Influence of the Percentage of Polar and Non-polar Amino-acids in the β-tubulin gene of the Nematophagous fungus: Arthrobotrys musiformis in conferring Benzimidazole Resistance
作者单位:Department of Biotechnology Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya Gandhinagar-382023 Gujarat India BRD School of Biosciences Sardar Patel UniversityVallabh Vidyanagar-388120 Gujarat India King Fahad Medical Research Center Faculty of Medicine King Abdul Aziz UniversityJeddah Saudi Arabia
会议名称:《2012 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology(ICBBT 2012)》
关 键 词:β-tubulin genes Arthrobotrys musiformis benzimidazole non-polar amino acids
摘 要:Arthrobotrys musiformis is a biocontrol agent which can be used in the integrated pest management strategies. Although this isolate was found to show high benzimidazole resistance as compared to the other biocontrol agents, considering the dose of administration of anthelmintics, a need for developing an improved strain of this fungus resistant to chemical anthelimintics was observed. In our earlier study improved strains of Arthrobotrys musiformis were obtained using random mutagenesis technique. Reports suggest benzimidazole resistance to be caused by point mutations in β-tubulin gene. The current study therefore focuses on analyzing the β-tubulin genes of the selected mutants in comparison with the wild type fungus to understand its role in benzimidazole resistance. All the mutants were analyzed for their LD50 values followed by sequencing of the β-tubulin genes. A cladogram was generated of the sequenced β-tubulin genes followed by a detailed study of the sequences in terms of their amino acid composition and mutations. The results suggest increased percentage of non-polar amino acids in the β-tubulin gene to confer higher benzimidazole resistance to this fungus.