Analysis of Maternal Mortality in Obstetrics and Anesthesia Resuscitation in 15 Years at Chu Point“G”about 389 Cases Bamako/Mali
作者机构:Obstetric Gynecology Service of C.H.U Point“G”BamakoMali Obstetric Gynecology Service of C.H.U Gabriel TOURE”BamakoMali Common Reference Health Center Commune IIBamakoMali Obstetric Gynecology Service of C.H.U KATIBamakoMali Obstetrics Gynecology Service of CHU Hospital DU MaliBamakoMali Common Reference Health Center Commune VBamakoMali
出 版 物:《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 (妇产科期刊(英文))
年 卷 期:2020年第10卷第2期
页 面:243-253页
学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100211[医学-妇产科学] 10[医学]
主 题:Hemorrhage High Blood Pressure Maternal Death Partographe Prenatal Consultation
摘 要:Objective: Analyze the maternal mortality in the two departments of CHU Point “G in Bamako, because of high maternal mortality rate in our country. Material and Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study on maternal deaths from February 19, 2005 to November 19, 2019 for patients admitted in both departments and who died during the pregnancy-puerperal period at CHU Point “G. All the patients who died outside this pregnancy-puerperal period were not retained. The data were entered and analyzed using SPSS 12.0 software. The statistical test used was that of Chi2, the statistical significance threshold was fixed at 5%. Results: During our study, we recorded 389 maternal deaths out of 16,033 admissions in 15 years and 18,060 live births during the same period making a maternal mortality ratio of 2153.931 and a frequency of 2.426. At the end of our study, we noted that the frequency of maternal deaths was higher in 2014: 12.9% (50/389). The maternal death predominantly affected women aged of 20 - 24 with a frequency of 22.4% (87/389). The multiparity (166/389 making 42.7%), illiteracy (341/389 making 87.7%), the poor evacuation conditions (non-medicalized transport): 263/389 making 67.6%;the evacuation without any evacuation sheet: 259/389 making 66.6%), poor CPN (Prenatal consultation) quality (undone CPN: 191/389 making 49.1%) and the poor monitoring of delivery works (no use of partograph in 343/389 making 88.2%) were the factors favoring maternal deaths. The main causes of maternal deaths were direct in 231/389 making 59.4% with hemorrhage in first line: 21.1% (82/389), infection (61/389 cases making 15.68%), dystocia: 50 cases making 12.85% and high blood pressure and complications (38/389 making 9.76%);indirect in 158/389 cases making 40.6% (Figures 1-3). The majority of women 65.8% (256/389) of our patients died in the gynecology and obstetrics department;in the Resuscitation department 73/389 making 18.8%;in the operating room 43/389 making 11.1% and