Considerable irreversible capacity loss was observed after the electrode standing at small state-of-charge (SOC) for only a short term. Influence of SOC, standing time and the replacement elements of LaNis-type hydr...
Considerable irreversible capacity loss was observed after the electrode standing at small state-of-charge (SOC) for only a short term. Influence of SOC, standing time and the replacement elements of LaNis-type hydrogen storage alloys to standing was discussed. Charge-transfer resistance, exchange current density (I0), and hydrogen diffusion coefficient were determined based on the study of electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS), linear polarization (LP) and constant potential step (CPS), respectively. The oxi- dation of metal Ni on the alloy surface after standing was responsible for the rapid deterioration of capacity, charge-transfer resistance and I0. Galvanostatic, LP, EIS and CPS measurements suggested the presence of an oxide and/or corrosion layer on the alloy surface of raw material and electrode after standing at 0% SOC for 2 d. It was proved that the first small semicircle in high-frequency region of EIS was related to this layer. Novel EIS model in metal hydride electrode was proposed accordingly.
以从白酒糟醅中分离得到的28株细菌为材料,通过高浓度莠去津固态培养基培养和高效液相色谱检测,筛选得到莠去津降解能力较强的菌株,研究这些菌株的生长动态、莠去津降解动态、共代谢物和环境条件对菌株莠去津降解率的影响。结果表明,10株菌具有降解莠去津的潜能(莠去津降解率为13.3%~41.4%),其中XQB-1、XQB-21、XQB-24和XQB-33的莠去津降解率均大于30%。对这4株菌而言,培养72 h时的生长达到对数生长期,莠去津的降解率达到峰值;共代谢物葡糖糖、柠檬酸钠、蔗糖和丁二酸的添加能促进菌株降解莠去津农药,特别是添加葡萄糖可使菌株XQB-1和XQB-33的莠去津降解率分别提高15.2%和14.3%;环境因素对菌株降解莠去津的能力有明显影响,4菌株对莠去津的最适降解条件为接种量为2%、莠去津质量浓度100~200mg/L、培养基初始pH值为5~6、培养温度为30℃、装液量为75~100 m L/150 m L。