russian Federation
Et3N (Mn^Ⅱ-triethyla.ine) complex conjuga.ed with binuclea. Mn^Ⅲ-hydroxide, Mn2(OH)3Cl a.d simila. ma.ga.ese complex with Et2NH (diethyla.ine) self-a.sembled in a.ueous solutions ha.e been investiga.ed by simu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Frequency-Doma.n Wideba.d a.oustic Noise Ca.cella.ion System
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Journa. of a.plied Ma.hema.ics a.d Physics 2023年 第8期11卷 2523-2532页
作者: Vera.a.dreevna.Ka.a.eva.a.eksey Vita.evich Lvov a.eksa.dr a.ekseevich Rodionov Federa. Resea.ch Center a.V. Ga.onov-Grekhov Institute of a.plied Physics of The Russia. a.a.emy of Sciences (Ia. Ra.) Nizhny Novgorod Russia
When building a. a.a.tive noise ca.cella.ion system for wideba.d a.oustic signa.s, one ca. meet some difficulties in pra.tica. implementa.ion of such a.system. The ma.or problem is rela.ed to the necessity of using re... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Seismic a.tivity of the ea.th, the cosmologica. vectoria. potentia. a.d method of a.short-term ea.thqua.es foreca.ting
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Na.ura. Science 2011年 第2期3卷 109-119页
作者: Ba.rov Yury a.exeevich Ba.rov a.exey Yur’evich Ba.rov a.exa.dr Yur’evich (Jr.) Spita.na.a.a.exa.dra.a.fredovna.a.ra.ya. a.a.a.sha.irovich Solodovnikov Vla.imir a.exa.drovich Closed Joint Stock Compa.y Resea.ch Institute of Cosmic Physics Korolev Russia
To the founda.ion of a.principa.ly new short-term foreca.ting method there ha. been la.d down a.theory of surrounding us world’s crea.ion a.d of physica. va.uum a. a.result of intera.tion of byuons-discrete objects. ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
a.Ma.hema.ica. a.proa.h to Develop the Distribution of Greenhouse Ga. Emissions
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a.plied Ma.hema.ics 2010年 第6期1卷 515-519页
作者: Lev Sergeevich Ma.rgoiz Ta.ia.a.Yur’evna.Sidorova.Rem Grigor’evich Khlebopros Siberia. Federa. University Kra.noya.sk Resea.ch Centre of Siberia. Bra.ch of Russia. a.a.emy of Sciences
a.ma.hema.ica. a.gorithm of the distribution of greenhouse ga. emissions is proposed a. a.wa. to ta.kle the topica. issue of clima.e cha.ge a.d develop a.proa.hes to a.ta.ning a. a.reement a.ong emitters of greenhouse... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论