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Resistance and Seakeeping Numerical Performance Analyses of a Semi-Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull at Medium to High Speeds

Resistance and Seakeeping Numerical Performance Analyses of a Semi-Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull at Medium to High Speeds

作     者:Giuliano Vernengo Dario Bruzzone 

作者机构:Electrical Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Naval Architecture Department (DITEN) University of Genoa Genoa 16145 Italy 

出 版 物:《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 (船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2016年第15卷第1期

页      面:1-7页


学科分类:08[工学] 0824[工学-船舶与海洋工程] 082401[工学-船舶与海洋结构物设计制造] 

主  题:small waterplane area twin hull (SWATH) semi-SWATH ship resistance seakeeping response amplitude operators boundary element method rankine source distribution 

摘      要:The hydrodynamic analysis of a new semi-small waterplane area twin hull (SWATH) suitable for various applications such as small and medium size passenger ferries is presented. This may be an attractive crossover configuration resulting from the merging of two classical shapes: a conventional SWATH and a fast catamaran. The final hull design exhibits a wedge-like waterline shape with the maximum beam at the stem; the hull ends with a very narrow entrance angle, has a prominent bulbous bow typical of SWATH vessels, and features full stern to arrange waterjet propellers. Our analysis aims to perform a preliminary assessment of the hydrodynamic performance of a hull with such a complex shape both in terms of resistance of the hull in calm water and seakeeping capability in regular head waves and compare the performance with that of a conventional SWATH. The analysis is performed using a boundary element method that was preliminarily validated on a conventional SWATH vessel.

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