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'anaplasma camelii' in one-humped camels () in Morocco: a novel and emergingspecies?

作者机构:InstitutAgronomiqueetVétérinaireHassanIIRabatMorocco DépartementdemédecinechirurgieetreproductionMadinatAlIrfaneRabatInstitutsIAVHassanIIBP6202Rabat10101MoroccoInstitutAgronomiqueetVétérinaireHassanIIRabatMoroccoInstitutAgronomiqueetVétérinaireHassanIIRabatMoroccoInstitutAgronomiqueetVétérinaireHassanIIRabatMoroccoAnsesENVAINRABIPARMaisons-AlfortFranceDivisionofInfectionandPathwayMedicineSchoolofBiomedicalSciencesCollegeofMedicineandVeterinaryMedicineTheUniversityofEdinburghEdinburghUK CevaSantéAnimaleLibourneFranceAnsesENVAINRABIPARMaisons-AlfortFranceINP-ENVTToulouseFranc 

出 版 物:《贫困所致传染病(英文)》 (Infectious Diseases of Poverty)

年 卷 期:2017年第1期


主  题:Anaplasma camelii Tick-borne One-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) groEL Phylogeny Morocco 

摘      要:Background: There has been a growing interest in camel anaplasmosis due to its recent emergence in this reservoir species and concerns for its zoonotic potential. The epidemiology of anaplasmosis in camels therefore remains poorly understood mostly because camels belong to marginalised poor and often transhumant populations whose interests are largely neglected. Most studies of anaplasmosis in camels have relied on microscopy and serology for diagnosis and only three studies, undertaken in Tunisia, Saudia Arabia and China, have used molecular diagnostics. The present work characterises Anaplasmataceae strains circulating in theCamelus dromedarius reservoir in Morocco using ***: Camels (n = 106) were randomly sampled from 6 regions representing different agro-ecological areas in southern Morocco. Whole blood was collected and screened using PCR methods targeting the genegroEL. Anaplasmataceae strains were characterised by sequence analysis of the ***: A total of 39.62% (42/106) camels screened were positive for Anaplasmataceae spp. GenBank BLAST analysis of five positive sequenced samples revealed that all strains were 100% identical to Candidatus Anaplasma camelii . Phylogenetic investigation and genetic characterisation of the aligned segment (650 bp) of the genegroEL confirmed high similarity withA. ***: This study demonstrates the circulation of a previously unidentified species of the genusAnaplasma in Morocco which is genetically close to the agent causing canine anaplasmosis but whose main reservoir is thought to beCamelus dromedarius. Trial registration number: This study is not a clinical trial and therefore a trial registration number does not apply.

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